With the advance of the singularity in 2045 will the JW finally Give up?

by Star tiger 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
  • brotherdan
    the rise of computer consciousness in 2045

    Ahhhh...the increasingly popular Ray Kurzweil. I wouldn't put too much trust into him. He's an interesting character. But computers are not going to attain to the level of consciousness by 2045. I also don't see humans implanting ai materials into their bodies for a very long time.

    What is it with people and date setting? It seems like everyone has some date that they are shooting for. Camping at 2011, all the freaks and 2012, our own OBVES and Larsinger and whatever weird dates they've come up with. It's such a strange thing to me.

  • brotherdan

    slimboyfat, Ray Kurzweil has said it will be widespread within the next 20 to 30 years.

  • factfinder

    @On The Way Out- that is funny- yes- that is where they will be assembling jws! There will be a lot more than 7.5 million then!

  • John_Mann

    Technological singularity seems near as ever.

    The brain is estimated to make 10 quadrillion (10^16) of calculations per second (CPS), and computers already have 10^14 CPS.

    Quantum computers maybe already exist like the D-Wave Vesuvius (Nasa and Google are interested in it and are checking out if it's an actual quantum computer. And if so they already surpassed the Moore's Law).


    The most powerful microprocessor is the Virtex-7 2000T FPGA from Xilinx with 6,8 billions of transistors. Keeping the Moore's Law. In 1982 the Intel 80286 microprocessor had only 134,000 transitors.

    No other thing in human history had such evolution in a short period of time.

    Nanotechnology already is a domestic technology (Ultra Ever Dry).


    3D printing are already real, and will be used in near future to build nanobots in our home as easy as we print stuff in a sheet of paper. And the nanobots will cure all the human diseases, including old age and death.



    That's how we will merge with technology, in a first stage. We will not need to get a surgery intervention to implant a microchip in our brains. We will just need to swallow the nanobots (in a glass of water, juice, or tea) and they will run through our bodies. Some will cure diseases and repair old age, others will attach in our synapses and will enhance our intelligence and others will be in our retina providing visual aid to augmented reality.

    In a next stage maybe we will download our minds to some new subtract, no more carbon (biology) or silicon (technology), but to gravitational waves or whatever. Perhaps we will break the spacetime fabric and leave this universe and go to the hyperspace "where" we might meet other singularities from distant parts of universe or universes.

    About 2045 or earlier the first machine will pass the Turing test, and from that time, the machines itself will build the next "machines" and so on leading to the singularity. It will evolve independently from human interference. Will be a huge (perhaps infinite) leap in intelligence, virtually everything will be possible.

    Something very interesting this way comes.


  • John_Mann

    China have a brand new supercomputer (Tianhe 2) with more than 33'8 quadrillion flops (10^15 calculations per second).


    IBM Watson is the first cognitive software:


    And after wins the Jeopardy game, now Watson will help in the health:


    Nanotechnology are evolving fast too:



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