Accidentally Leaving a Flash Drive in the KH Parking Lot

by RayPublisher 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • snakeface

    Most JWs will not even know what the flashdrive is because they don't have computers. They might think it's part of a keychain, or a handle from some kind of machine lever. Or a mushroom.

    But even the few who would know what it is, I think they'd just give it to an elder or MS to put in the lost and found. The elders and MS might be suspicious, since no one normally brings a flashdrive to the Hall. They will most likely think it was dropped by an "outsider".

  • willyloman

    The UN NGO is BS. No one cares

    You may feel that way. But it's one of the things that woke me up. And many others had the same reaction and said so on the forum.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Start a witch hunt.

    Fill it with as much hard hitting apostate material as you can find, including a bookmark list of apostate websites (except silly ones like Sick Screams).

    Engrave the initials of their most respected elder on it (not the COBOE). There is not much point putting the initials of some jumped up little Hitler on it. You want them left behind to piss off the members.

    Then get the mods to delete this thread.

  • punkofnice

    Perhaps we can invent 'The Apostate's Cookbook!'

  • DavinciCodeBreaker

    I agree with some previous posts. I can almost guarantee this will fall into the hands of the elders. They will email you as if they were truly moved blah, blah, blah. I would be careful of a trap like this. I talk to friends all the time doing my bit to rescue good hearted people. Just bring up topics like "the generations" or certain points in the WT. I often ask a question such as: Do you think Jehovah could ever remove his Holy Spirit from the governing body? If they say yes, then the conversation go anywhere. If they so no, then I ask; so Jehovah's H.S. upon the GB is unconditional? Was this same HS unconditional with the Nation of Israel, did he remove his HS from his "chosen race, his people of special possesion"? Unless they are dug in like a tick with the WTBTS dogma it usually opens up some interesting dialogue. I have many friends now that are "pf the conscience class" using subtle tactics, however you still need to be cautious not to get too emotional.


  • RayPublisher

    Snakeface said:

    "Most JWs will not even know what the flashdrive is because they don't have computers. They might think it's part of a keychain, or a handle from some kind of machine lever. Or a mushroom."

    In my KH we have many elderly ones that listen in to the meeting via the internet when they are sick. Everyone I can think of in the congregation is aware of what a flash drive is and almost every family has a computer. A few don't have interenet, but most have that too. We have very few orders for bound volumes any more because nearly everyone uses the WT CD-rom. This is just my area, but I think maybe you're a little out of touch with JWs perhaps...

  • rebel8

    You can find enough stuff in their own literature to hang them on without apostate commentary.

    Scan in numerous pages of teachings that contradict each other, with the contradictions highlighted in yellow. Put them in separate folders by topic.

    No one cares.

    That's not true. You must be speaking of your personal experience vs. the world wide impact that scandal had on lots of dubs.

  • rebel8

    On another thread we were discussing how to apostasize at the conventions. People were saying they could not put flyers on people's cars because the lots are patrolled. (How pathetic of them to patrol the lots.) I was thinking, why not make a fake Chinese restaurant menu and put those on windshields. They would pass the Parking Lot Police because they look like real menus. Slip in a few glimpses of reality............

    Dum Wang To Wer Chinese Restaurant Takeout Menu

    Chicken Fried Rice........$5.75 Chicken, rice, and vegetables stir fried with a tasty sauce. One of our most popular dishes. The WTS joined the United Nations. Visit their web site for proof: <insert web address>

    BBQ Ribs......$6.99 Grilled ribs marinated in a spicy Chinese barbecue sauce, served with steamed broccoli. The WTS sent a letter to Hitler supporting his war effort. Check for proof <insert literature citation>

  • mrquik

    Just have some of the cheap signs made for garage sales made up the e-mail sites they need to see & put them up Sat. night across from the parking lot. Even better, get the homeowner's permission to leave them up during the CO's visit.

  • Scully


    What I think might work is to leave an actual file folder [the old paper sort] in the men's room or under a stack of literature on the counter, so that the elders would be alerted.

    Better yet, make it a letter-sized manila envelope full of Apostate™ documentation, addressed to yourself (no return address), postmarked from the next state over, sealed and with the words PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL stamped across the front and back.

    My money is on it being turned over to the Elders™, steamed open to view the contents, before being returned to you for interrogation. However, they can't really approach someone whose privacy they have breached by opening a sealed envelope with the words PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL stamped across the front. They also can't make accusations of Apostacy™ against someone to whom a sealed envelope was addressed but not opened by the intended recipient, especially when it is coming from out-of-state.

    Don't people get unsolicited mail all the time?

    I'd love to do that just to make the Elders™ squirm, knowing that they've violated my privacy and not being able to do anything about it.

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