a couple questions for everyone here

by deservingone26 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MrFreeze

    What drives? The ability to choose

    Why do I post? Who doesn't like talking with people who are of like-mindedness? It's not like I sit here posting all day. I like to read what people are thinking and reply when I have something to add. It's the same reason you use something like Facebook.

    Am I atheist? I guess not because I don't claim to know that much.

  • deservingone26

    i appreciate all of your post i was just curious, its cool to see other peoples perspectives on different things I feel like this is like counseling for me right now lol all the advice on here has been great! I guess i just got to focus on all the positves things that i have going on for myself and focus on just building on that.

    but truthfully i am going to just go back I cant handle this anymore not being able to speak with my parents or family on a regular basis. im not doing anything that is worth staying out for, celebrating holidays isnt that great, giving and accepting blood isnt really a big deal to me specially since they have so many bloodless surgeries now(hopefully that is never something i have to decide upon) and i still plan on going to school i dont see why being a jw with stop that but yeah i just feel alone, my friends that are nonwitnesses or exwitnesses are all druggies and alcoholics and im tired of that lifestyle. and i dont really see myself making friends on this site even though most of you seem pretty cool and seem to go out of your way to help others. I appreciate everyone who has commented on my posts. and even though im returning its not like im returning to be a super zealous witness(elder,pioneer,minsterial servant) Im just going to go to my meetings and go out in service when i get the chance. I feel like there are alot of ppl in the world who would be better off being in the witness world, so preaching to ones who are looking for some kind of purpose in life will be better then me just doing what i am doing now. thanks again

  • itsbeenalongtime

    1. For me I am just now starting to fade out and I hope it goes well......But what has made me have the drive to do so is, my children...I also look back at all the things I wasted, like my year in college. So now I have stared to go back and do what I was alwated to do. I will be a social worker. I quit going because at the time I fell for the whole education not being important...

    2. I just stared to post on her but I like it because like I said I am just starting to fade out so It helps me feel safe, I guess... It makes me feel like I am not the only person in the world that has to deal with this stuff.. When I read about others I see that I am no a lone in this. I too wont be on this site but if it takes me 1000's post to help me move on then that is what I will do :)

    3. I dont agree with the witness world but i still believe in God......I believe that It is important to keep looking and to keep asking questions. I feel that we should not scsred to look or ask questions because the truth is the truth and if we question it, it should lead right back to the truth.... So when the witnesses get scared of people asking questions it only makes me believe that the truth is no in them..

  • Mat

    Well, you know we won't shun you for going back- Best wishes.

  • deservingone26

    after reading everyone post again I can do all of these things as a witness plus I can have my family back and new friend who like to do different things. that is one thing i miss about the witnesses being able to hang out with all types of different ppl young, old, and lots of single sister lol. I will have a network of ppl all around the world so if i want to travel or move out of state it will be alot easier for me to meet new ppl. I got to get ready for the meeting now it starts in like 30 minutes

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    While that might seem the best option for now deservingone26 . . . and I respect that . . . you must beware that any time spent in this cult will damage you . . it is simply not healthy. Please don't waste your life. Do what you feel you have to . . . but don't forget your friends here . . . I suspect you will need them.

    Good luck.


  • deservingone26

    sorry for all the spelling issues lol

  • mrsjones5

    my friends that are nonwitnesses or exwitnesses are all druggies and alcoholics and im tired of that lifestyle. and i dont really see myself making friends on this site even though most of you seem pretty cool and seem to go out of your way to help others.

    I believe that you attract the kind of friends you want. You say that you can't find any other kinds of friends on the outside except for druggies and drunks and I have a hard time believing that unless that's that kind of friends you're really looking for or are just too lazy to go out and find quality people to hang out with. I've been outside of the organization for close to 25 years and I don't hang out with folks who do drugs or drink to excess (that I know of - maybe at least my friends have the good sense not to do that around me).

    Sorry you that you can't or won't find what you're looking for on the outside and are going back. Better you than me.

  • VampireDCLXV
    ...even though im returning its not like im returning to be a super zealous witness(elder,pioneer,minsterial servant) Im just going to go to my meetings and go out in service when i get the chance. I feel like there are alot of ppl in the world who would be better off being in the witness world, so preaching to ones who are looking for some kind of purpose in life will be better then me just doing what i am doing now. thanks again

    Admittledly nobody here can stop anyone from coming out from or going back to the JWs but know this: nobody on the inside is your friend. No one!

    I desperately hope you don't see the day when someone you're close to sticks a knife in you. Most congregations are little more than dangerous snake pits. If you do anything to raise an Elder's dander, they might come at you with trumped up charges and a JC for just about anything... ANYTHING! Miscarriages of justice happen in congregations much more often than you'd think. In time, you might find that being on the inside could become more and more intolerable as time goes on. It coulbe come to a point where going to meeting might make you increasingly ill to the point where you might not be able to keep your muth shut about it anymore. Staying among JWs could cost you a lot of your sanity over the long run! And don't you even dare try to bring someone else on the outside into this slavery. I repeat: being a JW is not harmless.


  • EntirelyPossible

    I feel like there are alot of ppl in the world who would be better off being in the witness world, so preaching to ones who are looking for some kind of purpose in life will be better then me just doing what i am doing now. thanks again

    For this alone you have lost any semblance of respect as a human.

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