New Light

by Spade 98 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JuanMiguel

    What Jehovah’s Witnesses term “new light” is not a concept unique to their religion.

    In “Christendom’s” theology it is called “revelation” (not speaking of the last book of the Bible, mind you), meaning how God reveals himself progressively through the ages. They have the same view that one’s understanding of God changes as the Lord reveals more and more about himself as history unfolds.

    While the concepts, when compared, are practically identical, how they work themselves out isn’t. The amount of changes to fundamental doctrine occur frequent among Jehovah’s Witnesses when compared to the changes in Christendom.

    To illustrate, in a little over 100 years we have had the “time of the end” declared to occur and be finished in 1874, but then the date for those things was changed to 1914.

    We* then had 1914 changed from the year the end would come to the year that “marked the beginning of the time of the end.”

    We then set dates for Armageddon like 1918, 1919, 1920, 1923 and/or 1924,etc.

    We later moved the year for the end to come as 1975—though we no longer printed it because of the way opposers to the work liked to bring those things to our attention, we did proclaim from the platform in public talks, many recordings from assemblies and conventions, etc. which still exist, that 1975 was the date for the end.

    During that time we stated that Jehovah chose Jehovah’s Witnesses as the one true religion because they were the only one’s preaching the truth about 1914.

    On the basis of that we also claimed that 1935 was the year the heavenly calling ended.

    Also on the basis of the 1914 date we taught that millions alive during the 1930s would never die at all (but changed that later to mean those who saw the events of 1914) before Armageddon would come.

    We called ourselves the modern-day Ezekiel prophet class, and made claims that it was “Jehovah’s promise” that a “paradise earth” would replace the present world before this 1914 generation passed away…in fact, we printed it on the inside cover of every Awake! magazine for decades!

    We preached that mankind would never see the light of the 21st century, that Armageddon could definitely not be delayed too far pass 1975—after that came and went.

    We then blamed the failure on 1975 on “unfaithful ones who were thinking independently of the Faithful and Discreet slave,” even though it was that slave class that first began telling us about 1975 in the “Freedom of the Sons of God Book” and then kept the fervor heating up through the talk outlines they provided—never instructing to disfellowship anyone who preached 1975 as the end (and up to this point they never have…curious).

    And then, before the year 2000 it all got erased.

    No more setting actual dates or years.

    No more generation being literal.

    No more connection to 1914 except it being the time Jesus returned “invisibly.”

    But a lot of “we never said we were profits or this was Jehovah’s promise” even though we had published a book on Ezekiel claiming to be the modern-day Ezekiel prophet class as well had gone to great lengths to remove the ‘Jehovah promises paradise before those who saw the events of 1914 pass away’ from the Awake! and current memory of the average JW.

    The biggest changes to Christendom? Nothing universal on claiming to know the year the world will end, but some of their outstanding events (I am sure there are others just as important) of change have been:

    The canonization of New Testament writings in Athanasius’ Easter letter of 367.

    The universal acceptance of the New Testament canon beginning with the Synod of Hippos in 393 and ending with Pope Innocent’s declaration in 405 thus ‘ratifying the mind of church’ on the matter.

    The Orthodox/Catholic split (the East-West Schism) in 1054.

    The beginning of the Protestant Reformation in 1517.

    That ratification of the use of the Deuterocanonical books by the Roman Catholic Church at the Council of Tent in 1545-63.

    The printing of the Gutenberg Bible in 1454/55.

    The First Vatican Council 1869-70.

    Puritans religion comes to an end with the exposure of the Salem Witch trials in the 1870s.

    The Great Awakening religious revival in American between 1725 and 1910.

    Vatican II, 1962-1965.

    Lutheran-Roman Catholic dialogue, specifically the joint statement on the doctrine of Justification by Faith in 1983 and the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ) on October 31, 1999.

    And except for the Lutheran-Roman Catholic joint declaration in 1983 and 1999, there have been no real reversals on any of the fundamental beliefs of Christendom like the “we’re God’s people because we’re the only one’s teaching the truth about 1914” and then erasing that proof from its history and saying that it was all incorrect.

    And if the Jehovah’s Witnesses weren’t preaching what was correct about 1914, then God could have never chosen them as the “one true religion” in 1919 (another year that has seemed to fall to disuse).

    You don’t see this as problematic whatsoever?

    JW: The point is that we never stopped looking for the end to come.

    And Christendom, that daily prays “thy Kingdom come” has? They yearn and search for it daily—they just don’t set dates like you guys and a few others who follow that same path of mistakes.

    *--I use “we” because I used to be one of JWs, and am speaking from experience.

  • elder-schmelder

    I believe in NEW LIGHT, that is why I left, because I saw the LIGHT.


  • palmtree67

    Typical Alice - cut and pastes a bunch of nonsense, insults everyone and then disappears...........

  • brotherdan
    dissidents of Jehovah's Organization

    This is the same mind control technique used by the Watchtower. Anyone that has not pledged alliegence to the Watchtower is called a dissident, apostate, opposer, or some other negative word.

    Alice, you always say things like "I don't have a problem with it" as if that is supposed to make others say, "OHHHHH...she doesn't have a problem with it, so I shouldn't either." But you also don't have a problem with name calling. You don't have a problem with saying that everyone that is not a Jehovah's Witness (including children) will be destroyed at Armageddon. Your reasoning and thinking skills are so extremely shallow that to say that you don't have a problem with it automatically makes me think, "Then I SHOULD have a problem with it."

    The TRUE dissidents of God is the Watchtower organization. THEY are they true apostates. They are the ones that have usurrped Jesus role in Christianity and given it to themselves by saying that you must come to the organization for salvation. THEY are the ones that changed the need to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit to being baptized in the name of god's spirit directed organization.

    I fear for you. You have been a part of this site under multiple names for a long time, and you refuse to reason. Too bad for you.

  • kimbo

    new light

    compact flourescent lamps

    not back to candles

  • Quendi

    As I pointed out to my judicial committee, the Bible itself gives a marvelous example of how "new light" works. Follow the line of descent of the "Seed" that was foretold in Genesis 3:15. None of the prophecies or annoucements made with respect to the Seed contradicted each other. For example, Abraham's "heir" was to be Isaac. Nowhere do the Scriptures say that was a mistake and named any of Abraham's other sons such as Ishmael, Zimran, Jokshan, or Midian as his heir and the progenitor of the promised Seed. Each succeeding revelation on this point only reinforced the preceding ones.

    The WTS, on the other hand, has issued statements that clearly contradicted its own earlier teachings and beliefs. By claiming to be an antitypical prophet, they in effect say that God is either confused or a liar. But God has never lied to or misled his servants. The only conclusion one can draw from this is the WTS claim of being "the faithful and discreet slave" whom Christ appointed and the "exclusive channel" God is using to impart truth is patently and incontrovertibly false. My judicial committee was quite upset when I said that.

    The WTS has compared its doctrinal development to that of a ship tacking across a body of water. Changes in course may be necessary, the logic goes, but the right direction is still being followed. Such reasoning is specious. I've done some tacking in a boat myself, and at no time did I ever reverse course or change my destination. The WTS has done both on a number of different issues, sometimes resulting in great harm to its followers. When that has occurred, I have never seen any statement of apology or regret from the organization.

    Only when one is in pursuit of truth do these gross missteps of the WTS become evident. Like so many others, I accepted the false logic of the Society. Glib pronouncements and artfully contrived arguments dulled my own critical thinking faculties. It was only when I made the determination to get out that I began to think and see clearly again. As long as I was convinced that Jehovah's Witnesses had "the truth" and the WTS was "Jehovah's organization", there was no way I could penetrate their smokescreen. I am glad that I have finally done so.

  • garyneal


    Can't say for certain whether or not you are Alice In Wonderland or if you truly are someone who is studying to become a witness or has a wife who is a witness (at least I think you said something like that).

    If you are just someone who's spouse is in it and you listen to them and think that they are a harmless Christian, then I can empathize. I use to be you. So I will say this:

    Did you read jwfacts response? Your New Light TM argument can be applied to any religion that claims to have God's backing. As others have already pointed out, this came from the Adventists who similarly used it to whitewash their failed prophesies concerning dates. Would the Watchtower allow similar latitude with other religions? Have you heard of that 'drop of poison' reasoning that the Watchtower gives concerning other religions? If most of their teachings are correct but SOME of their teachings are wrong, then it is like drinking water with a drop of poison. It will still make you sick.

    If the Watchtower gets something wrong (like 1914) then it is just wrong, plain and simple. No amount of 'New Light' whitewashing will change the fact that the Watchtower was simply wrong. If they get at least one of their teachings wrong, is this not that 'drop of poison?' Why be so trusting of ALL their teachings?

    Rank and file Jehovah's Witnesses have a hard choice, accept all the Watchtower teachings or accept none of them. No middle ground is allowed by the organization. My wife tried it, it is not allowed. Why would anyone with any reasoning capabilities accept them so readily?

  • sabastious
    You are spot on. New Light is completely reasonable as justification for a religion teaching crap. The only pitfall to your argument is that since every religion claims to be representatives of God, all religions can invoke this shallow excuse as applicable to themselves.

    The Watchtower always talks up God in their articles. They have full 3 part articles about God's "cardinal attributes": love, justice wisdom and power. The New Light Doctine/Policy doesn't line up with the principals of love, justice, wisdom or power... let alone be the policy of an entity perfect in application of such attributes!

    God is not confusing. If a religion doesn't make sense... move on. If they ever tell you that their doctrine is sometimes "beyond the scope of human understanding" run the other way as far as you can and don't look back.


  • Finally-Free

    Old light, new light, diffused light, flickering light; it's all the same. It's all the same crap if the underlying content remains unchanged.

  • Spade

    Quendi said, "Like so many others, I accepted the false logic of the Society."

    What false logic?

    What Jehovah’s Witnesses do is direct people to God's Word, a book that many say contains a unified message from God to man. A book(s) isn't strictly the object of their devotion, but their study materials are built around this.

    w05 2/15 p. 6 Miracles That You Have Seen!

    No book enjoys such a wide circulation as does the Bible. Do you see in it a miracle? Can we attribute its existence to a “supernatural agency”? True, the Bible is a book written down by humans, but they claimed to have expressed the thoughts of God, not their own.(2 Samuel 23:1, 2; 2 Peter 1:20, 21) Think of it. They were some 40 individuals, living over a span of 1,600 years. They came from backgrounds as varied as those of shepherds, military men, fishermen, civil servants, physicians, priests, and kings. Yet, they were able to convey a unified message of hope that is both truthful and accurate.

    I know a lot of it, but I've never read the Bible from cover to cover. A mistaken viewpoint doesn't change what the Bible says, make it untruthful or inaccurate. I've read much of the Watchtower Society's early literature. It's all well written, put together and its aim is seamless conformity to God's Word. If you examine it under a microscope you'll find an error(s). That's why many books have revisions.

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