Biocentrism - Revolutionary theory of looking at existence/reality

by TastingFreedom 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • TastingFreedom

    I saw the counter-arguments, and they are very powerful, but they do not entirely refute biocentrism as far as I'm concerned!

  • BurnTheShips

    The problem with the theory is: How do you falsify it?

    I don't see how you can.

    You can't call it properly scientific otherwise.

    I hate quantum theory, it opens a can of worms.

    And hey, they haven't found the Higgs Boson yet, have they?

    No, no they haven't, and the Standard Model predicts it.


  • PSacramento

    Perception is great.

    What makes as humans so amazing is that we can preceives things in a special and unique way, far beyond other animals on this planet.

    We imagine, we believe we can even convince our bodies of a reality beyond reality.

    We can imagine things far beyond any reason for us to imagine such things, since we have no point of reference for imaginaing things we have never preceived or have any reason to preceive.

    That said, when I get punched in the face or kicked in the groin that fucking hurts !!

  • TastingFreedom

    Think about this, people can alter their brain and the perception of reality with hallucigens (e.g chemicals or natural stuff like mushrooms).

    I have heard that in eating mushrooms, people start to blend with material things, the walls, the pillows... the entire perception of reality changes, how do you explain that? I think this theory explains it... Humans can interact with each other because we are in the same wavelength or frequency.. But what other frequencies?

    I fully recommend this book. I'm reading it very slowly, I'm just savoring every sentence in it. Yes, it's that kind of book. I don't want to spoil it, but he gives the example of a rainbow. A number of conditions are needed for the rainbow to be visible, moisture in the air, the right angle of sun light and observer's eyes. Without the eye's the rainbow is non-existent. There could be a number of people and not everybody may see the rainbow. You can not touch because it doesn't literally exist. Only in your perception!

  • doofdaddy

    IMHO I have used hallucinogens post jws and they are a glimpse of what is possible to experience if you seriously journey into the "unknown" of the inner cosciousness. I rarely comment in detail on these threads, as it truly is a waste of my energy. I have pursued a truly open mind since I shook off the shackles of jws and their pseudo scientific approach to reality. I have seen enough to realise that a purely scientific approach to a conclusion is also lacking. This also applies to superstition. In the middle is a malaise of possibilities. Ultimately, what will satisfy me when I face the ultimate test of belief, death, is mine alone. Is it possible that we(consciousness) are god and we created gods and goddesses to take the responsibility away, as we are terriffied of being alone in the Universe??

  • doofdaddy

    Burn The Ships.. Apologies, I didn't read your link until later. Full respect to meet a fellow traveller in enquiry. Ain't life grand??

  • BurnTheShips

    Life is indeed grand, doofdaddy. Your journey parallels mine in many respects. It is good to dream and keep an open mind, this is where new directions emerge. However, it isn't a good idea to relinquish the anchor of real science, either (as you note).


  • sir82
    Science depends on observations, including observation of measurements of physical phenomena. Much of these measurements are made by lifeless and unbiased machines.

    And who reads and interprets the information the lifeless manchines produce?

    You've only moved the problem back one step.

  • ProdigalSon

    Someone sent me a link a few years ago to Plato's Allegory of the Cave. It got me to thinking in a completely different way about everything. Just about every mystic, guru, Master and philosopher has been trying to tell us for thousands of years that we exist in the shadow of the reality. Paul used those same words. I think we are living in a time when we will rediscover these things, and get in touch with our true purpose for being here.

    It is an awesome thing that we as a group, at one time under the burdensome and stifling load of the Watchtower, can freely discuss these things on an open forum.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    It would seem we are beginning to grok. The further we get from the Borg the more we are able to grok in fullness.

    Is it possible that we(consciousness) are god and we created gods and goddesses to take the responsibility away, as we are terriffied of being alone in the Universe??

    Thou art god.

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