by terafera 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    I finally got COC and ISOCF, last week.
    I'm half way through COC, having finished the Malawi/Mexican issue.

    I wouldn't read them whilst still in, as I wanted to be able to deny it. Now that I'm "out" I'm enjoying the freedom.

  • ozziepost

    Enjoy your freedom to read, Little Toe! You've earned it.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • LovesDubs

    Long live our brother Ray! He was and is my salvation from the Borg.

    God bless all of you who have extended yourselves and written books to help the rest of us heal.


    Read CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE by Former Governing Body Member RAY FRANZ

    * http://freeminds.org/sales/most_burned.htm

  • badwillie

    Enjoy! You've just reminded me too that I need to order a couple of CofC's for my local libraries. It made me sick when I searched the library and all they have there is the JW propaganda the "Proclaimers" book...YUCK!!!

  • Utopiano Reformato
    Utopiano Reformato

    I was reading chapter 4 again last night about the "internal upheaval and restructuring". I love the word-for-word recording of Fred Franz's Gilead send-off talk in 75. Classic stuff, just classic!

  • terafera

    Yes I'm thoroughly enjoying it! I must admit, there is alot of heavy stuff to 'chew' on. In some ways I have to read and reread it over again... it might be my age, or that I was pretty young when I left and didnt have a deep knowledge on what the JW's fully believed. I can't believe how easy it is to comprehend his point though, and yet it's sick to see how the Witnesses have automatic 'brain fry' when they attempt to answer the questions I have.

    I read parts of the book to my mother (a DF'd person, although still very much brainwashed). While she agreed with some of what he says, she would pull the topic off course and say how it still is God's Organization.. even if they make mistakes.

    It's so frustrating trying to reason with the JW mentality!! Like Ray Franz says, there takes so much mental gymnastics to get to their reasoning. [>:(]


    You're gonna love it. I read it in 3 days. Would have finished sooner but had to read it at work. Wifey would have killed m if she saw that book in the house. The 2nd time I highlighed points of interest (almost the whole book). And even now I go back and review it weekly. Just to keep me strong. Let us know how you enjoyed it. Even though we already know the answer.


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