Is it the only True religion?

by cupcakekourtney88 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • kjw53

    Mickey mouse-- Strange that is exactly what has occured-All the men who made mistakes in the JW org are dead, and thus have paid the wages of sin. But one thing they have never done is stand in opposition to Jehovah, like this whole world will be decieved into doing at Harmageddon. All for the word patriotism, for you see this is what the word of God teaches-- Satan will lead every kingdom ( govt,armies,supporters ) against God at Harmageddon. And God will crush every one of them it says in Daniel.

  • cupcakekourtney88

    I did read it just now, but is there more things I can get out of the bible..

  • thetrueone

    The tricky and maybe cunning part of the JWS is that they exposed some weakness of other religions and declared them false and corrupt,

    unfortunately in doing so they too created their own false doctrines and their self posturing corruption.

    The " We are the only one and true religion " that you here spouting out from JWS themselves is just instigated propaganda

    which is quite disingenuous and discerningly dishonest.

    Religion offers power and accumulative amounts of money for men, thats a reality that is true and honest.

  • Retrovirus

    kjw53 writes

    Strange that is exactly what has occured-All the men who made mistakes in the JW org are dead, and thus have paid the wages of sin. But one thing they have never done is stand in opposition to Jehovah. . .

    Are you sure they haven't? The pedeophiles whose crimes were covered by closed court settlements didn't stand against Jehovah? All the men who are now alive in Brooklyn don't make mistakes?

    Utter nonsense!

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan
    They say they wont be the only ones saved...

    Actually, their literature says exactly the opposite (double speak, if you ask me). See for yourself:

      "Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil." Watchtower 1989 Sep. 1 p.19

      "Similarly, Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it." Watchtower 1983 Feb. 15 p.12

      "Is it presumptuous of Jehovah's Witnesses to point out that they alone have God's backing? Actually, no more so than when the Israelites in Egypt claimed to have God's backing in spite of the Egyptians' belief, or when the first-century Christians claimed to have God's backing to the exclusion of Jewish religionists." Watchtower 2001 June 1 p.16

      "During the final period of the ?ancient world? that perished in the Flood, Noah was a faithful ?preacher of righteousness.? (2 Peter 2:5) In these last days of the present system of things, Jehovah?s people are making known God?s righteous standards and are declaring good news about the possibility of surviving into the new world. (2 Peter 3:9-13) Just as Noah and his God-fearing family were preserved in the ark, survival of individuals today depends on their faith and their loyal association with the earthly part of Jehovah?s universal organization." Watchtower2006 May 15 p.22 "Are You Prepared for Survival?" Paragraph 8
  • wasblind

    kjw53 said:

    " Mickey mouse-- Strange that is exactly what has occured-All the men who made mistakes in the JW org are dead,"

    Say What !!!!!!!! I'm ROFL

  • cupcakekourtney88

    Really see that is just crazy because on there website I found a passage saying they wont. I tried copying and pasting but didnt work. its on the

  • TheLoveDoctor

    hello cupcake

    Iv been baptized for since 1994 pioneered for 2.5 years around 95 then pioneered between 2003-2008 for 5 years and elder between 2003-2009 always zealous and loved the friends and loved conducting bible studies. However I was also kept bussy and never examined my own religion. Also if I had at the time I dont know if i'd find what is so available today. So many discrepencies in the literature. I am Absalutly sure this is not the truth because it is currupted, and uses love as a wepon. That is sad to say but those that know how to us words well and know what people need can use even love as a weapon without your awareness.

    It is clear to me that u can use the bible to support anything from love to hate from saving life to killing it. The things U can trust in the bible are the things u dont need an explanation. Jesus made it clear how to behave how to have love without hypocracy and u have a choice to follow only him.

    some examples of wtower balone See this one simple example.

    *** w7112/15p.761AGoverningBodyasDifferentfromaLegalCorporation***

    True, the members of that governing body were not directly appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ . For that matter, not all the members of the governing body associated with the Jerusalem congregation in the first century were thus directly appointed. How, then, were those “elders” of the Jerusalem congregation who were not numbered among the twelve apostles made members of the governing body? Evidently by appointment of the original twelve apostles, acting under the guidance of Jehovah’s holy spirit.

    This is illustrated by the action of those twelve apostles when appointing Stephen and Philip and five other men to take care of certain business of the Jerusalem congregation. (Acts 6:1-8) Also, the apostle Paul pointed out in his remarks to the elders of the Ephesus congregation that the overseers of God’s flock of spiritual sheep were appointed by God’s holy spirit. (Acts 20:28) Thus, too, even though there were no apostles of Christ on hand in the nineteenth century, God’s holy spirit must have been operative toward the formation of the governing body for his anointed remnant of the “faithful and discreet slave” class. The facts speak for themselves. There came on the scene a body of anointed Christians who accepted and undertook the responsibilities of governing the affairs of Jehovah’s dedicated, baptized, anointed people who were following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and endeavoring to fulfill the work stated in Jesus’ prophecy at Matthew 24:45-47. Facts speak louder than words. The governing body is there. Thankfully Jehovah’s Christian witnesses know and assert that this is no one-man religious organization, but that it has a governing body of spirit-anointed Christians

    *** slchap.14pp.260-261par.44WhenMan’sOldOrderMakesWayforGod’sNewOrder***

    This “slave” class has existed from the first century C.E., when the royal Master, Jesus Christ, organized it, and it has continued active in his service down to this time and is responsible to him and not to “Caesar” or to Gog of the land of Magog. This holds true, also, with respect to the Scriptural governing body of the anointed “faithful and discreet slave” class. The political governments of the symbolic “wild beast” may dissolve the corporation of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and its Board of Directors and also other legal corporations of Jehovah’s Christian witnesses in various lands,but they cannot dissolve or revoke the theocratic appointment of the governing body that represents the “faithful and discreet slave” class.

    *** w7112/1p.727par.35WhatIts“RightCondition”MeansforUsToday***

    35 In the article that followed the above, in the same issue of TheWatchtower, namely, “The Theocratic Alignment Today,” paragraph 3 said: “The visible governing body of the Theocratic organization is and must be appointed only by Jehovah God the Supreme Ruler, and Christ Jesus the Head of His church. Its purpose is to issue directions and spiritual provisions to all God’s people. Acting in harmony with the governing body, all the Theocratic organization and its associates act in unity throughout the earth.”

    *** w014/15p.29DoYouRemember?***


    While directors of a legal corporation are voted into office by its members, the Governing Body is not appointed by any man but is appointed by Jesus Christ. There is no need for the directors of various corporations used by Jehovah’s Witnesses to be members of the Governing Body. At the recent annual meeting of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, members of the Governing Body who were serving as its directors and officers voluntarily stepped aside from their positions. The vacancies were filled by mature brothers of the “other sheep.” (John 10:16) Thus the Governing Body can spend more time in preparing spiritual food and in otherwise caring for the spiritual needs of the worldwide brotherhood.—1/15, pages 29, 31.

    The Watchtower Testifies About False Prophecy

    The Walsh Trial

    In 1954 in Scotland the Jehovah's Witnesses sued the Ministries of Labour and National Services. This was a test case brought by the Society to set a precedent for future Witnesses.

    The complete record of this trial is available to anyone for the price of the microfilm (details at the end of this article). It is the invaluable testimony given by the leaders of the Society. They make admissions in court that they have not made anywhere else

    Those who testified for the Society were Fred Franz, the Vice-President; H.C.Covington, the head legal counsel of the Society at that time; Grant Suiter, the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society; A.R.Hughes, the British Branch Servant; and D. Walsh, the Congregation Servant who brought the suit. Just a few quotations appear in this article, those covering interesting statements. They speak for themselves.

    During the trial Fred Franz, Vice-President of the Society, gave the following answers:

    Q. Who is responsible for the interpretation in case of doubt, or in general, of scriptural writings for the guidance of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    A. We believe that Jehovah God who is author and inspirer of the Bible is he one who makes the interpretations. he is his own interpreter. He does this by the use of his invisible active force, the Holy Spirit acting upon the mind of his witnesses upon this earth, and he causes events to come to pass in the earth which are in fulfillment of his prophetic word and which, therefore, throw light upon the true significance of his word.

    Q. That is very helpful, but it does not quite meet the point I was making. What I want you to tell me was whether you can say how the Biblical texts are authoritatively interpreted: who is the interpreter?

    A. Jehovah God is the interpreter, but he guides his people upon this earth, and in this case the editorial committee of the Society, they study the Scriptures continually, and they examine and re-examine the evidence as it appears, and under this Divine guidance with the help of the Holy Spirit they arrive at an understanding of the Scripture.

    Grant Suiter testified:

    Q. Indeed can any person...have an understanding of the Scriptures apart from the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    A. No.

    Q. Only by the publications can he have a right understanding of the Scriptures?

    A. That is right.

    Q. Is that not arrogance?

    A. No.

    Mr. H.C.Covington, the head legal counsel of the Society at that time, gave the following testimony:

    Q. Is it not vital to speak the truth on religious matters?

    A. It certainly is.

    Q. Is there in your view room in a religion for a change of interpretation of Holy Write from time to time?

    A. There is every reason for a change in interpretation as we view it, of the Bible. Our view becomes more clear as we see the prophesy fulfilled by time.

    Q. You have promulgated -- forgive the word -- false prophesy?

    A. We have -- I do not think we have promulgated false prophesy, there have been statements that were erroneous, that is the way I put it, and mistaken.

    Q. Is it a most vital consideration in the present situation of the world to know if the prophesy can be interpreted into terms of fact, when Christ's Second Coming was?

    A. That is true, and we have always striven to see that we have the truth before we utter it. We go on the very best information we have but we cannot wait until we get perfect, because if we wait until we get perfect we would never be able to speak.

    Q. Let us follow that up just a little. It was promulgated as a matter which must be believed by all members of Jehovah's Witnesses that the Lord's Second Coming took place in 1874?

    A. I am not familiar with that. You are speaking on a matter that I know nothing of.

    Q. You heard Mr. Franz's evidence?

    A. I heard Mr. Franz testify, but I am not familiar with what he said on that, I mean the subject matter of what he was talking about, so I cannot answer any more than you can, having heard what he said.

    Q. Leave me out of it?

    A. That is the source of my information, what I have heard in court.

    Q. You have studied the literature of your movement?

    A. Yes, but not all of it. I have not studied the seven volumes of "Studies in the Scriptures," and I have not studied this matter that you are mentioning now of 1874. I am not at all familiar with that.

    Q. Assume from me that it was promulgated as authoritative by the Society that Christ's Second Coming was in 1874?

    A. Taking that assumption as a fact, it is a hypothetical statement.

    Q. That was the publication of false prophesy?

    A. That was the publication of a false prophesy, it was a false statement or an erronious statement in fulfilment of a prophesy that was false or erroneous.

    Q. And that had to be believed by the whole of Jehovah's Witnesses?

    A. Yes, because you must understand we must have unity, we cannot have disunity with a lot of people going every way, an army is supposed to march in step.

    Q. You do not believe in the worldly armies, do you?

    A. We believe in the Christian Army of God.

    Q. Do you believe in the worldly armies?

    A. We have nothing to say about that, we do not preach against them, we merely say that the worldly armies, like the nations of the world today, are a part of Satan's Organization, and we do not take part in them, but we do not say the nations cannot have their armies, we do not preach against warfare, we are merely claiming our exemption from it, that is all.

    Q. Back to the point now. A false prophesy was promulgated?

    A. I agree that.

    Q. It had to be accepted by Jehovah's Witnesses?

    A. That is correct.

    Q. If a member of Jehovah's Witnesses took the view himself that that prophesy was wrong and said so he would be disfellowshipped?

    A.Yes, if he said so and kept persisting in creating trouble, because if the whole organisation believes one thing, even though it be erronious and somebody else starts on his own trying to put his ideas across then there is disunity and trouble, there cannot be harmony, there cannot be marching. When a change comes it should come from the proper source, the head of the organisation, the governing body, not from the bottom upwards, because everybody would have ideas, and the organisation would disintegrate and go in a thousand different directions. Our purpose is to have unity.

    Q. Unity at all costs?

    A. Unity at all costs, because we believe and are sure that Jehovah God is using our organisation, the governing body of our organisation to direct it, even though mistakes are made from time to time.

    Q. And unity based upon an enforced acceptance of false prophecy?

    A. That is conceded to be true

    Q. And the person who expressed his view, as you say, that it was wrong, and was disfellowshipped, would be in breach of the Covenant, if he was baptized?

    A. That is correct.

    Q. And as you said yesterday expressly, would be worthy of death?

    A. I think - - -

    Q. Would you say yes or no?

    A. I will answer yes, unhesitatingly.

    Q. Do you call that religion?

    A. It certainly is.

    Q. Do you call it Christianity?

    A. I certainly do.

    Mr. Fred Franz also gave the following testimony:

    Q. Where on that particular point does the adherent to the Society find any enlightenment?

    A. In the publication that he reads.

    Q. Must he read them all to arrive at the fact that upon this one point Judge Rutherford was in error?

    A. It isn't necessary for him to read that Judge Rutherford is in error on that point. What he is interested in is the present truth. The up-to-date truth.

    Q.Yesterday's errors cease to be published today, do they?

    A. Yes, we correct ourselves.

    Q. But not always expressly?

    A. We correct ourselves as it becomes due to make a correction, and if anything is under study we make no statement of it until we are certain.

    Q. But one may not assume that Judge Rutherford did not publish until he also was certain?

    A. He published only when convinced, and he withheld publication until he was convinced he was correct.

    Q. So that what is published as the truth today by the Society may have to be admitted to be wrong in a few years?

    A. We have to wait and see.

  • thetrueone

    "Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil." Watchtower 1989 Sep. 1 p.19

    Its important to understand that the WTS in a direct intension to attract people to their litature, have continually

    postulated that mankind is now living in " the last days of this system of things " and all mankind is going to

    be judged shortly on their worthiness to live on into Paradise or be killed at Armageddon.

    This kind of fear mongering does two important things one being that this message attracts the publics attention, obviously

    and secondly to people who they did cull by this coercion maintains their control over these people, which mostly involves

    buying and selling their products ( pedalling door to door ) or working at their printing plants.

    The reason they purposely insinuated that god was using them and only them as his earthly channel

    was again to keep people reading their published products, a self purposed marketing scheme is you will.

  • InterestedOne

    I don't know how you would answer the yes/no question you have posed: "is JW the true religion?" You would have to define what "true religion" is to answer yes or no.

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