Can you recommend some movies/videos?

by OnTheWayOut 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    "The Village" was surprising! I thought it was a science fiction movie, don't like science fiction, got talked into seeing it. The movie could have been given another name, but that would be giving away too much of the story. I recommend every ex-JW see it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The Invention of Lying. Hmmm....

  • finallysomepride

    now that's a real funny movie

  • Vidiot

    Obvious: Blade Runner, Aliens, The Matrix, Stargate, The Shawshank Redemption.

    Less obvious: The Puppet Masters, Underworld, Clash of the Titans (2010), Dragonslayer.

  • mamochan13

    The Village - I thought about JWs the whole time...

    Der Verdener Worlds Apart...worth seeing. A JW girl who has to choose.

    The Devil's Playground. Really interesting documentary about the Amish. Very reminiscent.

    Also reminiscent, a book by Jody Picoult, Plain Truth. I listen to all my books on audio CD now. This one really brought me back my upbringing...but it was a very positive slant about the Amish and how they view shunning, not as punitive as JWs.

    I'm only touching on JW-related movies, of course.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I can't watch this movie without balling my eyes out.....

    reminds of what my kids must think of me with all the Rumors they heard about me

    ps ..... I've got tears in my eyes from the stupid Trailer!

  • tec

    Well, I'm going to second everyone who is recommending The Village. I loved that movie and there are a lot of parts in it that an ex-jw could relate to (sort of like how well you saw co-relation from Tangled). I also love M.Night Shamalyan... and Signs if you haven't seen that one, is another good one too.


  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Tec is right the Village for JW's Ex or still in ......

    will make you feel ...

    Holy Shit I believed that shit.....

    and I did not use a spoiler alert LOL

  • OnTheWayOut

    I will definitely send on a positive recommendation from you all for THE VILLAGE. I may have to get it myself regardless.


  • Galileo

    The Invention of Lying was going to be my suggestion. It feels a little long in parts but the message is fantastic. Also "Creation" about the philosophical struggle Darwin went through wrestling with the implications of the impact of his theory on religious people, especially is wife. Incredible and widely overlooked movie.

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