Things I'm grateful for....

by Lunatic Faith 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    I only recently decided to change course in my life but am surprised at the daily reminders of what I have to be grateful for. By this, I mean, things I have spent my life worrying about, or torturing myself with, that is no longer a concern:

    • No more door-to-door humiliation
    • No more guilt about not doing enough
    • I can get rid of most of the dresses in my wardrobe since I didn't like them anyway
    • No more nylons rolling down my abdomen and causing my thighs to itch
    • No more required reading and preparation
    • No more talks
    • No more conventions and all the headaches connected to them
    • Summer is wide open
    • Weekly planning is no longer contingent upon meeting night
    • No more miserable weekends of morning service and morning meeting

    What are you grateful for?

  • MrFreeze

    Simply, the freedom of choice.

  • satinka

    I'm grateful that my new life is free.

    I'm grateful that I am free to dance.

    I'm grateful that I have a partner who loves me.

    I'm grateful that I am free to be me.

    I'm grateful that I am free to ask questions and receive answers that don't insult my intelligence.

    I'm grateful that I own my free will now.

    I'm grateful that I have money to spend on myself and I don't feel guilty for doing so.

    I'm grateful that I feel good about myself; I like what I see in the mirror.

    I'm grateful that I don't have to hide who I am from my workmates.

    I'm grateful that I am free to take higher education.


  • VampireDCLXV

    I'm grateful... have a chance to be free of guilt. have the freedom to choose who I can be friends with or date. have the freedom to schedule my evenings as I see fit. have the weekends to do the things I want to do. be free of the stresses of study and field service. be able to wear my hair as long as I want. be free of oppressive congregational slander and gossip. not have to stifle my personality!


  • mythreesons

    What they said!!!!

    add for me my boys a chance to live their lives and enjoy being a child

    ...coaching my sons basketball, soccer, football, and baseball teams

    ...seeing what a joy life can be when you actually live

    ...I don't view my neighbors as dying at the big A

    ...Not shaving every friggin' day!

    ...I don't have to play judge over people lives anymore

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Great thread!

    I'm grateful for the freedoms I now have. Freedom of thought, freedom of conscience, freedom of action.

    Life is good.

  • misanthropic

    Freedom to live my life the way I want to.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    Wonderful! I thought of a few more:

    Grateful I don't have to avoid public events for fear I will be beaten up for not standing during the National Anthem

    Grateful I can enjoy the pride I feel at hearing the national anthem rather than guilt

    Grateful I can now buy Girl Scout cookies. I bought some tonight and loved putting smiles on their faces instead of disappointment. I now know that Thin Mints are overrated and the best cookies are the Samoas.

  • JRK

    I am grateful that my ex-wife is my ex-wife.


  • nugget

    I am grateful that I can make decisions based on what is right for me and my family not on a set of arbitary rules.

    I am grateful that no one feels the need to judge my actions and criticise what I do or do not do based on the same stupid rules.

    I am grateful that I am not the plaything of some people in Brooklyn who neither understand my problems or care about my family and who are more concerned with publicity than what is in the best interests of those they rule over.

    I am grateful that I can be all I can that I can pursue an education and that my children will be limited by nothing other than their own abilities.

    I am grateful that I could see the madness before it was too late and I have time to make use of the things I learnt.

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