Part 4: The Last KM School

by Amazing 48 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JT

    sexyteen says:

    I don't want to convert no one, I'm out and I'm also proud to be an apostate


    with a comment like this you have -----------



  • ozziepost

    Thanks so much, Amazing, for this series which is proving to be absolutely captivating. We're hanging on every word as you reveal what so many of the elders have experienced over the years, especially for the 'thinking' ones.

    Do you remember when the KMS were more like schools, instead of mini assemblies which they are now? A much smaller group would meet, perhaps in a semi-circle, be given assignments, research, give talks, etc. Not like nowadays when you're obliged to sit for a full day listening to talks delivered from Society outlines.

    As you said, "The rest of the day was filled with the normal pabulum and swill of routine exhortation to do our jobs as Elders. Try to research the publications more and don’t call the Society so much." That's how it was for us here in Oz too. If only there could be genuine Bible study, or, at least, genuine Bible application. But No! the usual Public Talk outline type of thing and for a whole day, too!

    It's interesting that you should take issue with the secrecy of the meeting, for what should be secret about the gathering of the Lord's sheep? What is the scret elders business all about? Why should they be afraid that the R&F hear what has been spoken to the elders? Surely all that should be of concern is the gathering of the Lord's sheep. What's the big secret? I didn't get it, and still don't get it.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • LittleToe

    Oz, Amazing:
    I'm so with you on this one.
    I can't think of anything that has really been secret in any of these Elder's and MS schools. The same with the Pioneer school. I think it's a bluff to massage the ego and encourage others to "reach out". Perhaps the GB don't think that the girls need that kind of ego massage, hence they ignore them completely.

  • Abaddon

    This SexyTeen/Yoyomuthaphuquer character is funny.

    Apart from the fact it sounds like it might go postal.

    But seriously, do you think it thinks we don't know it's a deceitful little liar. With negative credability. Who was probably seeing if he could 'capture' evidence of how evil apostates try to convert an innocent teen as part of it's perverted defence of the indefensable.

    And who is the father of lies?

    Hey, who's your daddy Sexymuthphuquer?

    You are a dellusoid apologistic moron; the only evil here is what you bring with you.

    Love and kisses

    People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...

  • plmkrzy

    Abaddon said

    "Who was probably seeing if he could 'capture' evidence of how evil apostates try to convert an innocent teen as part of it's perverted defence of the indefensable."

    Lite bulb! As soon as I read this sentance it made sense
    This has to be some kind of project someone is working on
    to accumilate reference material as a type of study aid
    for 'Youth' You know in the same manor as they do in the ministry school asignments. Only since the internet has become so powerful
    there's and no way to ban teens from logging on so this would we
    a sort of teaching tool.
    Place your bet's!

  • sadiejive

    Earnest says:

    I have no inclination to involve myself in the ongoing repartee between SexyTeen and the rest of the board. However, I do wish to make clear that I have not and will not indulge in split personalities and do not expect to be judged on what others have posted...

    Earnest, let me make one thing clear...I wasn't talking about you .

    When this YoYo person emailed me, the name on his email account was "Ernesto ______" (unfortunately, I deleted it and can't remember what his last name was). Probably wasn't even his real name anyway.

    Earnest, I apologize for upsetting you. I don't even know if I have ever spoke to you since being here but this is no way for two people to meet. (Starting over...hand shake) It's nice to meet you and I am sure you are a swell guy (I'm doubly sure you are if you walk your dog). I am a swell chick and meant you no harm. I apologize in advance for any trouble that my calling YoYo Ernesto may cause you.

    Take care and sorry...

  • Amazing

    Hi Ozziepost: Thanks for the good comments. You opened with:

    Thanks so much, Amazing, for this series which is proving to be absolutely captivating. We're hanging on every word as you reveal ...

    I got into trouble with the Triune Ladies of the Party of Julie because I am accused of having people "hanging on my every word" and captivating my audience, They somehow manged to interpret that to mean I am an ego-approval-seeking-still-a-JW-Elder-in-my-heart sort of chap.

    Anyway, I couldn't help but make a note when I saw your wording. Thanks again for the good feedback ... and stay tuned, the upcoming parts get even better.

  • Earnest


    Methinks I was a shade too sensitive. You caused me no trouble and if I can stop putting my foot in my mouth I look forward to getting to know such a swell chick better.


  • Solace

    You dont know me but,
    I love you guys!

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