The Truth Will Set You Free ? NOT !

by Hairyhegoat 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hairyhegoat

    I have to post this but remember the book study went a long time ago. It's still good comments though.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are always being told how "free" they are. After all, they are free from the false religions of Christendom they are told, free from holidays of all types, free from their non-JW relatives, free from anything and everything that does not involve working for the Watchtower Society!

    One usually equates freedom with choice. This never happens in the ranks of the Jehovah's Witnesses. They are told they are free, but they can never choose options in the Society. What do I mean?

    There is no freedom of worship. Everyone must sing the same songs in a monotone at the Kingdom Hall. No one would dare suggest a song not from Watchtower sources. Headquarters tells them which songs to sing. The individual congregations have no choice. Individual prayers give way to organizational prayers, since their God Jehovah deals with an organization, in preference to individuals. None of the things associated biblically with worship can be found at the Kingdom Hall--no joyous singing, no testifying of God's goodness in one's life, no sharing of answered prayer, in short, no joy. No freedom of worship.

    Moving on to the "public talk" (replacing the term "sermon"), the person instructing the congregation must stick faithfully to his outline provided by the Society. No outside thoughts are permitted. The driest sermon you have ever heard would be roughly the equivalent of the public talk the JW's are subjected to each week. No freedom of thought in the Watchtower Society. Individuality is supressed.

    Following the "public talk", comes the Watchtower Study. The leader asks questions printed on the bottom of the page, and the obedient JW reads off the answers which he has underlined in the paragraph, parroting the Watchtower views. Just try injecting your own ideas or comments, or, heaven forbid, a question, and you will find out how much "freedom" you have! You will be marked as a trouble-maker and never be called on again during the Watchtower Study. You may even find yourselves invited to a committee meeting to have a little talk with the elders over your "rebellious attitude".

    No freedom in the Watchtower Study! The exact same scenario exists at the "book studies" held in various homes during the week. One soon learns to conform, and stifle their individuality.

    Jehovah's Witnesses have no freedom in choosing members of the governing body at headquarters who appear mysteriously by "appointment". Others have now usurped the authority of this once-powerful governing body, and no one is quite sure who has the real power behind the multi-million dollar corporation running the ship. This absolute power trickles down to the District and Circuit Overseers, and through them to the local congregations. Individual JW's have no say in any of this, being told only that they are in a "theocracy" or "rule by God", so trust and obey. No freedom in Leadership. Submit or depart are the only two choices.

    The long arm of the Watchtower control reaches far beyond the Kingdom Hall. You may think you can choose your individual friends, but you can't. "Worldly" friends (non-JW ones) are discouraged, along with non-JW relatives and co-workers. Big brother is watching you! You likewise cannot choose to smoke or not smoke--that decision has been made for you. You cannot choose your own medical treatment--that decision has been made for you also. The claim has now been made that you can choose to receive blood products or not, but if you choose one they do not like, you have disfellowshipped yourself and saved them the trouble! This is not freedom!

    You could be disciplined harshly for such "offenses" as attending a family funeral or wedding in a church, or a family dinner at Thanksgiving or Christmas. Almost all family get-togethers are discouraged, as the Watchtower Society wants to be viewed as your new "family". No wonder there are so many family breakdowns in the ranks of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Even within the family there is no freedom to choose!

    You will not be free to be patriotic to your country in any small degree. You will not be able to stand for the National Anthem of your country. You cannot salute the flag. You cannot support any political party or non-JW organization like service clubs. You cannot be part of the military. You cannot vote. And yet, you are told you are "free" in the Organization!

    Children suffer the most in this totalitarian regime of the Jehovah's Witnesses. They cannot have a normal childhood. Rather than a carefree life growing up, as soon as they can read, they are programmed into a joyless existence of going door-to-door, participating in the meetings at the Kingdom Hall, and becoming small, responsible, adults. They must avoid "worldly" friends at school and not participate in sports, dances, or socializing. They grow up isolated and lonely. In addition to all this, Jehovah's Witness children are at real danger from the pedophiles operating in the congregations. If they do get molested, they must produce two eye-witnesses to the offense or else keep quiet. They are easy targets, being preprogrammed to never question the elders' actions. Six thousand of these victims have gone public with their experiences on the website Children have no freedom in this repressive organization. They are small victims with no voice.

    So, where is this promised freedom in the Watchtower Society? There isn't any! Yet believers are continually told they have freedom in articles such as the April 1, 1992 Watchtower, with this article "True Freedom--From What Source?" The question is answered that if they explicitly obey the Watchtower Society, ( i.e. God's only organization), then they are free!! These deceived ones go home telling each other that they are free because the Watchtower says they are! They embrace their lives of bondage, body and soul, and look to the organization to save them.

    Does not your heart ache for such ones who are prevented from entering into the true freedom that is in Christ. which allows one to have his own individuality and freedom of choice? Please pray for the breaking of the Watchtower hold over these lives, so the captives may go free, and equip yourselves to witness to them at the door.


  • tec

    They are subject to men, and to the rules of those men, and so they are not free. Because those men do not teach the truth, do not even have the Truth to teach. So they are not free from fear, or guilt, or punishment, or judgment, or beatings from their 'teachers'... they are also not free to love or to show mercy to all (even to enemies).

    They are captives.

    Thank you for your post, and your heartfelt cry for us to pray for them. I do pray that they will turn to and hear Christ, who is the Truth who can set them free.


  • designs


    On that premise you can't fully blame the Governing Body for being who they are or for how they see themselves they were just following their Master. Can't change their mind, can't reason with them, thinking they have the right to judge and condemn, well let's see where it all started:

    John 14:6 'I (alone) am the Way and the Truth and the Life. okay nice and magnanimous here, multiple choice Not...

    Matthew 23:38,39 'Look your house is abandoned until you say Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord'. nice one, couldn't tell the real bad guys...

    or Matthew 12:30,31,32 'he who is not with me is against me...everyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven ever' good threat this one...

    So the Society, like most Christian Denominations, are just following Orders From Headquarters. Jesus, Popes, Cardinals, Bishops, Televangelists by the boat load, Greg Laurie and his Cult following, Walter Martin, Pat Robertson, Oral Roberts, Benny Hinn and on it goes, we might even throw in the Apostles of the LDS for good measure just to round things off....

  • foodalls

    I have add this this post...there is a REAL truth, but it will NOT be found in ANY Religion because occording to actual history (Much of which no one knows unless you KNOW WHERE to look) NOTHING we were ever taught by ANY of the 3 components of mankinds educational sources, Rulers(Kings and Political heads)

    Ancient Religions(All religions Christian or Heathen)...Educational Institutions (all levels from grade to Universities) WAS THE we think we know it.

    Sometime between NOW and next year the entire world will learn what TRUTH really is, and it will be comming in "Formal Worldwide Announcements" so that NO ONE misses it!

    And more than likely before the end of THIS YEAR!...and this I can prove beyond ALL doubt! If anyone wants more info about this, I can be reached at my email address at: [email protected]

    This way you will get to see the evidence BEFORE you find it out from MSM...Our salvation and future is FAR more grander than you've been taught by all religion!

  • Lion Cask
    Lion Cask

    Insightful, eloquent and accurate. An absolutely great post, HHG (except for your last paragraph, which almost spoiled it).

  • Lion Cask
    Lion Cask

    Hey, foodalls, they let you out on an afternoon pass?

  • designs

    Wow I can't wait

  • Hairyhegoat

    Foodalls I will have some of what you are drinking ! Codswallop !!


  • foodalls

    WHAT???You think I'm still active with the "BORG"???NO I AM NOT!!!AND SLAP-HAPPY ABOUT LEAVING IT!!! Its just that since leaving about 6 years ago I got involve with some VERY extensive research about ALL religion and was shocked about what I found out!

    Have you ever heard of the "Zeitgeist-Zeitgeist Organization"...if you haven't , got type into youtube search "Zeitgeist-The movie" and watch it...there you will see something very straiking about aLL religion....and thats just the "Tip-of-The-Iceberg' of what else is OUT THERE about a LOT of things!!! Go check it out! then get back with me..because theres a LOT more!!!

  • Hairyhegoat

    Foodalls, I think you may have to much time on your hands! and this is how you came up with these comments. What are you doing on here ?

    I'm not interested in religion since we left the JW'S last year. It's a force for evil in the world that none of us need. Have some fun and get out a bit more because if you are correct you aint got much time left to win the Lottery and spend it! I am on here to help others trapped by the WT and will do everything in my power to expose them as the scum that they are. What's your goal ?


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