by NewChapter 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    I was reading some old threads and found this article posted here. I am...shocked. I had NO IDEA that the GB ever wrote such trash. Oh, I can't imagine the pain they caused. The story sounds exceedingly FALSE, and the conclusions are so troubling. I understand the this was written in the 70's, but had I known, I don't think I would have been drawn in.

    *** Awake! March 8th 1974 Issue, Pages 13-16 Faced with the Threat of Rape ***

    Rape is illicit sexual intercourse without the consent of the woman and is effected by force.

    Scream! Scream! Scream! Is that good advice? It certainly is. Just how good this advice is can be seen from what happened on November 12, 1973, in one of Brooklyn's largest hotels.

    Threatened with Rape

    The rapist was a well-dressed man. He had the physique of a football player, being well over six feet tall and weighing about 250 pounds. He took the elevator to the tenth floor of the hotel and there began to molest a middle-aged woman tenant, who managed to escape his clutches by screaming. She at once called the police, who came but were unable to locate him in the building, he having fled to lower floors.

    On the second floor he saw two fine young women housekeepers who asked him if they could help him. "Yes, you can," he said, and, pulling out a gun, ordered them into one of the rooms, upon which he double-locked the door. He assured them that they would not get hurt so long as they did not make any noise. He said that he needed a place to hide until things cooled off downstairs and that he would keep them there for an hour.

    These two young women happened to be Christian ministers and they began to make conversation so as to release the tension. One of them asked him if they could read while they were waiting. He said Yes, and so she took a Bible study aid that was in reach, handed another to the other woman and started a Bible discussion on the subject of how long Noah had preached before the flood came, it being a subject that had come up the day before in her Christian field ministry. She noted that it must have been about forty years, but the man thought it had been about 200 years. From that discussion they went on to such subjects as the name of God, Jehovah, and the kingdom for which Jesus taught his followers to pray. They also told him that they were Christian witnesses of Jehovah and about the high standards of conduct the Witnesses have. The two women were not particularly frightened, for it seemed much like a typical Bible discussion that these girls often had, especially as the man kept expressing his own opinions on these subjects.

    But after about forty-five minutes things suddenly took a disquieting turn. He looked at his watch and said that he would have to tie them up so as to give him time to get away. Although they assured him that it was not necessary, he ordered one of them to sit on the floor in a closet, upon which he tied her feet with a necktie, and her hands behind her back. He then turned off the light in the closet and closed the door. He ordered the other into the bathroom but then changed his mind and, warning her not to scream or yell, he reached for the zipper on her blouse. She exclaimed: "No! No! Not that!" and told him that if he touched her she would scream as he had never heard anyone scream before and that if he was going to shoot he might as well go ahead and shoot because if she did not scream she would be as good as dead anyhow.

    She told him that marriage was honorable before God and that she was married, but that what he wanted to do was not honorable. Also, that if she did not scream she would ruin her relationship with Jehovah God and the Christian congregation; that then she would be disfellowshiped or excommunicated from it and that this would be worse than being killed as far as she was concerned. He looked puzzled. He did not understand and so asked her to repeat what she had said, which she did, scared and shaking though she was. As she later explained: "The situation sickened me and the mere thought of it all was so disgusting that I knew what I had to do." After all of this he again tried to put his arms around her, upon which she moved away, saying, "Don't you touch me or come near me."

    This calls to mind a statement made by the Dallas, Texas, police department, namely, that "a woman's best defenses" are, among other things, "her wits" and "a scream."

    Yes, this young woman in the Brooklyn hotel used her wits by courageously using her knowledge of the Bible, thereby diverting the would-be rapist from his evil intent. As a result, he pursued the matter no further with these two women but left after first ordering them not to leave the room for fifteen minutes.

    Frustrated a second time, this rapist was not giving up. Coming out into the hallway, he saw another fine young woman and began engaging her in conversation, asking where the elevators were, the nature of the rooms on the floor, and so forth. Suddenly he moved close to her and tried to push her into one of the rooms the door of which was open.

    What could she do? He was every bit a foot taller than she was and weighed at least twice as much. She did what the Bible indicates a young woman should do: she screamed, louder than she had ever screamed before. (Deut. 22:23-27) This was wholly unexpected by the rapist. Startled, he ran down the steps at the end of the hallway.

    As the three young women told their story at the police station, their hearers, increasing from three to eight men and two policewomen, marveled at what they heard. They could not get over it that two of these young women had talked about the Bible to a would-be rapist. One of the women officers asked for more information about the beliefs of Jehovah's witnesses and stated that if more women took such a determined and firm stand there would be fewer such crimes.

    Why the Increase?

    The foregoing experience in a Brooklyn hotel last November is but one instance of this social crime that is increasing on every hand. And that increase is very real. As the editor of America's Campus Law Enforcement Journal said about this increase: "It's not just a question of more women reporting it. It has happened."

    No doubt one of the main reasons for rapes has ever been the extreme selfishness of men who refuse to control their mating instinct. As Dr. Ralph Garofalo, of Massachusetts' Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Sexually Dangerous Persons, put it: 'Normal men find a socially acceptable outlet for their desires, while the rapist loses sight of all moral or legal considerations.' But why the great increase of rape in modern times and in recent years?

    Discussing the reasons, a Seattle, Washington, police official in charge of the city's sex-crime investigation department stated: "Our whole moral climate, our attitudes toward sex and the dress of the women have to be causes." He also stated that the 'increased exposure to pornography has contributed to the rise in reported rapes.'

    Womankind must share the blame. To begin with, until the age of five or six years, the most vital period, little boys have their personalities molded largely by women, their mothers. And as they grow up, it is usually the mother that has the most opportunities to inculcate in her son respect for womankind, both by word and by example. But far too many mothers have come short in this regard. Especially and specifically blameworthy are those female relatives, such as an aunt or even a mother, who have used boys as sexual playthings, thereby starting them on a road that leads to their having aggressive feelings toward women.

    A new American motion picture star who aims to occupy the place once held by America's previous sex symbol brags about her charms and about her ability to arouse men by displaying herself in motion pictures. Such actresses must also share in the blame for the increase in rapes, for after men have seen them on the screen they frequently go out and attack a woman who may be a paragon of virtue.

    The New York Times, November 26, 1973, told of two fifteen-year-old girls being forced, shortly after midnight, into a store by an employee of the store who kept them for four hours and repeatedly raped one of them until the police came and rescued the girls and arrested the kidnapper and rapist. But what business did two teen-age girls have on the streets around midnight?

    And never should a single woman, or even two, for that matter, take a chance on hitchhiking with a strange man. Many have done so, to be not only raped, but even murdered.

    Further, in view of the way that many men think, each virtuous woman should be careful to dress modestly. According to the Seattle, Washington, police lieutenant in charge of the department dealing with such crimes, women who "reveal everything" in the way they dress make themselves more vulnerable to rape. "You can't advertise a commodity and expect no buyers . . . A little modesty," he holds, would prevent some rapes.

  • Violia

    check the search. Grandmajones started a thread about 2 months ago called " Awake on rape" . I can't seem to post links or I would post it on this thread. I can bring the thread back up ( btt) if you want or you can.

  • mrsjones5

    When I was a girl, back in the early 70's, a young lady in my hall got raped. A child resulted from the rape and her mother raised the child. The young lady was disfellowshipped. I hazard a guess she didn't scream.

  • Violia

    No way, I brought the thread back up for you. It is called The awake on rape, grandma jones started it. It should be on the first page of the active threads.

  • leavingwt

    The most damning things ever printed about Jehovah's Witnesses were printed by WT printing presses.

    See Randy Watters' book, below, for more examples:

    Thus Saith Jehovah's Witnesses

  • jamiebowers

    Back in the late 80's I knew a young sister who was raped by a brother who was interested in her. She was a virgin and very devasted by what happened and didn't tell anyone. When she was about to marry another man, the rapist confessed to the elders. He was privately reproved for the rape, and she was df'd for not coming forward. The elders reasoned that she endangered other sisters by not exposing the guy as a rapist by not reporting him to them, (not the police, btw),. It seems ridiculous, since she probably would've been required to produce a second witness had she told on him in the first place.

    Something else that may blow your mind...Did you know that until 1974, a woman couldn't divorce her husband on "scriptural" grounds if he had sex with another man or even an animal?

  • AudeSapere

    YES Way. I remember the article. And the flip-flop. And the frustration of not knowing if the directive had to change.

    Add to that the fact that WTS org teaches that women whose dresses are not at least to their knees are asking for 'trouble'.

    It's alot of guilt to put on a 14 year old.


  • flipper

    NEW CHAPTER- Disgusting, isn't it ? Hang around and you'll learn lots more surprises that you weren't aware of with the WT society. Nice to have you here. Take care

  • NewChapter
    Something else that may blow your mind...Did you know that until 1974, a woman couldn't divorce her husband on "scriptural" grounds if he had sex with another man or even an animal?

    Jamie, I did know that. I had read about the adultery clarification, and extended it to included all porneia outside of marriage. But before that, a bro or sis had to stay single while their ex carried on a homosexual relationship. The reasoning was that this was "unnatural" and they guilty mate had not "become one with" the other person, therefore the bond still held. I remember thinking that sucked, but then I reasoned with myself (figures) that open homosexuality was not so common back then, and that the "new light" probably came out "just when needed." Okay, Okay, I even make myself want to vomit.

    I followed their buls**t rules and stayed single cuz I wasn't scripturally divorced for 6 years. And then, I was the one to finally break that "bond". I was in my twenties, my "worldly" husband walked out, and there was NO WaY I could ask him about his freaking sex life. I didn't want to know about it, and even I recognized that, even though I hated him, it was out-of-bounds to actually ask him.

    I remember too, most of the friends were very kind--I truly am not a hater. But a few would almost gleefully remind me that I wasn't free. It used to really piss me off too. One brother got flirtatious with me, and I warned him that I was not free (interesting word). HE SAID, "You just need to give a brother a chance!" I was baffled. My mind had closed down so much, that it was several years later that I realized he was saying it was a bulls--t rule he was willing to break. AHHH, the missed opportunities. LOL

    Add to that the fact that WTS org teaches that women whose dresses are not at least to their knees are asking for 'trouble'

    Audre, I totally got that just from this article. It was horrible enough, but the blame they laid on the women. OH, and the blame on "WOMANKIND", cuz after all, women were most involved in raising boys, so really, they were raising them to be rapists. And what was that about

    Especially and specifically blameworthy are those female relatives, such as an aunt or even a mother, who have used boys as sexual playthings,

    WTF is that about? Was this common? OMG (if I had one) and not ONE MENTION of the fathers. So, did molested children carry blame too, cuz they were overwhelmed with authority and strength, and they didn't scream? this is not the only article I read, but I am just sickened. When I think of the pain---it just makes me want to cry. And I know they NEVER apologized for the pain caused by such evil policies---they just revealed the new light,old light,newlight,oldlight,newlight--and moved on until the light changed again.

    A bit OT, one thing that has really surprised me on this board, is how many are keeping up the pretense to keep their families whole. It makes sense now, but I never imagined it really happened. I think about ones that would just look through me when I talked about spiritual things. I never understood. They'd leave and wait in their cars for their families to finish visiting. Now I understand. Their families were held hostage, and this is the only way for them to keep it all together. I deeply respect this peeps. Their sacrifice is profound. I am no longer even able to enter--and yet they enter and suffer for something more important.

  • GrandmaJones

    Their sacrifice is profound. I am no longer even able to enter--and yet they enter and suffer for something more important.

    That is beautifully put.

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