by Hairyhegoat 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • nugget

    I am sorry your dad is being so stupid. JWs fear the word apostate so much more than any other and behave totally irrationally. Even though we know they are being dumb and that they are controlled by the organisation it still hurts. The last words my sister said to me were angry ones and that hurts more than I can say. I haven't seen my mum since the decision was made to Df partly because I wasn't mentally ready for it. It is a hateful horrible practice that does not reflect christian principles at all.

    There is no way to sugar coat the Grandad issue, if the children mention that he no longer visits you can agree with them that it is sad because we all love Grandad very much and he is welcome here any time. He believes that because we do not believe the same things he does that he should not visit. It is sad when people think like that. It is important that we respect one another and allow people to hold their own beliefs. For the moment we have to appreciate that Grandad sees things differently and hope that in time he will change his mind.

    In my opinion if he is expressing the view that your children are going to die because of your views then it is better for him to keep his distance. He may not resist expressing these views to your children and that could be very damaging. It is certainly not something you want dumped on your children until they can appreciate that it is his distorted view and will not happen.

  • jookbeard

    Tia Dalma ; you are in a far better situation with the reverse shunning your father has inflicted on you, you know fully well that when you finally dump this dreadful dangerous cult your father will be there for you,the majority of us do not have that choice!

  • pirata
    My dad is shunning me, too!
    This happens since I became a JW.
    I hate the world!

    Shunning can go both ways it seems.

    tia.dalma, is your father shunning because of his religious beliefs? Or is he opposed to the witnesses or some of their teachings?

  • tia.dalma

    @ pirata

    He is oposed to the witnesses. He is not very active in his religion, but he thinks I should have stayed in the religion of our ancestors, and the religion that more than 90% of the population in this country belong to. He's got crap ideas like that...


    You, too, have a choice - to come back

  • jookbeard

    Tia, fuck the WTS ! never in a zillion years

  • cantleave

    HHG - We won't shun you, especially if you and sleeping beauty come to our piss-up on the 30th April.

  • cantleave

    Did I say piss-up - I meant party.

  • moshe

    The WT Org doesn't care about JW individual grief that results from shunning and I do believe that if that shunning was more publicly known, that JWs would have to address their conduct. They may think it is righteous, but they have to convince John Q Public they are the one true Christian religion. It won't happen, if the public sees enough Df'd DA'd Ex-Jws talk about their broken familes due to shunning. I don't care that JWs will just dig their heels in and call it "persecution", the object is to poison their preaching work so that the public only wants to talk about the story they read in the local nespaper last month about their shunning. Who wants to be a part of a religion that destroys familes? Well, nobody if they know the facts. Ex-JWs who are the victims here need to get out of the closet and go public about the treatment they had gotten form JW family.

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