I'll play...
1. Are we still physically evolving (as the "evidence", if true, would logically indicate we would be)?
Sure, why not? Since changes seem to be random events over a long period of time, it would be very difficult to find evidence that it is or is not taking place. Some of the evidence that seems to suggest "recent" evolution are the "vestigial" structures we carry.
b. If so...
(1) HOW, logically, are we still evolving? (Please note, man being able to clone parts or even full humans is NOT evolution, in the sense that that word suggests natural progression based on a need to survice... because it is man-induced and thus artificial. Thus, while I agree that it is INTELLECTUAL evolution, I would ask that you explain how it is NATURAL evolution.)
If we understoof the "how" we wouldn't be having this conversation. It seems that it could be mere mutation that provides an advantage for an individual (or group of individuals), that then breeds true. If you mean to ask about the effects of current evolution, as noted above these events are rare over a long period of time - I don't know that we can point to anything that categorically is evolution. Longer life, taller bodies, more obese kids - these can all be environmental effects (which, in their own way, may in fact be producin evolution...).
(2) WHAT, logically, are we involving into? What is/could/must be "next"? (Note, while "next" could involve things like flying or being able to swim underwater without an apparatus, wouldn't the second suggest, logically, a de-volution - i.e., back to the "soup" - and wouldn't, logically, both have to involve some kind of "mating" with another species that can already fly/swim... which I don't deny could occur due to some experiment in a petrie dish but, again, logically, would require intervention by humans, thus, being "artificial" as opposed to natural?)
We will evolve into whatever lives more effectively in a changing environment - whatever that next environment may be.
2. If we are still evolving, wouldn't evolving into a species that surpasses the physical body, surpasses being limited by the physical world, its laws and confines... and the requirements and needs of the physical body... be the ultimate station? I mean, logically? Wouldn't evolving to the point where the body doesn't need to eat, sleep, pee, poop, breath air, use apparati to fly, swim, etc., to be limited to a set space... logically, be the ultimate?
Speciation would be quite an abrupt evolutionary leap that seems to be very rare in recent millenia (perhaps over all time). Remember, evolution is not a preprogrammed leap to something we aspire to, but rather the reinforcement of aberrant traits that succeed in the current environment. No more, no less. Evolution is "blind". It our environment changes to that of the vacuum of space, then those humans that have traits that survive space better will survive. Given time for the change, in the environment and our evolutionary response to it.
And if so... isn't that what spirit beings already experience... so that being a spirit (free) being IS the ultimate "evolution" of man?
I generally like SF that posits an evolutionary path to the shrugging off of the mantal of flesh. But that's not what evolution is about.
And if so... isn't that the "evolution" held out by Christ... to "change" the physical body to a spirit(ual) body?
Christ holds out transformation of the human heart to me. Not physcial transmigration. Your mileage may vary.
And if so... why is it feasible, even logical, to imagine man getting man to this point, perhaps through science... but NOT through a man who has already achieved this goal... is already a spirit "man"... and thus has already experienced the ultimate? Could it perhaps be because man... has lied to man... about HOW to achieve this... and through whom... because HE doesn't know... because he refuses to entertain that it just might NOT be through "scientific" (as we understand that term) means?
I believe Christ was talking about how to transform your experience and awareness of living in a fleshly body. This is not a conversation about evolution but rather philosophy.