Rant Against the Borg HERE! NOW!

by Mad Sweeney 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • inbyathread

    whathehadas: You have a PM


  • watersprout

    MB sweetheart my heart aches for you! I will pray that you get your babies back, i can't begin to imagine how your heart has been broken because of that evil bastard religion!

    Right *rubs hands together* i'm gonna vent now!

    The WT took my childhood thru to my 20's.... My chance at having a fantastic education and succesful career... They were the reason i ended up in therapy because of the horrific abuse i endured... My parents gave them everything and are now jobless and homeless! I have had to start again as regards education, friends, home etc! GOOD GOD I HATE THEM! I HATE THEM WITH EVERY FIBRE OF MY BEING! I HATE THEM FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO ME, MY FAMILY, TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE LEFT AND THOSE THAT ARE TRAPPED! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    Thanks MD i feel much lighter now!


  • d

    I am mad as hell at these people. I could done so much with my life but tet again I am only 20 yrs old and I feel so old. I never reallt dated anybody or went to my high school prom.I also never got to really got join any clubs in school. I was any angry teenager because I felt that nobody understands me and I still feel misunderstood. I have all this suppressed anger I need to get it out. Maybe I should try boxing.Any advice would help

  • watersprout

    I need to vent again!

    I hate the way Carrot is treated by his dubbie family! They have hurt him in a way no family should treat their sibling or son! Because of the WT my husband has no self worth, no confidence, no self esteem, self hatred, depression and views himself as a complete disappointment and not worthy of life! WELL YOU KNOW WHAT?? HE IS TOTALLY WORTHY OF LIFE! That demonic religion has almost destroyed him, but with the love and help of my family and a bloody good therapist, he is finally starting to feel better about himself!

    You know what my MIL did when her son told her how he felt and what he used to do to himself growing up? She cried! She cried! Well boo hoo MIL! It was me that sat up all night with him, it was me that dragged him into therapy, it was me that stayed with him and held him when the suicidal urges came thick and fast! IT WAS ME!

    After everything Carrot told his mom, she still treats him like absolute filth! I'm sorry that is not love, that is the demonic cult doing the parenting for her! I thought that she would help and support Carrot, but NO! He doesn't want meetings so therefore he is not worth her time! Yet when she needs her backside wiping cause she's become soo bitter that the arthritis has her seized up, it will be Carrot nursing her! The other three won't want to know! It won't be there problem! Maybe one day both my inlaws will see what a wonderful man they bought into this world has become!


    P.S. Thanks Mad sweeney, am totally loving this vent thread! Probably be back on here later. LOL

  • 9yrsout

    I'm particularly pissed b/c:

    1. It kept me from going to college where I would have been so much farther ahead career-wise (who knew that I wasn't going to be a homemaker with a husband to support me and my two children and I was instead a single parent with no child support)

    2. It is now causing me to get ensnared with the same type of domineering, abusive worldly men is that is all I know from living in the Borg!!

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Vent away, people. I'm loving this thread. It is therapeutic.

    I am angry at the Borg for taking advantage of vulnerable young baby-boom kids in the late 60s and early 70s who wanted to see positive change in the world. I am angry that they hooked thousands of those kids into their cult and that now a large number of those same kids are now around 60 years old AND SHUNNING THEIR OWN EX-DUB FAMILY MEMBERS.

    These victims haven't even lived yet and their lives are approaching their fourth quarter. It is sick and sad and IT MAKES ME MAD!

  • meangirl

    Their hatred towards women and their mysgonistic words they print. Their double standards. Their hypocrisy. I really hate Loesch. ALOT. I heard him speak at an assembly and this was before I had serious doubts and just a few minutes into listening to him I turned to my husband and said I want to leave. He sounded like a Nazi. I shudder to think of the control and power he has now. I hate how they say there are "conscious" matters yet in the same sentence say something like "Surely no true Christian would want to be part of ........." WTH! I think the disfellowshipping arrangement is so cruel.

  • sweetmochasista

    Their double standards

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