the other side of my story and why im going back

by deservingone26 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • PublishingCult
    PC, I LUV it when you play rough. Go put on your fishnets, darling.

    I'll put on my fishnets if you run home and get your equipment.

  • willyloman

    Troll alert:

    The OP appears to have been written by a troll who shares "experiences" based not on reality but on what's been handed down by the WTS by way of warning sheeplets not to stray too far from Mother.

    Dubs are always making shit up.

  • yourmomma

    yeah, i think the other jw poster is also fake, i found it odd he used the word "disco", who uses that word anymore? is he copy and pasting out of the live forever book? lol.

    just in from bethel made me LOL choke on my coffee with this:

    "So obviously you're not a woman who has ever given birth. If that's "set up perfectly" by your standards then, I'd hate for you to design my house. I'd have to squeeze through a mouse door to get out while breaking it apart. 10 to 30% of the time the house or myself would not survive unless I had a construction crew/doctors on hand to mend us back together after I left. But hey, that's pefection for you."

  • deservingone26

    Its funny that everyone definition of a troll is anyone who speaks good about jehohavs witnesses and sorry i am real and my story is real some people didnt believe that meeting were at 7 til someone put a post out there about meeting times . The only reason I post here is because I do want to help others who are going thru my same situation and im sure there are plenty of them out there. Everyone has the right to choose what they want to do, this is what I have choosen.

  • james_woods

    I agree, deservingone26. (with your avatar name)

    You are deserving of what you get - if in fact you are really going back.

    I would point out that it would have been to your advantage if you had stayed here long enough to learn the use of paragraphs in your posts.

    - Watchtower people have very little opportunity to actually write anything on their own and are often deficient in this regard.

  • diamondiiz

    I only read your original post and didn't read others so it may have been said already. You left wts for reasons that normal youth do BUT you still believed wts was and you still believe wts is today god's chosen organization. While having freedom requires also discipline on your part, this cannot be said of being a jw in a sense that you have no freedom but are forced to obey orders made up by strangers based on their interpretation of the bible.

    It appears that many witness youth are living in a closed society like many other cults and they want out, but for many, when they do get out they explode and run wild without self control because they want to experience what life on the outside is. Really what they are experiencing is a small part of the real world because not every non-jw youth does drugs and not every non-jw youth gets pregnant. Most don't become alcoholics and most people don't become criminals. While you may have left wts and gone wild, possibly believing you were going to be annihilated by god anyways which probably contributed to your self abuse, you now blame the world for this and want to go back.

    Do your research of wts and it's history and it's evolution of teachings. See how they hurt innocent people and how their never ending supply of deception will keep you in a contained state until you have another episode of breaking out where you will go back and self distract due to guilt of sinning.

    You also mention friends. It's true, it's hard to find real good friends and most friends aren't of the real true type BUT when you do find the people you can call a true friend, you will be able to discuss things without being afraid your friend will abandon you because you have a different view. That type of friendship you WILL NEVER FIND WITHIN WTS!!! Believing JWs are all fake and will turn their back on you the minute you disagree with wts belief system where you get a label or df or apostate.

    You mentioned how everything is so perfect and how it perfectly works and you can't imagine there not being a god. Well, would you feel the same if you were born blind or without legs or arms? How do you view a lion attack and kill a small baby zebra or hawk pick up a baby chick? You see, there is beauty around us but there is also natural violence - all made by the same God of the bible? I'm not saying there is nothing out there but what I am saying is bible not god's word if there is such a thing as god, and after enough research I know wts is a fraud of a religion and I would say worse than most main religions out there. After all, how many religions do you know that had more scandals and cover ups than wts?

    Do your research into wts, get your life in order and enjoy what you have. You can have spiritual beliefs based on your own research and understanding and not based on beliefs that old uneducated men force you upon you when you are part of wts.

  • His Excellency
    His Excellency


  • Adventurousone


    Have you ever heard of JWfacts or JWsurvey because these may help you see the real truth. Don't you want the truth to live by.

    Of course it's a bumpy road we go down but don't all of us. Please check these sites out along with your own research and then

    come to your own decision you want to make. But you really shouldn't make a decision until you do this research. You need to

    live with youself. Can you live with the LIE. Take care no matter where you end up.

  • jhine

    I have only just come to this thread , and have not read all the posts , sorry , but some that I have read seem to say that people who believe in Jehovah must be JWs or not be anywhere . Some have said that they have problems with addiction , drugs and alcohol , I missed any that might have mentioned sex ! THERE ARE OTHER CHURCHES . The JW crap about Trinitarian churches is just that crap to stop people from leaving KHs .

    YOu will find love , acceptance , and help in most Trinitarian churches , though I am Anglican so a plug for them . I do say most cus I do realise that some churches are not so brill at welcoming newbies , we are still imperfect humans after all !!

    JUst wanted to point out that no-one has only a straight choice between KH or nothing Other places of worship are available

  • keynumber

    we have alot of similaraties that I relate too. this is my 3rd stint being df'd. In other posts I relate alot of my life and experienced..I was in bethel 4yrs.

    I also got into the drug scene heavily...and it wasn't weed or alcohol only. I am an addict today, have been serious recovery for 2 years. In the early period of my addiction I got in different programs of recovery...and during that period in the beginning I never told my facilitators and therapist just how involved I was with this organisation. Why? Because I didn't want to let them know the reality of being one of jw's, the guilt put on me for not living up to my expectations, and telling them all that goes on with areas of association, education etc and the hidden restrictions, the complete ostracism from all your friends, family.

    Once I had a break-down on the road and actually couldn't think of anyone to call for help and I did't have AAA, damit...And if you did call someone, maybe a brother the first thing they'll ask is if you know anyone else that can help you. and if they do their continence show a reluctance. I did get help for a jw friend and today i consider him my best friend even thouth we dont tale to each other

    Finally I spoke to facilitor and therepist phd. and told them everrything..What a weight off me... I do take meds to balance me and am very involved with the MATRIX RECOVERY PROGRAM, I feel one of the best. All what happened took a pschology toll on me.

    and if it wasnt for my truthfullnes I wouldn't have the real help, go seek help, it won,t hurt it will help in more ways then one..



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