Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-10-2011 WT Study (CREATION)

by blondie 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 04-10-11 WT Study (JANUARY 15, 2011, pages 13-17)(CREATION)

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    “By the word of Jehovah the heavens themselves were made,

    and by the spirit of his mouth all their army.”—PS. 33:6.


    So where does the WTS get their scientific information from? Do they have a staff of spiritual scientists at Bethel who filter out the wrong information as God’s holy spirit reveals it?


    1, 2. (a) How has man’s knowledge of the heavens

    and the earth increased over time? (b) What question

    requires an answer?

    WHEN Albert Einstein published his

    special theory of relativity in 1905,

    he and many other scientists believed that

    the universe consisted of just one galaxy

    —our Milky Way. How greatly they underestimated

    the size of the universe! It is now thought that

    the heavens contain over 100 billion galaxies,

    some consisting of billions of stars. As ever

    more sensitive telescopes are used on earth

    or put into orbit around it, the number of known galaxies

    keeps climbing.


    I wonder what the WTS in 1905 felt about how many galaxies there were in their scientific magazine…the Golden Age?

    Is the WTS sure that there are now 100 billion galaxies by relying on the same scientific community?

    2 Just as scientific knowledge of the heavens

    was limited in 1905, so was knowledge

    of the earth. True, people living a century

    ago knew more than their forebears. Today,

    however, the beauty and complexity of life

    and the terrestrial systems that sustain it are

    far better understood than they were at that

    time. And we will undoubtedly learn much

    more about the earth and the heavens in

    the years ahead. But especially is it appropriate

    to ask, How did all of this come to be in

    the first place? The answer to that question

    can be known only because the Creator has

    revealed it through the Holy Scriptures.


    Far better understood through the efforts of the scientific community, not the WTS.

    So does the WTS have a scientific viewpoint or is the Bible now a scientific book?

    The Miracle of Creation

    3, 4. How did God create the universe, and how do

    his works glorify him?

    3 How the universe came to be is explained

    in the Bible’s opening words: “In

    the beginning God created the heavens

    and the earth.” (Gen. 1:1) Starting with no

    preexisting material, Jehovah used his holy

    spirit—his powerful active force—to create

    the physical heavens, the earth, and everything

    else in the universe. A human craftsman

    uses his hands and tools to make

    things, but God sends forth holy spirit to accomplish

    his great works.


    No pre-existing material—but perhaps energy—material back and forth energy.

    So God doesn’t use the tools of science.

    4 The Scriptures figuratively refer to holy

    spirit as God’s “finger.” (Luke 11:20;

    Matt. 12:28) And “the work of his hands”

    —what Jehovah created by means of his

    holy spirit—brings him great glory. “The

    heavens are declaring the glory of God,”

    sang the psalmist David, “and of the work of

    his hands the expanse is telling.” (Ps. 19:1)

    Indeed, physical creation testifies to the

    awesome power of God’s holy spirit. (Rom.

    1:20) How does it do so?


    Did you know that Mormons (LDS) believe that God literally has fingers, hands, disregarding the scripture that “flesh and blood” will not inherit the kingdom of heaven?

    David was a physical creation of God through Adam…did he use his life to show God’s glory by taking a man’s wife and then having that man killed to cover up his sin?

    God’s Limitless Power

    5. Illustrate the creative power of Jehovah’s holy


    5 Our unimaginably vast universe gives

    evidence that Jehovah’s power and energy

    are inexhaustible. (Read Isaiah 40:26.)

    Modern science is aware that matter can be

    changed into energy and energy into matter.

    Our sun, a star, provides an example of

    matter being turned into energy. Every second,

    the sun converts about four million

    tons of matter into sunlight and other forms

    of radiant energy. The small fraction of that

    energy that reaches us is sufficient to sustain

    life on the earth. Obviously, tremendous

    power and energy were required to create

    not just the sun but also all the other billions

    of stars. Jehovah possesses the energy

    that was needed—and much more.


    Has the WTS proved yet in this article that God exists?

    But does the WTS trust “modern science”? When it conveniently supports the WTS ideas?

    Does possessing tremendous power prove the goodness of a being?

    6, 7. (a) Why can we say that God has used his

    holy spirit in an orderly way? (b) What shows that

    the universe did not come about by chance?

    6 We are surrounded by evidence that God

    used his holy spirit in a very orderly way. To

    illustrate: Suppose you had a box containing

    balls of different colors. You shake the

    box, thoroughly mixing the balls. Then you

    throw them out onto the ground all at once.

    Would you expect the balls to land grouped

    according to color—the blue balls together,

    the yellow likewise, and so on? Of course

    not! Uncontrolled actions always tend to result

    in less order, not more. That fact is accepted

    as a fundamental law of nature.*

    *See pages 24 and 25 of the book Is There a Creator

    Who Cares About You?


    Notice that the WTS is focused on things being created in an “orderly” way, several times in this article…because to the WTS “order” equals an intelligent creator.

    TEND to result?

    Fact accepted by whom…law of NATURE…not God?

    7 Yet, when we raise our eyes and telescopes heavenward,

    what do we see? We find an immense and highly ordered system of

    galaxies, stars, and planets, all moving with

    great precision. This could not be the product

    of chance or of an unplanned and uncontrolled

    cosmic accident. So we must ask,

    What force was originally employed in order

    to produce our orderly universe? We humans

    are limited in our ability to identify

    that force through scientific observation

    and experimentation alone. However, the

    Bible has identified it as God’s holy spirit,

    The most powerful force in the universe. The

    psalmist sang: “By the word of Jehovah the

    heavens themselves were made, and by the

    spirit of his mouth all their army.” (Ps. 33:6)

    And with our eyes, we can see only a very

    small part of that “army” of stars as we survey

    the night sky!


    “highly ordered”

    “not the product of chance…unplanned…uncontrolled”

    “orderly universe”

    Whose “scientific observation and experimentation”

    Is big better?

    Holy Spirit and the Earth

    8. How much do we really know about Jehovah’s


    8 What we presently understand about

    nature is infinitesimal when compared with

    all there is to learn. As for the scope of

    our knowledge of God’s creative works, the

    faithful man Job concluded: “Look! These

    are the fringes of his ways, and what a whisper

    of a matter has been heard of him!” (Job

    26:14) Centuries later, King Solomon, an

    astute observer of Jehovah’s creation, declared:

    “Everything [God] has made pretty

    in its time. Even time indefinite he has put

    in their heart, that mankind may never find

    out the work that the true God has made

    from the start to the finish.”—Eccl. 3:11;



    Understand about NATURE is infinitesimal (who does the WTS ‘quote’ jw scientists?)

    And where did Solomon’s “astute” observation lead him?

    Time indefinite…in their heart—WTS interpretation

    9, 10. God used what force when he created the

    earth, and what were some developments during

    the first three creative days?

    9 Jehovah has, however, revealed essential

    details about his works. For instance, the

    Scriptures inform us that God’s spirit was

    active on the earth aeons ago. (Read Genesis

    1:2.) At that time, there was no dry land, r seen in the universe

    no light, and apparently no breathable air at

    the earth’s surface.


    Revealed to whom and how?

    Aeons—creative day---how long?

    “apparently”---doesn’t the Bible say or some WTS approved scientist?

    Stars: Anglo-Australian Observatory/David Malin Images

    10 The Bible goes on to describe what God

    did during a series of creative days. These are

    not 24-hour days but are epochs. On the

    first creative day, Jehovah caused light to begin

    to appear at the earth’s surface. That

    process would be completed when the sun

    and the moon later became discernible

    from the earth. (Gen.1:3, 14) On the second

    day, the atmosphere began to be formed.

    (Gen. 1:6) Earth then had water, light, and

    air but still no dry land. Early on the third

    creative day, Jehovah used his holy spirit to

    produce dry land, perhaps harnessing powerful

    geologic forces to push continents up

    out of the global sea. (Gen.1:9) There would

    be other astounding developments on the

    third day and during later creative periods.


    Creative days—7,000 years no longer since 1989 (7)

    Why no mention of Jesus, the co-creator?

    Vail proposition used by WTS

    Holy Spirit and Living Creatures

    11. What is demonstrated by the complexity, symmetry,

    and beauty of living things?

    11 God’s spirit also produced highly organized

    works in the biological sphere of creation.

    By means of his holy spirit, during

    creative days three through six, God created

    an astounding variety of plants and animals.

    (Gen. 1:11, 20-25) Thus, living things

    provide countless examples of complexity,

    symmetry, and beauty that bespeak design

    of the highest level.


    “highly organized”

    Where’s Jesus during this creation?

    “complexity, symmetry….bespeak design (intelligent)

    12. (a) DNA performs what function? (b) What

    should we learn from the continuing successful

    function of DNA?

    12 Consider DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid),

    one of the chemical mechanisms involved

    in passing on the characteristics of organisms

    from one generation to the next. All

    living things on the earth—including microbes,

    grass, elephants, blue whales, and

    humans—reproduce using DNA. Although How is DNA common

    the earth’s creatures differ widely, the code

    that controls many of their inherited characteristics

    is very stable and has served

    to maintain the distinction between basic

    kinds of creatures down through the ages.

    According to Jehovah God’s purpose, the

    earth’s various organisms therefore continue

    to perform their functions in the complex

    web of life. (Ps. 139:16) This very effective,

    orderly arrangement provides further

    evidence that creation is the work of God’s

    “finger,” or holy spirit.


    So how does the WTS know anything about DNA…from the Bible, revelation from God”

    Maintained distinction—between basic---how many animals on the ark?

    “orderly arrangement” = further evidence…God’s finger

    The Climax of Earthly Creation

    13. How did God create man?

    13 After aeons had passed and God had

    produced innumerable animate and inanimate

    works, the earth was no longer

    “formless and waste.” Yet, Jehovah had not

    finished using his spirit for creative purposes.

    He was about to produce his highest

    earthly creation. Toward the end of the sixth

    creative day, God created man. How did Jehovah

    do so? By using his holy spirit and

    the elements of the earth.—Gen. 2:7.


    When was Adam created…sixth creative day…when was Eve, the same. Humans are living in the seventh creative day…the basis of 6,000 years of human history ending in 1975 and 1,000 years for the millennium needed, jws felt that the millennium would start in 1975.

    14. In what important way do humans differ from


    14 Genesis 1:27 states: “God proceeded to

    create the man in his image, in God’s image

    he created him; male and female he created

    them.” Being made in God’s image means

    that Jehovah created us with the ability to

    display love, to exercise free will, and even to

    establish a personal relationship with our

    Creator. Hence, our brains differ greatly

    from those of animals. Specifically, Jehovah

    designed the human brain so that we could

    go on joyfully learning about him and his

    works forever.


    Was woman created in God’s image…yes, with a WTS twist.

    The WTS felt that the brains of men and women differed.

    Awake! 1967 August 22 p.27, 28

    The apostle Paul, in giving instructions on congregational meetings of Christians, stated, among other things: "I do not permit a woman to teach, or to exercise authority over a man." (1 Tim. 2:12) Today many religious organizations take exception to these words of Paul. In fact, we find more and more women being ordained to Protestant pulpits. Just why did the apostle state this rule?

    This rule is based on a principle that governs the relations between the sexes, namely: "The head of every man i s the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God," (1 Cor. 11:3) The logic of headship must be apparent to all. If two or more intelligent persons are to cooperate, there must be organization, and for organization to be successful there must be a head. That Jehovah God, the Father, is the Head of his Son, Jesus Christ, is obvious; also, that his Son should be the head of his congregation. But not so readily appreciated is the statement that man exercise headship over the woman and that therefore woman should not exercise authority over the man.

    However, the facts show that the headship of a man is both somatically and psychologically sound and in the best interests of all concerned, even as we shall see. Thus a leading authority on the human body (soma), Gray's Anatomy (1966 Edition), tells the interesting fact that as regards the human skull there is no difference between the male and the female until the time of puberty; but then as adulthood is reached the difference becomes more and more apparent. The female skull is lighter and its cranial capacity is about 10 percent smaller than that of a male, even as is the rest of the anatomy. The contour of the female skull is also more rounded and the facial bones are smoother. Apparently, with the lines of beauty goes less rugged strength.

    True, mere brain size in itself is not as important as brain quality, but where the quality is the same the larger brain size has an advantage. Thus Science News, April 1, 1967, told of twenty African children who were so extremely undernourished in the first few years of their lives that "head circumferences...averages an inch less that the others, indicating smaller brain." And over the years all these were found to have verbal, mathematical and perceptual capabilities far below those of other children. Implicit in these findings is that man is advantaged by a greater brain size.

    That it is in the best interests of both sexes for man to take the lead is also supported by psychological evidence. One of New York city's leading psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, Dr. Marie N. Robinson, in one of her books, which deals with certain frustrations of married women, skillfully demonstrates by case histories that many of these particular frustrations can be ended if women will but recognized the fact that the way their bodies are made gives evidence that it is intended for man to be the head. As she expresses it, women must learn the art of "eternal acquiescence" and "deep altruism" in dealing with their husbands if they want to find happiness.

    The children also stand to benefit when the Scriptural principles governing the sexes are followed. To woman falls the lot, not only of conceiving and bearing children, but also, to a great extent, of nurturing them in their earliest infancy and on to maturity. It stands to reason that for a mother to do justice to her task she must have an abundance of love and devotion, she must have much patience, great gentleness and mildness and be extremely sensitive to the needs of her offspring from infancy onward, if they are to thrive.

    It follows that her entire personality must be of such a sensitive and gentle nature as to do justice to the delicate needs of the tiny developing minds and bodies. However, an abundance of such qualities does not go hand in hand with those needed for leadership and meeting stern challenges. More than that, by the Scriptures' limiting the woman's role in the congregation it makes it more likely that she will have the needed time and energy to look after the needs of her family properly. So, while she may have other interest, she should never forget that as a wife her career is caring for the physical, mental and emotional well-being of her family.

    The Scriptural position might be said also to take into consideration woman's biological nature. As every woman in the prime of life is well aware, she has certain difficult days each month during which she cannot give of her best and during which she very much appreciates her husband's showing her consideration. But if she had responsibilities of oversight and was required to hold forth regularly on the public platform regardless, either her performance or her health would suffer. Recognizing the factor, God's Word counsels husbands to dwell with their wives "according to knowledge, assigning them honor as to a weaker vessel, the feminine one." -- 1 Pet. 3:7.

    Of course, the foregoing does not mean that mothers are not to teach their own children. The Bible speaks of "the law of your mother" and tells of the good results of mothers' teaching their offspring the Word of God, as in the case of the Christian minister Timothy. (Prov. 6:20; 2 Tim. 1:5; 3:14, 15) Nor does it mean that women may not be schoolteachers, instructing youths and adults in secular subjects. But women are not to exercise authority over Christian men in the Christian congregation nor are they to assume authority over their own husbands in their homes.

    That women are not precluded from preaching to those outside the Christian congregation can be seen from the prophecy quoted by the apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost: "I shall pour out some of my spirit upon every sort of flesh, and your sons and your daughters will prophesy and your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams; and even upon my men slaves an upon my women slaves I will pour out some of my spirit in those days, and they will prophesy." (Acts 2:17, 18) In keeping with this prophecy, today there are literally hundreds of thousands of women ministers who "prophesy" by preaching the good news of God's kingdom and who teach Bible truths to both men and women in their homes and who receive many blessings from doing so.

    The headship that the Scriptures assign to the man indicates that man and woman have different roles to play in life. The fact that Christian husbands are commanded to love their wives as Jesus Christ loved the congregation, he even dying for it, should certainly preclude any criticism of the role that God's Word assigns to the man. His is a difficult assignment, but for it he has also been equipped. Truly the Scriptural position is seen to be sound, practical and wise. Happy are all those governed by it! -- Eph. 5:25-33.

    [Emphasis Added]

    15. What prospect was placed before Adam and


    15 At mankind’s beginning, God gave

    Adam and his wife, Eve, the earth and all its

    wonders to investigate and enjoy. (Gen. 1:

    28) Jehovah provided abundant food and a

    paradise home for them. They had the opportunity

    to live forever and become the beloved

    parents of billions of perfect descendants.

    Yet, things did not work out that way.


    Ever wonder how the WTS explains Jesus being perfect having an imperfect mother?

    Does the life come from the man or the woman?

    What was the main reason women were created?

    ***it-2 p. 56 Jesus Christ***Mary was a descendant of the sinner Adam, hence herself imperfect and sinful. The question therefore is raised as to how Jesus, Mary’s “firstborn” (Lu 2:7), could be perfect and free from sin in his physical organism. While modern geneticists have learned much about laws of heredity and about dominant and recessive characteristics, they have had no experience in learning the results of uniting perfection with imperfection, as was the case with Jesus’ conception. From the results revealed in the Bible , it would appear that the perfect male life-force (causing the conception) canceled out any imperfection existent in Mary’s ovum, thereby producing a genetic pattern (and embryonic development) that was perfect from its start.

    *** w69 4/1 p. 223 Questions From Readers***When a woman conceives, an ovum being fertilized by a male sperm, life is passed on.

    *** w00 9/1 p. 22 par. 19 ***What precious heritage does Jehovah offer to those who are not of the little flock? No, it is not an inheritance in the heavens. It is the heritage that Adam could have passed on to his offspring—the prospect of eternal life in perfection in a paradise that will gradually encompass the globe.

    *** w95 1/15 p. 4***The first ‘machine operator,’ Adam, did not treasure the life he had been given. Hence, he passed on to his offspring an imperfect life, similar to a malfunctioning machine.

    *** w61 12/15 p. 768 Questions From Readers***This bearing of children is the sole privilege of the female. In fact, this is one main reason for creating the female of the human species.

    Acknowledging the Role of Holy Spirit

    16. We have what hope despite the rebellion of the

    first humans?

    16 Instead of gratefully obeying their Creator,

    Adam and Eve selfishly rebelled. All imperfect

    humans have descended from them

    and have suffered as a result. But the Bible

    explains how God will undo all the damage

    caused by the sinful course of our first parents.

    The Scriptures also show that Jehovah

    will fulfill his original purpose. Earth

    will become a paradise filled with happy,

    healthy people blessed with everlasting life.

    (Gen. 3:15) To maintain faith in that heartwarming

    prospect, we need the help of

    God’s holy spirit.


    Why would a perfect, intelligent woman talk to a snake? Were there any other talking animals?

    Is there anything in the Bible that says that Adam loved Eve more than God? That he was pu**ywhi**ed which is amazing considering Eve wasn’t pregnant yet?

    *** it-2 p. 963-964 Sin, I***Adam’s eating, therefore, must have been due to desire for his wife, and he ‘listened to her voice’ rather than to that of his God. (Ge 3:6, 17)

    *** w00 11/15 p. 26***So Adam deliberately chose to defy Jehovah. His fear of being separated from his wife was evidently greater than his faith in God’s ability to remedy the situation.

    CARROT: paradise filled with happy, healthy people with everlasting life

    17. What kind of thinking must we avoid?

    17 We should pray to Jehovah for holy

    spirit. (Luke 11:13) Doing so will help us to

    reinforce our conviction that creation is the

    work of God’s hand. Today, there is a rising

    tide of atheistic and evolutionist propaganda

    dependent on flawed and baseless reasoning.

    We should not let this flood of

    faulty thinking confuse or intimidate us. All

    Christians must prepare themselves to resist

    such an onslaught and the peer pressure associated

    with it.—Read Colossians 2:8.


    Can any jw prove they have received holy spirit? In what way?

    At their baptism? Do they get improved understanding of the Bible? (the other sheep that is)

    *** it-1 p. 114 Anointed, Anointing ***The apostle John indicated that the anointing by holy spirit that Christians receive teaches them. (1Jo 2:27) It commissions and qualifies them for the Christian ministry of the new covenant.—2Co 3:5, 6.

    The following is every thought apart from the WTS unless the WTS quotes from a non-jw scientific source (and fails to identify it clearly)

    Tide of atheistic and evolutionist propaganda

    Flawed and baseless reasoning

    Faulty thinking

    Are jws able to explain their beliefs from the Bible or only from FDS created material—peer pressure?

    18. When considering the origin of the universe

    and mankind, why would it be shortsighted to rule

    out an intelligent Creator?

    18 Faith in the Bible and in God himself is

    sure to be strengthened by an honest examination

    of the evidence in favor of creation.

    In contemplating the origin of the universe

    and mankind, many would like to rule out

    the influence of any force outside the physical

    realm. If we were to discuss matters from

    that standpoint, though, we would not be

    weighing all the evidence impartially. Moreover,

    we would be ignoring the obvious

    existence of orderly, purposeful creations

    “without number.” (Job 9:10; Ps. 104:25) As

    Christians, we are certain that the active

    force involved in creation was holy spirit

    under the intelligent direction of Jehovah.


    Whose evidence, from the scientific department of the WTS?

    The WTS accepts the non-jw DNA teaching…why, have they studied it scientifically? How does the WTS rule in evidence inside the physical realm?

    *** w076/15p.23pars.11-12WeAre“WonderfullyMade” ***Today, it is known that characteristics you inherited from your parents and forebears—such as your height, facial features, eye and hair color, and thousands of other traits—were determined by your genes. Each of your cells contains tens of thousands of genes, and each gene is part of a long chain made of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Building instructions for your body are “written” in the chemical structure of your personal DNA. Every time your cells divide—to make new cells or to replace old cells—your DNA passes those instructions on, thereby keeping you alive and maintaining your basic appearance. What an outstanding example of the power and wisdom of our heavenly Maker!

    What proof would “Christians” (only jws) give of their certainty that holy spirit created under God’s influence? This quote? An astronomer explaining how to recreate life?

    *** ce (Creation)chap. 2 p. 17 par.***Regarding the question of how life originated, astronomer Robert Jastrow said: “To their chagrin [scientists] have no clear-cut answer, because chemists have never succeeded in reproducing nature’s experiments on the creation of life out of nonliving matter. Scientists do not know how that happened.” He added: “Scientists have no proof that life was not the result of an act of creation.” 8

    Holy Spirit and Our Faith in God

    19. What provides personal proof of the existence

    of God and the operation of his spirit?

    19 We do not need to know everything

    about creation in order to have faith in God

    as well as love and profound reverence for

    him. Like friendship with a human, faith in

    Jehovah is based on more than cold facts.

    Just as a relationship between friends grows

    as they get to know each other better, our

    faith in God increases as we learn more

    about him. Indeed, his very existence is

    impressed upon us when he answers our

    prayers and we note the good effects of applying

    his principles in our life. We draw

    ever closer to Jehovah as we see mounting

    evidence that he is guiding our

    steps, protecting us, blessing our

    efforts in his service, and supplying

    the things we need. All of this

    provides powerful confirmation of

    God’s existence and of the operation

    of his holy spirit.


    “We do not need to know about everything about creation” but we do need to know something that is not based on selected human reasoning, selected by the WTS to support their non-scientific ideas.

    Its much like the WTS/FDS/GB saying that we should believe everything they say even if we don’t understand it…not like the Bereans who carefully checked everything (Acts 17:10,11).

    20. (a) Why did God create the universe and man?

    (b)What will result if we continue to follow the lead

    of God’s holy spirit?

    20 The Bible is an outstanding example

    of Jehovah’s use of his active

    force because its writers “spoke from

    God as they were borne along by

    holy spirit.” (2 Pet. 1:21) Careful

    study of the Scriptures can build our

    faith in God as the one who created

    all things. (Rev. 4:11) Jehovah became

    the Creator as an expression of

    his endearing quality of love. (1 John 4:8)

    Let us, therefore, do our utmost to help others

    to learn about our loving heavenly Father

    and Friend. In our own case, if we continue

    to be led by God’s spirit, we will be

    privileged to learn about him forever. (Gal.

    5:16, 25) May each of us keep on learning

    about Jehovah and his great works and reflect

    in our lives the boundless love he

    showed when he used his holy spirit to

    create the heavens, the earth, and mankind.


    So where has the WTS proven that the Bible is a book from God not men?

    How can God have an endearing quality of love if as the WTS teaches he plans to eternally destroy all non-jws (7 billion), men, women, children, even babes in the womb “soon” at Armaggedon, dying because of being born in this time period, children dying for the sins of their parents….

    Where is the boundless love…………

    (BTW, when do jws learn about Jesus?)

    Are you prepared to defend your faith?

    Can You Explain?

    What does the existence of the heavens

    and the earth teach us about

    God’s use of holy spirit?

    Being made in God’s image gives us

    what opportunities?

    Why do we need to examine the evidence

    for creation?

    In what ways can our relationship

    with Jehovah grow?


    Many declarative sentences without any foundation or substance.

    How often the WTS quotes from non-jw scientific sources, filtering out what they want, leaving out the context. They fail to cite the name and background of the individual, the source and date of the publication.

    NEXT WEEK, Gaining God’s Approval Leads to Everlasting Life. Remember that the “memorial” is on Sunday so the WT Study will most likely be on Saturday, April 16.

    Love, Blondie


    Good Morning Blondie!!..

    6 We are surrounded by evidence that Godused his holy spirit in a very orderly way. Toillustrate: Suppose you had a box containing
    balls of different colors. You shake thebox, thoroughly mixing the balls. Then youthrow them out onto the ground all at once.
    Would you expect the balls to land groupedaccording to color—the blue balls together,the yellow likewise, and so on? Of course
    not! Uncontrolled actions always tend to resultin less order, not more. That fact is acceptedas a fundamental law of nature.*

    The WBT$ Fabricates a Bullshit story line..Then proceeds to Destroy It..LOL!!..

    Evolution is based on "Survival of the Fittest"..

    Not a Box Of randomly Coloured Watchtower balls ,Presented by the WBT$ as Fact..

    If the WBT$ could make a JW think any Less..

    Your average JW would have No Idea of their Own Existence..

    Kingdom Hall..


    Jehovah`s Vegetables..

    ................................. ...OUTLAW

  • ldrnomo


    what mindless studies of the WT these are. They accomplish nothing they teach nothing they are nothing but propaganda. They make fact-less statements like this one below.

    Today, there is a rising tide of atheistic and evolutionist propaganda dependent on flawed and baseless reasoning.

    WT Show us these flawed and baseless reasonings please

    Thanks Blondie for keeping us entertained on Sunday mornings

  • bobld

    Thanks,Blondie.I appreciate how you use their own publication to show how stupid the Faithful slave is.They always like to refer to past R.C. publications to show how stupid the R.C. is.Their own meds.


  • garyneal
  • jgnat

    Besides the "definitive" explanations of science, what struck me in this article is the analogy given on paragraph 6, of a box full of identically sized and weighted but differently colored marbles. Shake the box and the marbles remain chaotic.

    What the analogy leaves out is when the marbles are weighted or sized differently. This is what we see in nature. Shake that box of differently shaped marbles, and they will sort themselves in to a lattice (crystal) pattern, without any divine intervention. I'm reading a book on Quantum Electro-Dynamics and the implications of studying our smallest building blocks, delights.

  • WTWizard

    The big fallacy is that, during the first two paragraphs, they cite improving technology and better understanding of our universe. Yet, after that, they cite the Bible. I don't think the Bible was invented later than 1905--they had the same Bible back then as they do now (albeit with translational differences, to account for language changes). If creation was valid, then science would have been able to back it up. However, science is disproving creation--and pointing more toward evolution.

    And yes, it is possible to have order in a random universe. You start with a few simple laws. Everything obeys those laws. Now, you get a big bang. According to those laws, electrons will orbit their nuclei, and larger objects will orbit other large objects. You have 4 forces--that number could actually be even smaller. (Gravity and the "weak" force could even be related; the gravity, electrical, weak, and strong forces could all be related.) These forces determine how the universe is going to be structured. They determine the shape of the galaxies, solar systems, stars, planets, moons, and everything else. No God is needed to individually place each and every object--if he only makes a few simple rules, a universe can evolve by simply obeying those rules. No further intervention (or credit), except to fxxx up an individual's life for entertainment purposes, is needed.

  • Eiben Scrood
    Eiben Scrood

    You know, I'm very anti-Watchtower especially since the koolaid generation change last year but I have to say this is on the whole a good article. I don't like paragraph 19 so much because I don't think prayers can be proven to be answered but I agree with much of the logic of the rest of it. Of course, I don't believe in macro-evolution so that's a big part of the reason I think this is a good article.

  • Cadellin

    I agree with much of the logic of the rest of it

    Like, where they say "living things provide countless examples of complexity, symmetry and beauty that bespeak design of the highest level" (paragraph 11)? Those "living things" would then include the avaricious ichneumon wasp, the bot fly, and the spotted hyena with its predeliction for siblicide. A close examination of these "living things" bespeaks nature "red in tooth and claw" as Tennyson said and is fairly difficult to reconcile with the rosy, Disneyesque photographs at the bottom of the page. There we see the silly walruses, lovely peaches, oh-so-pretty child and butterfly (awwww!!) and even a smiling bear cub. How cute and adorable! Yes, the WT is very careful to use sentimental examples that align with the image of a benevolent creator, staying strictly away from those that make us flinch. And yet are those not part of the "countless examples" of design?

    Or how about their logic when they assert "[DNA] is very stable and has served to maintain the distinction b/w basic kinds of creatures down through the ages. According to ...God's purpose, the earth's various organisms therefore continue to perform their functions in the complex web of life." (paragraph 12). Um, evidence, please??? First of all, DNA ISN"T "very stable," not by a long shot. The WT assiduously avoids even mentioning the dreaded "M" word (mutations) and not a whiff of the fact that a significant chunk of our own human genome is comprised of "pseudogenes," formerly functioning genetic machinery that has become so corrupted with mutations that they no longer are capable of expression. They're still there, riding along in the genome, but pretty much useless. A great example of that are the olfactory genes, about 40% of which are nonfunctioning due to mutations.

    And that little sentence about various organisms "continu[ing] to perform their functions in the complex web of life?" Yeah, sure, up until they go EXTINCT!! How do the five great planetary extinctions fit into that nice little scenario? Or how about the irregularities in the earth's orbit that result in regular ice ages?

    Oh, I could go on but I won't.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Seems to me they dance around the same old beaten to death argument - if it is complex and orderly, it must have been created.

    ....but Jehovah, being the most complex and orderly of them all, fails miserably the test of creation based on complexity and order.

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