Anyone Read the "Left Behind" series by Tim LaHaye?

by lovelylil 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • CoonDawg

    I read them. I was attempting to get an understanding of where the fundamentalist literalists are coming from. I found them to be mildly entertaining, but written in a pretty juvenile style. I thought the quality of the writing was pretty poor and that it panders to the lower intellect of the majority of those who ascribe to fundamentalism. I will admit that it's a brilliant money maker. It's almost sickening that the devotees of Lehaye and those involved with his business trade on the hopes and fears of those "christians." They have made a fortune off these schmucks by selling the books and all the other crap that goes with it. The only thing I have a problem with is that they cloak themselves as religious leaders rather than the buisness people that they actually are.

  • lovelylil


    I had friends a few years ago that were also fundamentalist, they tried to use Dan Brown's book, the Davinci code to prove the Catholic Church is evil. They read excerts out of it like they were reading the bible. I was floored! I'm like, hey you know that is a work of fiction right? They just did not get it. Needless to say we are no longer friends. It is more or less because I don't prescribe to their belief that only a few elect can understand the bible. Peace, Lilly

  • carla

    Carla, even the worst of these end time novels is not anything as puerile as the Revelation ClimaXXX (spiritual pornography) book.-- Really? I never read the whole Rev Climax book, only bits and pieces, it was all I could take. Maybe this relative is just self righteous, full of gloom and doom, so and so all by themselves. I do know that they are extremely judgemental about who will be 'saved' (in the traditional Christian way of thinking not jw).

    I wouldn't bring the Left Behind series in the house, my jw might think I agree with the Big A being right around the corner (?) I get enough gloom and doom with him having news on 24/7

  • lovelylil

    I am a few chapters in now. It is a light read but I don't think it was dumbed down for evangelitics like someone said. I personally know some very educated evangelicals. I love to read James Patterson books and his books are very light, easy reads too. Anyway, I am enjoying all the biblical tie ins. Thanks for your comments thus far, Peace Lilly

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