Check this website out! Pretty pricey stuff for the JW

by Lynnie 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • sooner7nc

    You're a better man than me Terry. All I see are leather wrapped turds.

  • finallyfree!

    lol! probably the elder or ms in charge of literature selling a boatload of wt publications off the record, over the net with a personal twist.

    he/she is most probably an opportunistic pioneer who counts their sales as placements and return visits as well as prolly counting their time. haha! very amusing!

    on another note i think ima start selling highliters for 20 bucks a pack with a special dubby slogan on it. 7 million times 20...

    where there is religion there is ignorance, and where there is ignorance there is people getting screwed!!

  • Lynnie

    This stuff they are selling is really expensive I think! So much for passing the savings on to your fellow witness. I've been out for 35 years and when I was in my family went for the embossed leather binding bibles big time but they were at least affordable! This stuff is outrageous if you ask me!! And yes how nice for the owners of the company to be raking in the $$ just in time for Armageddon!! HA!

  • mochamint22

    who would actually buy that crap? those are some really stupid prices. Yeah I could see all those old pioneer hags vying for their share of that stuff. Whipping it out at meetings and assemblies just to have people go ask them what's that where'd you get it. YUCK

  • Morbidzbaby

    My mother's "study" got her one of the leather bound bibles (not sure if it was from this site or another one...there are PLENTY of others doing the same thing). I think it's got the Reasoning book bound into it as well, if I'm not mistaken...

    Kinda makes me laugh though... I've seen many get their bibles bound with either the Reasoning book or the song book...or even the Knowledge book, back in the day. All that money spent...and the song book and Knowledge book are now "old light", so they're SOL and have to pay to have their bibles re-bound...but, these companies will only bind BRAND NEW books, so any notes they had in their bible or their books are lost in the new version. All that money going into something like that when all it's going to do is CHANGE in a few years AGAIN. And it's money that most JW's can't really afford to be spending.

  • andrekish

    I'm not a member of WTS or anything like that but it strikes me that monies are perhaps better spent on Bibles than on firing missiles through some poor innocent family's windows. Unless all you wish to do with your Bible is to find people to attack with it or start yet another middle eastern crusade because we think we are better than everyone else.

    I really cannot help but agree with you Pams Girl. And you don't get a refund on any unused bits of the calendars.

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