Hey its just me

by What Now? 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Welcome aboard What Now?

    and good luck.

  • 3Mozzies

    Welcome What Now?

    Glad you found us here.

    Read as much as you can and keep learning.

    This web site is a little crazy/funny at times but heh that makes it interesting.

    For now we're kind of in this grey area, half in and half out, as I suspect so many are. It feels a bit hypocritical and I hate that, and one day when our son is older, I know we'll have to make a decision. Until then we're just hanging in there.

    By the time your son is older, you hopefully would have faded away from this religion and your family will not see you as apostates or bad associations so as not to shun you. It wont be easy but it is doable, learn the tricks from so many here on the forum :)


  • DesirousOfChange

    Glad you and your husband are on the same page.

    You don't know what a blessing that is! At least you do not have to straddle the fence at home, too.

  • snowbird

    Welcome ...


  • jgnat

    Welcome, "What Now?" You sound like a great mom. With hopes like these, you won't go wrong:

    But I can't raise him in this religion. I will not let him grow up being terrified of Armageddon and believing that everyone else who is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses is "worldly" and therefore wicked. I'm not going to let him grow up thinking that his parents only love him conditionally - only if he chooses their religion. I want to raise him with Christian values, and I want to teach him about God and Jesus and love and respect for life and a sense of wonder about the world around him.

    I suggest you raise your son in the way your heart is telling you, and do a slow fade over the next few years. Be yourselves at home. Bring in books and videos from a wide range of perspectives. Build new friendships in the "worldly" community. Practice saying "no" to the peer pressure at the hall, and graciously deflecting challenges from family and friends over your choices. In a few years your son will be old enough to speak, and the cat will be out of the bag.

    For books and videos for your boy, might I suggest the Veggie Tales video series, You are Special by Max Lucado, Love You Forever by Robert Munsch and Sheila McGraw (this one is just as loved by parents and grandparents), and the New York Public Library Children's Books 2010.

  • kimbo


  • Curtains

    hi what now? I'm really glad you joined.

    It feels a bit hypocritical and I hate that, and one day when our son is older, I know we'll have to make a decision. Until then we're just hanging in there. Anyways ... it's nice to have a place like this, with so many other people who know what it's like. "Apostates" aren't nearly as terrible as the organization made them out to be.

    In time I hope you come to see that you are not being hypocritical but doing the best you can in the imprisoning circumstances that hem you and your family in. Jesus christ reserved the term hypocrite for religious leaders because they bound up heavy loads on people and were unwilling to lift a finger to help.

  • What Now?
    What Now?

    Wow, thank you all, your kind words mean so much. It feels very liberating to actually be able to share these thoughts with people who get it.

  • sizemik

    Welcome aboard What Now? . . . you sound very well balanced and motivated . . . being on this forum will help

  • jamiebowers


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