Does The "Active Bethelite Sixscreens" Thread Help You Recognize The Watchtower Organization Is "Spying" On You?

by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends


    maybe this is about ratings.....Minimus


    "Johnny the Bethelite goes Bonkers!"..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • thetrueone

    Maybe RICK FERON planted this guy intensionally to draw attention to his newly created web site. !!!!!!!

    Was he just another ex-jws that Rick knew, who helped in organizing this pretentious and deliberate scam ?

    Or is Johnny acting out on his own just to cultivate attention toward himself and to lambaste the organization

    who gave him the boot. He does talk like he's mentally unstable and not all there.

  • minimus

    I don't think Rick would do that intenionally.


    Maybe RICK FERON planted this guy intensionally to draw attention to his newly created web site. !!!!!!!

    I doubt it..Rick just needs a better quality of guest..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • thetrueone

    Really do know him personally ?

    Its already known that this guy acts like General Patton running a army against the WTS.

    Take a good analytical look back at his web site and the things he's done in the past and you might draw similar conclusions.

    Take into account his character and personality and ........ummmmm?

    Is it just coincidence that Jonny the Bethelite appeared just at the same time Sixscreens got a new facelift.

  • koolaid-man

    Sometimes thetrueone we run ahead and fill in the blanks. It certainly does seem odd that Johnny appears at the precise time the new up dated version of The Six Screens of the Watchtower website is released. Let me assure you that this is strictly coincidental and not fabricated.

  • thetrueone

    One thing that can be said confidently that Jonny has been saying things that does not coincide with the typical operations

    of the WTS., which excites suspicion that he's not presenting all the truth.

  • clarity


    To be honest, at this point I'm not clear about this Johnny thing. Maybe no one is.

    But what I don't think is fair .... is the punitive put downs and character assassination of you, Rick Ferron.

    I don't claim to be that up to date, but seems to me that you are one of "our own" as it were. ExBethelite, I think, worked with Randy Watters and so on...........

    Of course we are very free now, to say exactly what we think (thank god, we're free at last)!

    In this case, perhaps it would be a wise course for all of us, if we cannot be kind, then at least don't beat our friends to death!



  • clarity


  • brotherdan

    I think Rick is trying to be helpful and honest. I've given advice before on one of the other threads on what I think would make the calls more effective. But I don't believe for a second that Rick is trying to decieve anyone. We should stop the accusations when we don't know what we are talking about. That being said, I don't believe "Johnny" for a second. Especially after the 2nd call.

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