Wine or Grape Juice for you Partakers?

by lovelylil 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • lovelylil

    For those who are partaking, are you going to drink actual wine or grape juice? I was thinking Kadem Kosher Grape juice would be o.k. if someone cannot tolerate wine. What do people think about this?

    Also is anyone partaking on Actual Nissan 14 which is Monday, or are you guys doing it Sunday? I am doing it Monday evening and was hoping some would like to partake with me here on jwn. Would anyone be interested in doing this with me?

    Peace, Lilly

  • tenyearsafter

    I know many churches (especially Baptist) only use grape juice for serving communion...

  • Morbidzbaby

    I'm not "partaking", but I am gonna get good and schnockered!

    Okay okay on a more serious note, I think of it this way: Would Jesus require an alcoholic to partake of wine, knowing it would trigger them? That wouldn't be a kindness and definitely not loving. I firmly believe that whatever substitute is used is acceptable because it's the SPIRIT in which it is done, not the actual "emblems". So if a person wanted to use grape juice, he should do so. Whether it's kosher or not, I really don't think matters. That's all detail and unnecessary, imo. I firmly believe Jesus would have accepted someone sipping Welch's if that's all they had on hand.

    That's just my 2 cents as an unbelieving heathen, though.

  • lovelylil

    Morbid said;

    I firmly believe that whatever substitute is used is acceptable because it's the SPIRIT in which it is done, not the actual "emblems". So if a person wanted to use grape juice, he should do so.

    I agree with this. I am using Kosher because it is the finest quality, if I used wine I would get a good one too, just for the occasion. I drank wine last year but am having some stomache issues (ulcers) and cannot tolerate it this year.

    And I was thinking the kids can drink the leftovers. Peace, Lilly

  • watersprout

    I doing it tomorrow with some friends, so it will probably be wine! It's the meaning behind it that matters not what you are drinking. Wine makes my throat burn and i heave on grape juice. So when i take some everyday i use mineral water.

    I am doing it Monday evening and was hoping some would like to partake with me here on jwn. Would anyone be interested in doing this with me?

    What time?? I will partake with you. Will be from the UK but i'm sure we can work something out.


  • lovelylil


    I planned on doing it after sundown my time, (eastern standard), which is 7:30 pm. I am flexible and can do it later. As long as it is after sundown and before Midnight. Can we work something out? Not sure what time that is in UK.

  • cantleave

    I'm going to use beer.

  • DagothUr

    I'm not partaking because I am a heathen rejecting Jesus and all the Bible mumbo-jumbo. My way of spending the memorial night is with some of the best horror movies of all times. I'll be in the company of demons, witches, monsters, zombies, flesh-eating aliens, poltergeists and so on. If the mood hits me, I'll also throw some hard porn into the mix. Those who are not atheists can have my share of Jesus.

  • AGuest

    Doesn't matter, dear Lil (peace to you!). What DOES matter is that (1) one discerns the body and blood of Christ IN such emblems, and (2) one is "clean" (on the inside) when one partakes. The second is done by heeding our Lord's words about leaving one's gift at the altar while going to make peace with one's brother, and THEN returning to offer one's gift. For those who might need to, there's still time (smile).

    I hope this helps and, again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant, sister, and fellow slave of Christ,


  • watersprout
    The second is done by heeding our Lord's words about leaving one's gift at the altar while going to make peace with one's brother.

    By making peace how?? By doing what?? I think i'm doing it right then i get it all wrong! *sigh*

    Lovelylil if it's 7.30 your time it will be 12.30am my time. Were five hours ahead of you. What time is sundown for you?? I don't mind staying up till then.


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