Who converts and Why? SURVEY - Please contribute

by Murray Smith 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Curtains

    My parents were fine too. Pretty average, doing the best they could for us. Poor parenting does not figure in the reason why I became a witness. I was asking questions though and Jehovahs witnesses supplied answers.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Thanks Heaven . . . all accounts are welcome and helpful . . . I'd be interested if you know how old your Grandfather was when he converted and anything regarding his youth/young adult period and parental experience (if you know that is)? Thanks again

    Thanks also Curtains . . . it's hard to define the absence of parenting factors but they aren't always obvious 'poor parenting' . . . more an absence of 'controls' on the strength of which young adults and adolescents in particular form thier own determinations and individuality. Often this absence may only be seen as a distant relationship between family members.

    Thank you one and all . . . I need it all.

  • streets76

    My mother was a 16 year old mother, again barefoot and pregnant (with me!), with a 7th grade education, married to an alcoholic abusive mostly absent child-man, daughter of functionally illiterate abusive alcoholic tobacco share-cropping divorced parents.

    She was desperately in need of a daddy and a substitue husband.

    One fine day, Jehovah knocked on her door.

    Need I say more?

  • Curtains

    Hi murray

    I think your basic premises regarding parenting are correct in that the religion of Jehovahs witnesses does present itself as being good parents.


    Good Evening Murray..

    C'mon OUTLAW . . . there must be some absence of parenting factors in your case . . . surely..

    Your absolutely correct..

    I was raised in the WBT$/JW Cult..3rd Generation..

    Whatever the WBT$ said,was fine by my parents..They had no thoughts of their own..

    Like most JW Kids..I was raised by WBT$ Rules..

    My JW Parents were WBT$/JW Zombies..

    How could they possibly Parent Me,when they needed Parenting Themselves?..

    The WBT$ turns Normally Intelligent People,into Retards..

    Who need Constant Supervision and Guidance,regardless of how Flawed it may be..

    Broken Promises..

    Does Outlaw ever have something of substance to contribute, or does he have to make a joke out of everything?

    Goodluck in getting him to string more than 2 sentences together without pretty pictures.....Broken Promises

    I read in a Medical Journal..

    That people who do not understand Sarcastic Humour,are Prone to Dementia in Later Years..

    It`s unlikely you will have to wait that long..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • doofdaddy

    The German nation is cursed then!! LOL!

  • Heaven

    I'd be interested if you know how old your Grandfather was when he converted and anything regarding his youth/young adult period and parental experience (if you know that is)?

    I'm going to have to dig up this info. to be accurate but I think he was born in the 1890s. I believe I was 4 when he died (1967). So he was in his 50s to 60s when he converted/joined up.

    I've been trying to find out about information regarding when the supposed digging up of the coffins occurred and so far I'm not coming up with much. I am guessing here but I believe it was in the 1950s sometime. From Wikipedia, it looks like there was a 1944 and a 1953 subway project and I'm figuring it was the 1953 project that saw this occurrence.

    So my Mom was not raised JW. She was an adult when her Father converted. The yearly bound Watchtower and Awake! hardcover books in my parent's bookcase start at 1960.

  • dgp

    Outlaw, I do like you and enjoy your humor and the like. I can perhaps accept that Broken Promises didn't understand your humor In my opinion, however, she does not deserve being called demented.

    Just for the record, I am frequently the target of opinions like those people sometimes throw at you, and I find that your images and short texts are sometimes extremely informative and to the point.

    Disclaimer: I am friends with Broken and like her.

  • dgp

    As to the subject of the thread, I can't say who converts, because I didn't; but I can say who doesn't convert. Someone who has the information about what life is really like in the Watchtower and has really pondered that information.

    Outlaw, I do like you and enjoy your humor and the like. I can perhaps accept that Broken Promises didn't understand your humor
    In my opinion, however, she does not deserve being called demented.
    Disclaimer: I am friends with Broken and like her.....dgp

    Does Outlaw ever have something of substance to contribute, or does he have to make a joke out of everything?

    Goodluck in getting him to string more than 2 sentences together without pretty pictures.....Broken Promises


    I stated a fact..

    "People who do not understand Sarcastic Humour are Prone to Dementia later in life"..

    It`s a Recent Discovery and made the News on Yahoo a few months ago..

    Your loyalty to Broken Promises is Admirable.....She should Feel Lucky,to have you as a Friend..

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

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