I said back to him - "If it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck and it walks like a duck then its a duck!" He got a strange look on his face like everything just clicked. Then he started laughing like he knew I was right.
My friend said to me JWS are not a CULT
by foolsparadise 13 Replies latest jw friends
Then he started laughing like he knew I was right.
--sometimes, JWs do let the logical side of the brain out of it's WT cage and they betray their true feelings.- But it only lasts for a few seconds, though.
I know two facts about ducks...and there both wrong.
I don't care whether they admit to being a cult or not, but they are ..... a rigid-control group who use mind control techniques.
That is damn scary.
Mickey mouse
I've got a bridge to sell your friend.
we were talking about cults in sociology class and I brought up that Jw's are a a cult someone said well all religions can be called cults. why are people so afraid to call Jw's a cult.
I recently found the following on-line Ten warning signs of a potentially unsafe groups...that many think of as characteristics of cults of Christianity.
- Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
- No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.
- No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.
- Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.
- There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.
- Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.
- There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader.
- Followers feel they can never be "good enough".
- The group/leader is always right.
- The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.
Others might include things like: Unique and original teachings not found in the Bible; Promoting commandments of men...making them requirements for God's approval, baptism and/or the basis for disfellowship; Needlessly endangering the life and health of members; Claiming unique divinely granted ability and authority to interpret the Bible for mankind. Certainly, if one must place faith in the leadership of an organization to assure salvation, that organization is a cult in the pejorative sense of the word.
Another site suggests, generally speaking, people think of cults when they see a group like this.
Everyone believes in the same things
People are afraid to question beliefs or disagree
Beliefs are radically different than those of people outside their group
Everyone has complete trust in their leader or leaders
Control is tight. Rules are strict and must be followed
Cult members feel superior to outsiders
It is difficult to leave
Here is satan-- His teachers tell their followers its ok to kill for Adolf hitler- Its ok to blow your own religious members heads off on both sides of the war. We will shove aside the teachings of Jesus and follow the man made word patriotism. And when satan leads all kingdoms( govt,armies,supporters ) of the earth against God at Harmageddon, we will still follow the word patriotism and go down and lose our eternal lives because we have been brainwashed by our govt and spiritual leaders to do these things for patriotism. Our spiritual leaders will tell all of us that we are saved even though Gods word clearly shows we dont have a clue to who is saved. We will allow our govt to fill our hearts with fear and hatred of other religions on the earth and want them dead instead of putting any effort forth to try and help them gain eternal life. Jesus will vomit from all the blood we have spilled on the earth for the word patriotism- we wont be able to see the two horned beast ( eagle-lion ) go into the middle eastern region after the hidden gold ( oil ) or the next prophecy of egypt-Libya- And upon their return-the fall of babylon the great where the merchants stand at a distance and cry because their shelves are full because there are no more religious holidays anymore. We will do all of these things in the name of Jesus. because we have accepted him as our savior and we will call upon his name just like the ones will that he speaks to at Matt 7: 21-23- We will condemn the JW,s because they carry on the work that Jesus started and condemn them as cowards because they refuse to kill their own brothers by applying the teachings of Jesus. We will continue to condemn the JW,s because our blind spiritual leaders have made our hearts blind to reality. We will continue to have our ears tickled with the words you are saved,as our teachers elevate themselves into Gods position by either claiming to be able to read our true hearts or claiming to have seen our names written in the book of life because that is the only way a mortal man can tell another that he is saved,so what that we lied to some workers of iniquity by telling them they are saved, making ourselves workers of iniquity by doing just that. And the rest will continue to believe us anyways that they are saved. ( i can see all these facts of reality and i am not even a JW.)