Anti Apostate Blogspot!

by Amelia Ashton 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amelia Ashton
    Amelia Ashton

    I have no idea how this happened but I was blocked from accessing all the websites named on that blogspot. I was blocked by a filter placed on my computer. This website is one of those named so I was unable to come here either to get help.

    My screen turned black with a message "Website Blocked By Filter"

    I did not put this filter on my computer.

    The only thing I can think of is I was on a pro JW Facebook page promoting Auxiliary Pioneering for April. I was asking "pertinent" questions about the 1914 generation etc., and I believe this is where and when the filter was attached to my computer. I was blocked from their site and the filter became apparent and effective almost immediately.

    Also my IP address was reported to the server I access my internet through as being abusive which I definitely was not and consequently I have received a verbal warning from the server.

    My neighbour found a "host file trojan" and removed it. Once removed I was again able to access all my favourite apostate sites!

    They were also running my computer even when I was not using it somehow. I don't understand most of what I have put here so I am hoping some-one here does and can explain it better and advise everyone else how not not have this happen to them.

    Amelia xxx

  • baltar447

    There's been chatter over on another board about this. I wonder if enough people report this to the FBI that they might investigate.

  • PublishingCult

    What is the addy for the blogspot?

  • baltar447
  • Amelia Ashton
  • HintOfLime

    It seems unlikely to me that there are JW's out there that are A) Willing to commit a felony to block people from apostate sites, and B) Understand the technology of hacking facebook, breaking browser security, etc - well enough to pull this off.

    Furthermore, a trojan is a peice of software that claims to do one thing, but really does another (like the trojan horse). If it was a trojan your neighbor found, that means you manually downloaded something and installed it. Otherwise, it would have been labled as a virus or facebook worm.

    - Lime

  • PublishingCult

    I signed up for aux pioneering, too, but have not been blocked. But LOL, Dear Brother Byrdwell got an honorable mention on this blog :P

    "If you want to add a blacklisted website or opposer to this database you cannot do so without clear supporting documentation such as a copy of the email someone has sent you. Email your submissions to [email protected] - You decide for yourself whether they are Apostate or not. And remember there is a difference between a disfellowshipped person and an opposing "Apostate"."

    LOL, and Jehovah's Witnesses are some of the most fanatical judgemental people ever. I really hate that I was wever associated with them.

  • VampireDCLXV

    Anyone ever heard of a drive-by dowload? It's when someone programs links into a website that allow a surreptitious automatic download of whatever type of hostile programming is desired onto a visitor's computer. All a vistor would have to do is click on a link or just hover the mouse pointer over an image or link and that's all it would take. Maybe it's unlikely that someone in dubbie land would be crazy enough to try such a thing but I wouldn't entirely discount the possibilitly. We all know that the JW org, as a whole, isn't entirely on the up and up; I don't care how law abiding and Christian they claim to be.

    As Amelia mentioned, this was some type of "host file" invasion. This kind of thing doesn't even have to involve any kind of executable file. Also, computers on the internet have varying grades of internet security software installed and some computers are more vulnerable to attack than others, depending on what security software is installed and how up to date the OS security patches are. This sounds like more of a surreptitious download than a legitimate option for ppl to chose yea or nay.

    Can we give Amelia the benefit of the doubt, please?


  • HintOfLime
    Can we give Amelia the benefit of the doubt, please?

    There are a lot of non-sensationalist ways for the average PC user to infect their PC with malware (just ask anyone who is frequently asked to clean up computers for friends/family). Someone downloads a 'free smiley pack', or some other nonsense, and next thing you know the computer is acting funny.

    Thinking critically, I think the probability of this being a JW trojan/virus is extremely low.

    It's like saying that you spoke to a JW, then on the way home your tire went flat, therefore the JW must have put a small puncture in your tire. Sure, it's possible - but the odds are that you ran over a nail.

    By assuming it was JW's that caused this, the original poster is completely missing what they SHOULD be worried about. Mozila, Microsoft, and Apple work to prevent this line of attack for good reason - viruses/trojans that modify the hosts file typically do so to redirect users to fake banking websites. If I were the original posters, I wouldn't be worried about JW's - I'd be worried about how long the host file had been changed, and what passwords/bank accounts might now be compromised.

    - Lime

  • VampireDCLXV
    Thinking critically, I think the probability of this being a JW trojan/virus is extremely low.

    Extremely low but not impossible, right? What's weird about this was that it was specifically targeted at anything X-JW (apostate) related. Hardly a coincidence. I hate chicken littles and ppl crying wolf as much as the next person but I think there might be something more to this...


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