Why does God permit suffering? Don't let others answer this question for you

by sabastious 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious

    Wasn't the answer to this question wrapped up in a neat little package when you were young? It was easily explainable and it made you feel so warm inside that you knew that God felt passionately bad about the suffering and that it was going to stop.

    There is so much pain in this world. People are starving, people are being torchered by others who have lost their minds, there is endless suffering on this planet. Ironically the ones that reach out to the sky for aid are the ones that are ultimately swept away. Hope doens't motivate action and it can even enable stagnance. Instead of "not bothing with such things" many on this planet, fortunately for all of us, are rebuking that complacent attitude and replacing it their natural will to survive.

    The difference between the recent Japan earthquake and the Haiti earthquake is that Japan was ready. They still lost many people, but the majority of people were warned with their tsunami systems. During the quake Japan had a lot buildings with sophisticated earthquake protection and it saved countless lives.

    I would argue that Haiti was not given a chance to develop into a proud society intent on preserving their way of life and their souls. I wouldn't presume to know the intricacies of either country, but I see a staggering difference in the casualties numbers between countries in the recent earthquakes.

    The people of Haiti were, and still are, enslaved by their corrupt governments while Japan is a free nation. The people of Haiti are stifled by their leaders, it would seem, and not allowed to grow. Yet the Earth still shifts like it always has. It is an obvious requirement for the peoples of this earth to be aware of their geographical location in relation to the tectonic plates. Does the average Haitian even understand how the plates act as to set up a defense system? Education of the people is a fundamental, it would seem, that spans many different ends of a national community and it's requirements.

    I feel like a lot of people, around the world, agree with me and are challenging their corrupt leaders. I know I did, in my own way.

    One thing I have learned from all this is to never let someone else tell you why God permits suffering. If one truly figures out for himself the answer to that question satisfactorily, he/she will be much stronger on the other side of that journey.

    The recent tragedies have been a bitter reminder that we really don't know what's going to happen. It reminds me that the "why's" are not as important as we make them out to be. I want to salute the people of our world that are researching ways, and finding answers, to warn us from the devastating effects the earth's internal affairs.


  • GOrwell

    Isn't the only way to have true free will is to allow suffering/evil? you can't have one without the other, I feel..

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    I don't feel that as a sinner I can comprehend God's great love. So it's not worth me questioning why

  • aSphereisnotaCircle


    If god is so great, who are you to put down and marginalize his creation?

  • The Finger
    The Finger


    I don't think I'm as great as God do you?

  • sabastious
    Isn't the only way to have true free will is to allow suffering/evil? you can't have one without the other, I feel..

    There are a lot of stories humans have made about "locking up evil." In our myths is evil ever, as a whole, truly vanquished forever? Rarely do we see this even in myth because humans, the creators of mythology, are ultimately well aware that evil must exist.

    So the natural next step would be finding out how to "lock it away."


  • strymeckirules

    the world is an big lab test.

    it is also a big legal case.

    there are 7 billion people alive today. each one is running out his life. and each life is different.

    so there are so many different situations that a human can be put into that will test him or her.

    each person chooses what they will do in any situation.

    the test is -

    will a human do what's right in any given situation.

    will he follow the rules given, or will he make his own rules.

    your choice shows your mental capacity and your heart condition.

    and to keep the experiment completely random, god has had to step back and not prove he exists.

    he knows that there are those certain individual that have a spiritual thirst for knowledge. ones like Abraham.

    but if he were to prove himself to us, we would all side with god whether we love him or not because we would want to prolong our lifes. that's why he is silent right now. to see who really want to find him. to find the ones with faith.

    the legal case is -

    satan knows he's gonna be destroyed. and he hates humans. he does not want us to be friends with god. he want to take you down with him.

    he accused man of only serving god out of selfishness. only serving him for the good things he gives back.

    so god said okay, i'll disappear for a while and i bet you that humans will still want to serve me.

    and here we are. still trying to figure him out.

    god has faith in us. or else he would have gotten rid of the humans long ago. he's just looking for his best ones right now. those are the ones he draws close to.

  • PublishingCult

    Why not just ask, "why does Santa make us spend all of our money at department stores when he is supposed to be making and delivering all the gifts himself?"

    God does not exist, and therefore, cannot permit or prevent anything.

  • Terry

    IF THIS WORLD were the result of Darwinian mutation, survival of the fittest and randomness I would expect it to be pretty much

    what it is right now (and always has been).

    The really difficult part is coming up with a reasonable and logical explanation of how anybody full of goodness and love is behind it and who

    has the power to keep it on the right track---and yet---doesn't!

    That is a real mind boggler.

  • PublishingCult

    "The really difficult part is coming up with a reasonable and logical explanation of how anybody full of goodness and love is behind it and who has the power to keep it on the right track---and yet---doesn't!"

    The lame answer we are given is that, first of all, there's the little matter of Jehovah having to vindicate His name. Then, there is the absurd assertion that Jehovah has an appointed time to do this.

    Meh, it's a cop out. No good is coming from Jehovah taking his own sweet eternal time while his worshippers are suffering and dying every day. He is a feckless thug.

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