Fallen out of love with Husband?

by bloominglotus 108 Replies latest social family

  • Satanus

    '' Do u meditate Satanus?'

    Many times, throughtout the day. I do it as i'm doing other stuff. It helps w stress and anxiety and stuff. I do the one that i described to you. You could start w an easier one, though. Focus on your breathing. Just relax into it. Try to do it for 15 minutes. When your mind wonders, no big deal. Just start again. Just keep restarting, as many times as it takes. Sitting on a comfortable, upright chair is good to start practicing this. I sometimes did it while driving. It's COOOOOL. If 15 minutes is too hard, just do 5 minutes, or whatever.


  • Robdar
    We would love to say that personality comes before looks aswhat attracts us to a person but its really not true at all. But if u really think about it, when u get older and your looks are not the same as u were when u were younger personality pretty much comes before looks...

    Perhaps that is true for you but it isn't for me. When I was younger, I wanted to breed with an intelligent man and that is what always attracted me. For me, the mind is the most sensitive of sexual organs. To each her own, I guess.


    Edited to add: P.S. I still think you could be bi-polar. (sorry, but it's true)

  • Violia

    Yes, hygiene can take a dive as you age. Believe it or not you may not feel like going for a run, and working out. You can get illness that come with age and they can make life difficult.

    I am with robdar, I like intelligent men. I never dated anyone b/c they were a pretty boy. I always felt attracted to the smart guys.

    yes the antidepressants can cause some problems but not all of them cause ED. Seeing a doc and maybe a trial on Wellbutrin might help. It does not usually cause ED. BTW, the doc will treat you individually, not as a couple. Most of the herbal things for depression are useless ( for clinical depression ) but St.Johns wort could help him with mild depression, but don't take it for bipolar( it can throw you into a manic episode). don't discourage our hubby from seeking treatment b/c of your sex life-You won't have one anyhow if he's that depressed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bupropion

    support forums - by the way, the folks on these forums are OK with using the word crazy.


    about the meds only

    http://www.crazymeds.us/ The folks on the crazyboards are very nice and will help you sort this out. No doctors but patients with lots of experience and they can relate their experiences . The crazymeds.us site is amazing for info on meds but the site is not really for support except meds. So there you go, some links to help.

  • beksbks

    Oh come on girls, there's a difference between a "pretty boy" and a green toothed slob.

  • Robdar

    Beks, I was not aware that her husband was a green tooth slob. And she does seem to be hung up on attractiveness.

  • Violia

    A bit too hung up on attractiveness,imho. However we all marry what we want, but remember if you marry just for looks, they will change as you age and frequently are affected by illness. I bet if her guy gets his depression under control , he'll go back to taking care of himself. Depression is so miserable. Some folks go days or weeks without bathing etc. They get that depressed.

  • beksbks

    Just saying I got the impression it wasn't about aging or natural changes, it was about things within his control and just becoming careless.

  • frankiespeakin

    Hi, Bloom,

    I rarely chime in these days and happened upon your post.

    I see you have met some of our lovely ladies BTW the way I have met Robdar and she calls them as she see them, I can voch for that.

    I wish you the greatest sucess on your issues,, don't have much advice on the subject as i am just now entering a relationship with a lovely Hindu woman and am probably too love struck to be of any good advice.

  • nugget

    Lotus, I agree you have not been tough enough on his brother at 27 he has no place sponging off someone else and certainly not his brother. Good grief he should have moved on from Wallmart by now and be building a career and at the very least should have a place of his own. Are there no TV shows looking for contestants to strand on a remote island somewhere or lock up in a house with other lazy people.

    I suggest that you start making it more uncomfortable for him, find out what the going rate is for rent and charge him that. If he can't afford the going rate then he has to work doing chores to make up the difference. No subs, no lifts and definitely no free ride. Your husband has worked hard and put his life on the line for his country so he has set a good example to his brother in this regard. Tell him that he needs to get a place of his own so that he can have his own life and somewhere he can bring a girlfriend back to and set a timescale for him otherwise he will be with you forever.

    At 27 I was married and had a small flat, paid my way and worked hard it is possible billions do it.

    Glad that the MIL is likely to be a short stay, they know how to push buttons and can be a real trial. I wish you luck with that one

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