
by therevealer 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • wasblind

    Question: Why are they cuttiing pioneer hours if the preaching work is so urgent ??????

  • brotherdan

    GOOD question, wasblind!

  • punkofnice
  • wasblind

    Thanks Bro Dan

  • punkofnice

    I read somewhere that the reporting of hours is, not just a 'spiritual thermometer' of the person but legally validates the washtowel borg. for tax exemption as they can prove they have 'members' or something.

    Gad, I HATE the GB!

  • miseryloveselders

    You know, they really have a lot of nerve to print this nonsense. As a born in, I find this article to be offensive. For one thing, they call it a "volunteer" work, yet they keep record of the time that people put into this so called "volunteer" work. If a person's time "volunteering" isn't as high as the national average, the elders in the congregation are supposed to "encourage" that one to do more. On top of that, to make the claim that the work is supported by "voluntary contributions" is utter nonsense. The general public doesn't contribute jack to the WT. Why would they? For one thing, they don't know anything about the JWs other than what they don't celebrate, they're weird, and show up on their front porch to bother them about some magazines that they didn't want in the first place. Why would anyone with a reasonable mind contribute to that? People contribute to causes and foundations that they know will benefit some downtrodden person, or community in need of assistance, which the Watchtower is not in the business of doing.

    They're about themselves and their precious literature. Voluntary contributions my behind......all the money we've spent on vehicle maintenance, gas money, lost sleep, preperation for field service, getting up early to clean up the house because you have the "privilege" of having "The Friends" meet at your home on Saturday morning at 9:15am, worn shoes, car wrecks, winter weather, ruined dress shirts due to insufficient deoderant and tee shirts from doing door to door in 90 degree weather where we accomplished absolutely nothing, showing up uninvited on people's front porch bothering them about some poorly written article on whether or not the fruit fly evolved or was it created, getting chased off of people's property because the last elder who had the territory didn't make a note on the back of it to not call on 666 Insane Street, ........yeah, I love volunteering. Pricks.

  • Violia

    Yes, MLE the pic of the young white couple at somenes hut is hard to look at. They also really do take advantage of the immigrants here in the states. Many times they don't speak English and the jws used to teach folks to speak English too. That is not bad, but comes at a high price. I guess a lot of religions do this too.

    This reminds me of a recent Scientology commercial that offered "social programs" . They are like the wts, vultures trying to get to folks while the economy is on a down-slide.

  • dgp

    How did the sister manage to get up those hills with those shoes of hers? The brother, immaculate trousers?

    "The Powers of Photoshop?"

  • wasblind

    " People contribute to causes and foundations that they know will benefit some downtrodden person,"

    From my experience know matter how down trodden the house holder look

    the magazine is supposed to fix the problem, if the householder is:

    1) sick---- give 'em a mag

    2) Hungry------- give 'em a mag

    3) cold------- give 'em a mag at least they can throw it in the fire to keep warm


    So the WBT$ produced 20 billon pieces of literature over the last decade?..

    95% of WBT$ Crap Literature is stored in basements,spare bedrooms and garages..At Jehovah`s Witness homes arond the world..

    Nobody wants it..

    There is no WorldWide WBT$ Preaching work..

    There is a "WorldWide WBT$/JW Literature Storage Club" though..

    .................... ...OUTLAW

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