Those poor Air Traffic Controlers!

by charlie brown jr. 30 Replies latest social current

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    7 found sleeping on duty because boo hoo long work hrs...

    1 watching a movie over the INTERNET accidentally has it go on the Airwaves....

    Thousands of people in the air ..their lives in the hands of these Overworked Asses!

    We are so concerned about safety that we MUST feel up a 6 yr old who wants to board an airplane ONLY to have those who's job it is to make sure Planes can take off and land safely ...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!

    What would happen to you if you were found sleeping on your JOB????

    An Understanding Boss saying yes I know you are putting long hrs in everyday ....I mean we only pay you $50.00 per hour to do your job....let's see how we can make it easier for you!!!

    Ok maybe not $50 per hour but still.......

    Why should we feel sorry for these Dicks??? Next time you get felt up to board an Airplane that you paid TOP Dollar for...remember someone is sleeping so you can fly in safety!!!!

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    This just in.....

    First Lady was in Danger while her plane was landing .......A plane on the ground on the Runway was in the way......

    They believe the Air Traffic Controller was .....(wait for it).................. ASLEEP!!!!

  • NomadSoul

    Awesome, I like a bit of risk.

  • RubaDub

    I just don't understand how their work rules allow them to only have a 8 hour break between shifts. That's insane.

    If I am done work let's say at 4PM and I have to be back to work at midnight ???

    How can the Federal Govt have people working in such stressful environments working 16 hours in a 24 hour day ???

    It doesn't make any difference in that the next day they may be off the entire day. Wonderful.

    If you get off an 8 hour shift and want to get some real sleep before going back to work another 8 hour shift, good luck (or should I say, good fortune).

    Rub a Dub

  • Robdar

    I don't understand the point you are trying to make. Are you saying that the air traffic controllers are at fault for being overworked and not given enough time to rest?

    After taking ASFAB in high school, the US Air Force tried to recruit me as an air traffic controller. Being a JW at the time, we know how that turned out. Still, I was impressed with myself that the Air Force would make several attempts to recruit me and so did a little reading on the subject. If you want to also read up on the topic:

    "Controllers usually control several planes at a time, often making quick decisions about completely different activities. During busy times, they must work rapidly and efficiently. It takes total concentration to keep track of several planes at the same time and to make certain that all pilots receive correct instructions. The mental stress of being responsible for the safety of several aircraft and their passengers can be exhausting. Unlike tower controllers, radar controllers also have the extra stress of having to work in semi-darkness, never seeing the actual aircraft they control except as a small “blip” on the radarscope. Controllers who work in flight service stations work in offices close to the communications and computer equipment."

    The job is highly stressful and exhausting. It is considered to be one of the most stressful jobs in the world. Research has shown that when controllers remain ‘in position’ for more than two hours without a break, performance can deteriorate rapidly, even at low traffic levels. Most countries, except for the USA, ensure that the ATC work for a couple of hours and then get some time off to rest. Here, in the good ol' USA, most ot the ATC work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Also, most of the controllers work swing shifts making it hard for the body to adjust because of its circadian rhythms.

    If our air safety is so important (and it is) then why isn't the FAA being held responsible for not giving their "dicks" enough time to get some decent rest while on duty?

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    If you can't handle it............ FIND ANOTHER JOB!!!!!!

    Are we making excuses for these Slobs???

    I worked in Snow removal and worked 50+ hrs often straight and was not allowed the luxury of SLEEPING ON THE JOB!!!!!!!!

    How many in this country are looking for work???

    Tell you what..where do I sign up??? Fed Benifits.... retire with 20yrs served? I know many who retired Fed Jobs at 50 yrs old!!!

    Making these Slobs sound like they have it tuff makes me want to Puke!!!!!!!

    I'm sure they are forced to work 8 hrs on 8 hrs off .....many are just Money hungry "Oh I'll take that shift if you don't want it!"

    So whats the excuse for watching a Movie when your supposed to watch the screen of Planes????

    I know....."I don't have time to watch classic movies on my time....but at work....I have time"

  • Berengaria

    Blame Reagan.

    Bravo Rob. Perfect example of the deterioration of the workforce when you gut the unions. Take a look at the coal mines with and without unions, and which ones have more accidents and injuries/deaths.

  • drewcoul


    I agree. I at one time (about 20 years ago) thought about being an ATC. Then, an elder from my hall showed me a couple of the books I would need to study. I said....."I think I'll do something else instead."

    That being said, in the private sector, there is no allowance for people to be sleeping on the job. If you fall asleep on the job, you can, and should be, fired. Period. But leave it to the Federal Government to see a problem and solve it by HIRING MORE ATC's. You see, the problem wasn't that they didn't have enough ATC's, the problem was the ATC's weren't doing performing their duties. IF they can't do the job, they need to be fired. THere are hundreds of other ATC's that don't fall asleep on the job.

  • Berengaria
    That being said, in the private sector, there is no allowance for people to be sleeping on the job. If you fall asleep on the job, you can, and should be, fired. Period. But leave it to the Federal Government to see a problem and solve it by HIRING MORE ATC's. You see, the problem wasn't that they didn't have enough ATC's, the problem was the ATC's weren't doing performing their duties. IF they can't do the job, they need to be fired. THere are hundreds of other ATC's that don't fall asleep on the job.


  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    Ok I forgot this is America...... We make excuses for those WHO DON'T DO THEIR JOB!!!

    But stand in line for coffee more than 5 mins YOU ASK FOR SOMEONES BALLS TO GET CHOPPED OFF!!!

    Tonight alone..... 3 more stories of ATC being totally inappropriate!

    Are you saying that the air traffic controllers are at fault for being overworked and not given enough time to rest?

    Yes I am!!! Find a Cop sleeping in a Patrol Car you would see the Vid taken on a cell phone all over the place!!! And he wouldn't be given a 2'd chance! You are paid to protect and serve Not Nap on Duty!!!

    Seeing it's Ok to harass those who travel by plane and all rights go right out the window.... feel for the Poor Over worked ATC.... when 175 people die in a Horrible Accident....that's when they will seriously look at fixing the problem!

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