"Trust the Faithful and Discreet Slave" Transcript [2010/2011 Kingdom Ministry School]

by pirata 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jookbeard

    I got as far as "lets have an illustration" and stopped, mind numbing shite that shows how tighter they want control

  • wannabefree

    Looks like somebody had a recording device at school.

    That was a tough read.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Thank you Pirata and Quendi for your excellent posts on this subject.


  • whereami

    pirata...are you pulling our leg? This sounds way too cultish.

    If you're a dub, and you're able to sit through this and agree, well then you deserve what you get.

  • pirata

    pirata...are you pulling our leg? This sounds way too cultish.

    Not pulling your leg, unfortunately. That was the talk as given. There is a similar report here from the 2005 KMS: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/102646/1/Elders-School-Notes-Part-7-Trust-Us

  • Quendi

    I believe that those who 'put their trust in the faithful and discreet slave' are missing the point. The slave was appointed only to feed fellow Christians, not to teach, not to lead. Those responsibilities belong to Jesus Christ alone, and he has never, ever delegated them to anyone else. You can read that for yourself at Matthew 23:8-10 and John 14:6 . The organization chooses to focus on Christ's statement that he would appoint the slave over his belongings. The question remains appoint the slave to do what? Lead, teach, organize, appoint congregation officers and the like? NO. The appointment would be to continue feeding and nothing more.

    And considering how many errors this coterie in Brooklyn has made with respect to prophecy, understanding Bible history, and the like, it is obvious that it never received an appointment from Christ back in 1919 or in any of the years that have followed. The organization doesn't tell its followers that there was no Governing Body even among Jehovah's Witnesses until 1976. Prior to that year, all doctrinal and administrative powers rested in the hands of the Society's president. And up until the year 1927, the Society taught that C.T. Russell was the faithful and discreet slave. What does that mean? It means that when Christ allegedly made his appointment in 1919, there was nobody in the organization in the position to accept it! Russell was dead; there was no Governing Body; and Rutherford didn't change the teaching until 1927, eight years after Christ supposedly went looking for someone to appoint. So how could any Witness lay claim to this office? Something more to think about, my friends.


  • Alfred

    Pirata... thanks for putting this together and sharing.

    I actually stopped reading when I finished this sentence (couldn't stomach it):

    The product of holy spirit, the Bible itself has no personal ambition, it's purpose, it's theme, is God's kingdom and, of course it helps us to develop a relationship with God. So, the governing body being in heart-harmony with the Bible, it shows that these brothers have no personal ambition.

    Now I've heard it all... So we need not worry about reading and interpreting scripture since the selfless GB is in "heart-harmony" with the Bible and will kindly do this for us...

    It's interesting how Freddy Franz practically took the Bible away from JWs back in the late 60's (in an effort to re-tighten control) by writing arrogant statements such as this one found in the Watchtower (October 1, 1967):

    "Thus the Bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, not to individuals, regardless of how sincerely thay may believe that they can interpret the Bible. For this reason the Bible cannot be properly understood without Jehovah's visible organization in mind."

    Every now and then, the WT will recycle statements such as this one from wacky Freddy when the numbers start declining (just to remind everyone that the Faithful and Discreet Slave is their only mediator)...

  • Joliette

    Its crazy how a religious organization can turn a bald faced lie into 'The Truth.'

  • wasblind

    " Well, at the time there were 5,000 domestics who were busy spreading Bible truth and they were using different technologies of the time."

    Today they use no Radio, TV, and warn against the internet

    to get the message out. Now how urgent is that for you

  • TotallyADD

    That was the last school I will ever attend. When I heard that talk and our speaker asked the question to all the elders. Do You Believe in the FDS? Everybody started clapping their hands for over a minute. That scared me so much when I got home I told my wife about it and told her I am going to stop down as a elder. Best decision I have ever made. Totally ADD

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