Humans have only been around for 6000 years? I have a question...

by KristiKay 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • freydo


    If the Flood was real, how come the Americas were populated when Columbus arrived? The Ark Landed on Mount Ararat, the waters withdrew...How did Noah's descendants manage to cross the Atlantic and become the great civilizations of the Americas?

    A study of European history - particularly that of the Scythians helps connect the dots. Col 3:11

    I don't think jw's ever heard of them.

  • RubaDub
    There's also a phenomenon known as "gene pooling".

    Sounds like something done at a gay bathhouse.

    Rub a Dub

  • DagothUr

    Freydo, what is the connection between Scythians (who are my ancestors) and Mayans (who are not)?

  • GromitSK

    I dont think it is as straightforward a the penny example. For a start, people are dying as new ones are born. It needs a bit of applied maths I think but it is so long ago I can't remember how to do it.

  • freydo

    DagothUr Freydo, what is the connection between Scythians (who are my ancestors) and Mayans (who are not)?

    Have you done a DNA test?

  • jgnat

    Here's another fascinating story of the human journey; the trail is in our genetic makeup.

    Anyone can send in a genetic test and receive a geno-map which will trace their ancestors' journey out of Africa. My genetic clan is Haplogrup J (Subclade J), and migrated north out of Africa, settled in the Middle East, then spread like a fan through eastern Europe and as far east as India. The trail then goes cold. The genetic markers are "Mitochondrial Eve">L1/L0>L2>L3>N>R>J

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    I think I can help with the animals on the ark problem . . . There is an ancient legend among my ancesters (Tangata Whenua), that Noah was in fact the worlds first postman . . . and that while his sons where busy pro-creating, he personally dropped off all the little animals at their respective homes . . . Moa's in New Zealand . . . Kangaroos in Australia . . . Panda's in China . . . you get the picture . . . makes sense aye?

    I actually believe that this could even be a missing Chapter from the book of Genesis . . . it deserves to be there no question

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Murray, how did your ancestors know that some countries had animals that others did not?

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Sorry . . . I should have explained . . . it was Ranginui, the god of the sky (evidently an angel of Jehovah) who related these things to Maui the great fisherman (likely this was one of Noah's sons probably Ham) and he told them.

    You can see the strong Genesis connection . . .

  • DagothUr

    DNA test? To prove what?

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