Did you do very early morning field service?

by truthseeker 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • thetrueone

    Sounds like a time schedule where you wouldn't have to confront many people and spent most of the time traveling about

    unloading literature. You could chalk some easy hours and make some placements all in one swoop.

    One way the JW use to put in some cheap hours around where I live is to stand on a public street

    early in the morning around 8'ish, which I thought was kind of dumb since very little amount

    of people were on the streets early Saturday morning.

    They still do this, most likely pioneers

  • punkofnice

    Not even when I pioneered! I'd bung a leaflet in a neighbour's door, start counting time and meet with the group, get some street numbers and carry on from there.

    Early morning? Still hung over from being 'filled with spirit' the night before down the pub!

  • mamalove

    Yes, total waste of time! It is the unsaid elephant in the car...how to drive around more, so you have to get out less!

    I have seen JW's witnessing at bus stops before and thought to myself, turn around and warn the unsuspecting "householder!!"

  • brizzzy

    My family did a lot of "early morning". Up at 4 a.m. Donut shops, laundromats, and bus stops were mainly what we covered. Most kids got to finally sleep in on the weekends, having got up early during the week for school. Not my sister and I.

    Actually, this morning, a JW walked up to me at a gas station with a Watchtower as I was filling up my tank (about 7:15 a.m.) He almost fell over himself backing away when I told him "I'm an apostate, so...no thank you".

  • brotherdan

    "I'm an apostate, so...no thank you".

    Priceless! I'd love to have seen that!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I used to meet a pioneer brother on Saturday morn at 5:30am on a busy street corner and stay out until time to meet the entire group. We would bug weekend workers catching the train, bus, filling up at the gas station, or trying to get their morning coffee. We really thought we were accomplishing something.

  • miseryloveselders

    Yes, total waste of time! It is the unsaid elephant in the car...how to drive around more, so you have to get out less!

    I have seen JW's witnessing at bus stops before and thought to myself, turn around and warn the unsuspecting "householder!!"

    Funny you mention this. On my way to work a few years ago, I was on the bus. At one point the bus stopped at a red light, and this was in the winter. I looked out through the window, and I saw an older woman sitting on a bench awaiting the bus. She had an Awake magazine she was holding up for people to see. Like I said, it was the winter, and bus windows were dirty because of the snow, dirt, and salt. When I figured out it was an Awake, I felt in my heart a bit of solidarity with this woman. The traffic light turned green, and the bus began to pull off, and I turned my head to view her through the window of the seat behind me, and I got a better look at this woman. It was my grandmother.

  • wasblind

    The sister who I had my Bible study with told me that if she did not go out and do the preaching work

    she would be blood guilty, and that her salvation would be at stake

    And all these years I thought what Jesus did was a gift given to us out of love, it wasn't until I became involved

    with the JW's that I found out that I had to turn in time to Brooklyn to recieve this gift of salvation

    I guess it's no longer a gift by the Governing Body standards

  • GrandmaJones

    I never liked going out in service. I hardly ever did it. I hated getting up early to go to the hall. I frequently changed congregations just to have a Sunday afternoon meeting.

  • parabola

    wow, this brings back some memories for me too. Looking back, I cannot believe I waisted so much time. Sickening...

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