I ended my bible study today

by still thinking 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I have officially stopped my bible study today. I have been trying to for weeks (after 10 years of on/off studying). It got to the stage where I was asking too many of those questions that made everyone feel uncomfortable. My teacher was relieved to say the least. She really didn't want to have to deal with my doubts any more or try to justify the Governing body arrangement.

    I am feeling very sad that I have lost what I felt were good friendships. But now I see they were conditional on listening to the "truth". Now that I don't want to listen, there is no need to see me........how I fooled myself that they were real friendships.

    The final straw for me was the upcoming memorial. I cannot in good conscience continue with an religion that performs this Satanic act of rejecting Christ. So this made me really look at why I was continuing the study. I think it was a combination of friendship (real or not) and discussing the bible. This is something I enjoy and for the life of me couldn't find anywhere else to do this after I started to doubt what they were teaching.

    I thought here would be a great place to discuss the bible. But I find it difficult here too.

    So now I am in a kind of spiritual limbo. Knowing I don't know enough and wanting to learn and share with spiritually minded people.

    Just feeling really sad at the moment......but like all things I know this too shall pass.

  • factfinder

    @still thinking-

    I'm sorry you lost those whom you thought were your real friends. This happened to me alot over the years. The witnesses are not anyone's real friends. It is all conditional, forced and fake.

  • MrFreeze

    Unfortunately, the WT does not allow JW's to become anybody's true friends. They force it to be conditional.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Thanks factfinder. I have had many friends come and go over the years. But generally most friendships have just died a natural death. I have no problem with that. But I really struggle with this type of thing. I suppose I am a bit gullable. Trusting people who claim to be christians.

    What I heard today was that I have changed.....I don't know that I have. I still love God. I still love studying the bible....I still question....It's just that now I ask questions they don't like and don't agree with everything.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    MrFreeze Do you think that any Witnessess have true friends? or is it all based on people feeling that they have to do things to be acceptable in that religion? Surely there must be some genuine people. Maybe I'm just fooling myself

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    watch out for a priori deception. why start with presupposition that the bible is all it claims?

    too much wine for me.

    best wishes, nonetheless.

  • Lozhasleft

    I feel for you Still Thinking. I remember how close I used to get to some studies and it would really upset me if they stopped studying. The WTBS doesnt allow for staying friends really, and I found it sad. In a similar way friends I made over 30 yrs in there now have to shun me cos I'm Disfellowshipped. So yes it's conditional but in a way it's not the individuals' fault - its the way they're almost forced to continue. Try not to take it personally. We do have lots of scriptural/spiritual discussions on here ...esp those of us who are still strong in faith...so stick around and join in by all means. You are welcome to PM me if you want to discuss anything in particular too. Sending you hugs and urging you to continue your relationship with your creator.

    Loz x

    PS If you havent read Crisis of Conscience yet I would recommend it highly at this point in your spiritual journey.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Thanks sweetbaby.....I don't know if you said that to make me laugh....but you did.....and I needed that

    I enjoy reading the bible and discussing it with people. So humour me....or not....

  • slimboyfat

    Smart move, much better to walk away now than years down the line.

    I think there are some Witnesses who will maintain friendships despite the rules, but it's hardly a conducive environment for natural relationships to be formed or maintained.

    Personally I don't find the Bible useful.

  • Lozhasleft

    Another tip for you if you enjoy the bible - get a different translation from the New World version, if you havent already?

    Loz x

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