Do yo know your options - Jan KM 2011 Answers?

by Sharpie 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • OnTheWayOut

    What is the main reason why Jehovah witnesses refuse blood tranfusions

    The Watchtower says to do it.

    When it comes to medical care, what do JW's desire?

    Whatever Watchtower says they desire. OR A pipe dream for the future described in the Watchtower so medical care today is irrelevant.
    What basic rights do patients have?

    The right to do as Watchtower tells them to do.

    Why is it rational and responsible to choose tranfusions alternatives?

    That way, you are obeying Watchtower.

    When severe blood loss occurs, what 2 urgent priorities do doctors have?

    Keep Watchtower from suing them. Ask the hospital liason committee what the JW should allow.

    What are 4 principles of transfusions alternative strategies?

    Know what Watchtower says before the emergency.
    Have your "No Blood" card from Watchtower.
    Demand that the hospital liason committee speak for you.
    Die before violating the Watchtower.

    How do doctors -
    -Minimize blood loss
    -Conserve red blood cells?
    -Stimulate blood production
    -Recover lost blood?

    They must follow the procedures in a Watchtower pamphlet.

    Describe the procedures known as - Hemodilution and Cell savage

    As a window-washer, a JW will just read it. Better yet, their 8-year-old will read it and everyone will act like they understand it.

    What should you want to be informed about regarding any tranfusion alternatives?

    Does it violate Watchtower commands?

    Can serious and complicated surgeries be performed without the use of blood tranfusions

    According to Watchtower, they can.

    What postive development is taking place wihtin the medical community?

    Watchtower is telling them how to care for JW's.
  • sd-7
    What is the main reason why Jehovah witnesses refuse blood tranfusions

    Here's the Society-approved answer that won't get you in trouble:

    "They do so in harmony with the Bible's command at Acts 15:28, 29, which tells us to "abstain from blood". Blood is to be viewed as sacred and used only for the purpose of atoning for sins. Therefore, true Christians seek to please Jehovah God, the Originator of life, by rejecting blood transfusions."

    When it comes to medical care, what do JW's desire?

    "Jehovah's Witnesses desire the best in medical care for themselves and their children. This is why they seek the aid of medical professionals. However, they exercise their right to refuse any medical treatment that requires them to take blood or to otherwise break God's laws."

    What basic rights do patients have?

    "Patients have the right to refuse medical treatments if such a treatment goes against their conscientious wishes."

    Why is it rational and responsible to choose tranfusions alternatives?

    "Because there are many risks associated with blood transfusions, such as the body rejecting the blood, infections such as HIV and hepatitis, and the risk of human error in giving a patient the wrong blood type."
    When severe blood loss occurs, what 2 urgent priorities do doctors have?

    "First, stop the bleeding, and second, stimulate blood cell production."

    ...I don't remember off the top of my head about the procedures themselves...

    Can serious and complicated surgeries be performed without the use of blood tranfusions?

    "Yes. The video shows a heart operation on an infant that was performed successfully without the use of blood."

    What postive development is taking place wihtin the medical community?

    "More and more doctors are seeking ways to perform surgery without the use of blood."

    ...That ought to cover it. See, I could go back at any time. I'm practically still in, up here.


  • Listener

    Have they addressed the problem of being in a country that is not so sophisticated with medical treatment? There would be many third world countries where alternatives would not be possible, so how do they address that for JWs living their or on holidays?

  • AnnOMaly


    At Km school it was mentioned that many publishers have not filled out the advance medical directive and that is why we receive such timely reminders. Can you blame someone for not filling out a legal document based on a nonsensical religious interpretation?

    When these long forms were given out to everyone years ago, I couldn't fill mine in - too confusing. On what scriptural grounds could my conscience accept one blood-based treatment while rejecting another blood-based treatment? This was one of the catalysts that got me thinking. Reading WT articles and guidelines on it confused me more and raised more questions. Online, JW apologists were shouting one thing while critics were shouting another. In the end, I thought 'Hang it, ignore everyone and just get back to the Bible.' Once I did that - and it took a little while to reason it out (shake off the JW conditioning and come at it afresh) - it was clear to me that there was something seriously awry in the WT's reasoning. I've learned so much more about it since, but that was enough to decide that I'd never fill one of those forms in.

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