whats everybody doing this weekend?

by deservingone26 26 Replies latest social current

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    (((((Robdar))))) That is so kind of you. Best wishes to your friend.

  • Robdar

    Thank you, BP, for your kind words. I've been pretty bummed out by it. What can you say to a person who attempted suicide? I've decided that I really cant say anything of value, so I will just listen.

  • chickpea

    this weekend????


    a little political door to door canvassing for local issues

    a quick run to the next town over to dump old electronics for FREE!!!!!

    a play at our very vibrant community theatre this evening, with a good
    and "fun to be with" friend; dinner is a big maybe if she works too late....
    dancing at lughnasa


    conquer the concepts of pheynl methyl ethers, oxides (aka cyclic ethers), lactones, and coumarins

    each day fun in its own way!

    sorry to hear about your friend, robdar....
    what can you say? i would say "i am sorry
    this looked like a good idea and i am glad
    it didnt work"....

  • Robdar

    "i am sorry
    this looked like a good idea and i am glad
    it didnt work"....

    I am afraid that would only encourage him to try again. I've known a couple who have succeeded in their suicide mission. I still miss them.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    Cleaning, sorting, packing. Hubby and I are getting ready to move at the end of this month so we can come out of the "WT closet".

    Reopened Mind

  • chickpea
    I've known a couple who have succeeded in their suicide mission. I still miss them.

    yeah, us too....


  • mrsjones5

    We all are going to live our full lives...without the bOrg (well most of us are).

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