
by FirstLastName 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • FirstLastName

    Hello – this is my first post, so I will introduce myself. I have been lurking for some time and really have enjoyed reading the board so I decided to join.

    I was born in and lived a dutiful JW existence for 20 some years until my JW husband decided to be a drug dealer/addict and become physically/emotionally abusive. After asking the elders for help, they told me I should stay with him. Intuitively I knew that was not a smart move so I left both the religion and the husband. Both were bad influences in my life.

    I will not bore you with all the details but I have since moved on to amazing things in life. I am remarried to a wonderful man, have a great career and real friends. I feel free from the constraints of pressure induced anxiety due to the massive amount of control the religion had on me. That does not mean I became a slut or druggie (as a JW would presume), I am a functioning member of society.

    Thanks to reading this board, I have discovered some fantastic books that gave me many “enlightened” moments. Crisis on Conscience being one.

    I look forward to chatting.

  • Giordano

    Welcome to the board FirstLastName!

  • leavingwt


  • mrsjones5

    Welcome to the board.

  • Hadit

    Welcome! Good for you for trusting your intuition! That is great that you got on with your life and that you are in a supportive relationship.

    Books have certainly been a source of enlightenment for me as well. So nice to be able to read what you want and actually learn and grow. Reading the WT pubs destroys your thinking abilities and independence.

    Nice to have you here! I wish you all the best.


  • wannabefree


    Another positive example of somebody who left "The Truth". Yours will not be an experience related in the pages of The Watchtower or Awake! magazines.

  • Ding


    Glad your life has had such an upturn!

  • snowbird


    Your post is so uplifting!


  • Hairyhegoat

    Great to have you on here! Simon will have to update the server soon as the number of new members is on the up up up !! Unlike my old congregation of geriatrics with only 58 there on sunday just gone.

    Welcome from the..

    HHG in the UK

  • zoiks

    Hello yourself! It's nice to read such a positive introduction.

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