Has anyone else tried the crazy approach to fading

by will_the_apostate 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • nugget

    if only I had that information sooner. I used to hate the feeling of being used, time and again we would put ourselves out for others only to discover they had little gratitude and less appreciation. I'd have been happy for any of the ingrates to jump ship so why didn't I try it.

  • pirata

    That is a good approach. King David did the same thing.

    (1 Samuel 21:12-15) 12 And David began to take these words to his heart, and he became very much afraid on account of A′chish the king of Gath. 13 So he disguised his sanity under their eyes and began acting insane in their hand and kept making cross marks on the doors of the gate and let his saliva run down upon his beard. 14 Finally A′chish said to his servants: “Here YOU see a man behaving crazy. Why should YOU bring him to me? 15 Am I in need of people driven crazy, so that YOU have brought this one to behave crazy by me? Should this one come into my home?”

  • lifeisgood

    I am sorry, but I prefer this wacked out trait called honesty. I just told the elders I was not coming back because I was taking two years off from them to study the Bible on my own. Which was the truth. Funny, after the two years they never tried to find me or talk to me.

  • jam

    I would be very careful on the crazy approach, I knew A young

    man years ago, that walk A different step then most, he became A

    regular pioneer (that,s what it was call , not sure what it

    is call today).

  • jam

    I would be very careful on the crazy approach, I knew A young

    man years ago, that walk A different step then most, he became A

    regular pioneer (that,s what it was call , not sure what it

    is call today).

  • will_the_apostate

    @zoinks well it explains my behavior then. what you see now is just my normal wierdness.

  • WallyWillburn

    I guess I just don't understand the issue. If you have family or close friends, you may not want to get DF or DA yourself. But why do you have to act crazy or put up some pretense? I just quit going and I get a phone call every 9 months from an elder and run into others now and then. I just tell them I have no more interest in it and I don't want to talk about it.

  • zoiks

    @WallyWillburn- I think you're missing out on the potential fun factor, and/or the potential for explaining away unexplainably bizarre behavior

  • Scully

    Having actually suffered from a severe bout of postpartum depression (along with scary as hell panic attacks) just prior to my decision to quit attending meetings, it kind of feels to me as a mockery of the real suffering and anguish that people and their loved ones experience with mental illness to attempt to fake it to facilitate a fade from the JWs. But, I suppose, whatever works for you... *shrugs*

  • Violia

    yes Scully I was just thinking the same thing. It is funny, I guess, but sad that the elders will run like the wind from an Mentally ill person.

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