What's going on at 100 Henry Street?

by Alfred 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Here's a spin on the conspiracy theory: The WT and the Jews are working together. Sort of. Actually, the Borg is getting played. When you break down water, you get more than just oxygen. In fact, for every atom of oxygen you get two atoms of hydrogen. These Jewish entrepreneurs know the Borg is run by apocalyptic loons and so have sold them on this device which the faithful can use to produce clean breathing oxygen while the rest of the world has been gassed with all sorts of Satanic crap. They can have it all at a quite reasonable price, as long as the hydrogen "by-products" get to belong to the Jewish entrepreneurs, which they will sell to one of their other companies that makes hydrogen fuel cells.

    The real money isn't in oxygen, it's in the hydrogen, and the Borg are simply dupes and dopes.

    Conspiracy theories are fun!

    One thing is pretty certain, though, and that is for decades the WT has been waffling between behaving like they think the end is imminent and building like they expect to be in business for another half-century.

  • God_Delusion

    I liked the part when you said:

    I’d like to first clarify that I am NOT a conspiracy theorist by any stretch of the imagination.

    Then part when you said:

    Is the Society gearing up for a world war in which the only survivors will be JWs toting oxygen-generating devices?

    Do you do stand-up, if so, where?

  • Kudra

    “Is the Society gearing up for a world war in which the only survivors will be JWs toting oxygen-generating devices?”

    That's pretty much an undisputed fact. People have been onto that for years- you are coming into this a little ...late in the game.

    Next thing we know, you'll be telling every one you *just* found out that the Governing Body are in actuality Reptilian Overlords.

    Girlfren', we've known that for yeeeaaars.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    The Watchtower as an organization is and has invested in all types of companies before. They have an active force of investors, lawyers etc. that do transactions on the stock market and file paperwork. Maybe you can get more info through finding out all the companies registered on the addresses and phone numbers of the Watchtower (inquire with NYS and NYC to see if it is possible to get listings that way).

    There are simply too many corporations the WT creates and dissolves to keep track off. An interesting lead is the for-profit companies like Circuit Leasing that recently moved from Delaware to NY and Watch Tower Enterprises LLC that got dissolved or Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses or Kingdom Support Services. But again, you won't find much. Their own instructions for RBC and KH recommend registering a new non-profit for each entity within the same building. Eg. if you have 2 congregations in 1 hall, you'll have 3 corporations, congregation 1, congregation 2 and the representative body for the maintenance etc., same for RBC - the local RBC is a separate corporation from the main RBC. You can find those instructions if you have access to eg. forms S-27 and S-42

  • sinis

    This almost sounds like a BIO FUEL ie ALTERNATE FUEL!!! Converting water to oxygen implies they split the bond - yielding a fuel and oxidizer. Hmmmm, maybe going to bank on alt fuels????????????????????????? Perhaps so that the rank and file can retro their cars and pioneer on mere water???? :)

  • RubaDub

    With all the dog poop in NY City, maybe it's some secret Bio-Fuel experiment for converting the poop into methane to power the taxis and busses in the city.

    Rub a Dub

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