
by MrFreeze 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Millions

    I used to spend those long winter evenings folding panda tracts in various languages.

    These days I play drums in a couple of bands and watch good films/comedy shows. And I just shelled out for a year's membership to my local sports centre. I SHALL go to the ball!

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    How interesting. What a way for your Dad to learn a trade!

    I have done a sofa and several chairs. I have one of my dining room chairs done but still have 3 more to go.

    I had a rocker and kept falling off it lol . Actually I had a bentwood rocker but there is no room here for it so I gave it away. Now that I think of it I have an armchair rocker that is quite comfy. I never fall off it.

  • moshe

    LL, I remember wanting to take upholstery classes back in the late 70's after seeing a hands on display at a craft fair in the mall. I would have had to miss a meeting during the week for the classes- so that hobby never materialized!

  • DesirousOfChange

    After deciding we needed to take out more time for ourselves, we discovered that we both love golf. And there are lots of other JWs that were somehow finding time to play.

  • beksbks

    Thanks Blondie for reminding me yet again that they are truly a cult

  • gutted

    This is such a cool thread, it showed me how much more rounded and happy a person can be after leaving the JWs and pursuing their hobbies/passions/whatever.

    I haven't really taken up new hobbies since I left (except for trying to pick up girls lol) but have more time for my passions:

    -Writing music, both rock and electronic.

    -Playing sports. I actually joined a basketball sports team I'm now playing on, and will probably join a soccer one this summer.

    I definitely want to do more reading, specifically philosophy and join some other classes maybe dancing or something like music or art history.

  • White Dove
    White Dove






    Ice skating


    JWN, FB (grrr), Hotmail

    Not in that order, of course

  • MrFreeze

    It's great to see people enjoying their life with "Non-essential" activities. Moshe, how the hell do you find the time?

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