The Effects of JW Child Abuse into Adulthood

by PublishingCult 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • dinah

    I'm very sorry, PC. Your brother's story has been lived many, many times. Spiritual abuse is abuse, and it leaves invisible scars.

  • PublishingCult

    Thanks everyone for the condolences and kind words.

    Meh, upon hanging up from talking to my sis-in-law, my blood was boiling a little bit. This makes four people in my immediate that have died under the weighty oppression of the WTBTS. All three manifested in their lives the false concept that apart from the WTBTS and JW's, your life will be filled with feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. It's as if they just kept moving through life ignoring the heavy shackles that remained upon their feet.

    Once we are adults, we are all responsible for the decisions we make in our lives and the direction we take. However, I know that for myself in trying to move on from my own abusive upbringing in the organization of JW's, that there is this constant wobble in the ankles as you keep moving forward. I know my brother was hammered even harder than I was, and I know he was moving to his final destination completely hobbled emotionally and mentally from his childhood indoctrination. I don't think he ever found the kind of support and information that so many find by simply visiting a discussion forum like this one. Things you can read about and learn here can help you make little distinctions that make a huge difference in your perspective, and directly effect your emotional states of mind, and allow you to make better healthier decisions. But he did, nevertheless, keep on moving forward, even if it was with taking a shot of Jack here, or a toke of weed there, a few pills . . . to numb the pain of mnemonic demonics.

    I do prefer to keep my personal life as personal as possible, but this is an important example to be shared with others who come here to read. I sincerely hope it helps to open your eyes. If you were born and/or raised in the organization of JW's, then maybe you will relate to this story and its bitter end. If you are a JW parent, maybe it will make you aware of how you are unwittingly abusing your children and condemning them to similar way of life. It's certainly worth thinking about.

    Thanks, again, for words of comfort.


  • dinah

    PC, if you want to go read through my posts, the journey from DF'd dub to Ex-Dub to just Dana took a long time.

    It takes time and mental/emotional support to get through it. I shudder to think what would have happened to me had I not found this place and made friends who had been through the same childhood. It was an eye-opener.

  • nolongerwaiting

    I'm so sorry.

    NLW's wife

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    So sorry for your loss; thank you for sharing your personal experience even though it is so painful for you. I truly hope you remember the good times that your brother managed to have.


    Chicken little

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    So sorry for your loss!

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