Did you feel your BOE was spirit directed?

by pontoon 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • DesirousOfChange

    I believed it BEFORE I was an elder and saw the real interworkings of things as they shelter the young MSs from all the crap, but once they get the next calling, look out! You see how it all REALLY works. I think I was convinced of it even after serving as an elder on several decisions. Now I think it was just time and unforseen occurance.

    After years of observing however, there are just toooooo many things that would prove otherwise.

    Elders who continue to serve for years and are still assigned circuit & district parts and later it is revealed that they were carrying on affars with other women (or men) for years; or elders that were fired from their secular jobs for stealing or drunkedness or failing drug tests but it never became public knowledge in the JW community. Guess the HS didn't know those things were going on?? And typically those guys were the worst of the "Ax Men" on JCs.

    Elder bodies that hide or minimize wrongdoings of their fellow elder buddys. Surely they are worried that then next time it will be them being called on the carpet for something that surfaces and they'll expect the same good ole boy treatment.

    Try sitting in on a group elders meeting where 2 or 3 or 4 diff congs share the same KH. I've nearly seen blood flow. OH THE LOVE........

  • unshackled

    Yes, believed it at one point. Never served on a BOE though. But going thru a few JCs was what started opening my eyes - no spirit direction at all. Just a bunch of men...idiots mostly.

  • cantleave

    When I was appointed it became obvious, very quickly that the elders were NOT directed by spirit. I found board meeting at work more uplifting than elders meetings.

  • Hairyhegoat

    Not a chance, my sister was verbally abused and sexually by the elder she married. He is a pig and to get away from him she had to find a new man in the world to have sex with. She got df and he came up smelling of roses and has kids now, this event split our family up over night. These elders are not appointed by holy spirit and the GB are all liars! If I was like my uncle in the world this arse who abused my sister would be part of the M6 toll now! I was in for 44 years and could wright a book on these elders who are JW servants and beneath the general jw attendees they are slaves with no authority over anything..


  • Hairyhegoat


  • Open mind
    Open mind

    " “Those that respect the law and love sausage should watch neither being made.”

    Mark Twain

    Once you see what goes on in the sausage room, you realize there's no Shakina Light making its way in there.


  • VampireDCLXV

    As a mere member of the R&F, of course I believed! I never was a MS and certainly not an Elder. Doubts eventually started creeping in as the years passed since my baptism. My intuition was telling me to avoid fessing up to anything, at all cost, because I sensed something just wasn't right. It wasn't until I signed up here that the floodgates opened and I no longer was able to believe in them at all...


  • mrquik

    In for 50 years. Father-in -law of the anointed. Personally knew Rutherford. Al Schroeder was a family friend. I was an elder for 10 yrs. Gave district assembly parts. Numerous committee meetings. Holy Spirit? None. This organization does not have now nor ever had Jehovah's Holy Spirit. Don't believe it? Look for evidence throughout it's history. Find anything but man directing himself? You don't need Holy Spirit to be almost right. A little bit of knowlege is a dangerous thing.

  • Simon Morley
    Simon Morley

    while I was an elder I was convinced the majority were spirit directed - Jack Daniels, Johnnie Walker and Jim Beam were all part of our BOE.

  • jws

    I don't know about spirit directed, but I certainly respected them when I was a kid. Then our hall and the other hall merged and I saw how different and arrogant their elders were and started to lose respect for many of them.

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