Talking with JW Elders possibly..

by bradford 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Heaven

    Yeah screw all that. Already called and said "no thanks." No point wasting any time talking. I'm walking away.

    bradford, I have to agree with you. If you've decided to leave, just leave. You don't need the agony of going through the JW's BS processes of shepherding, DAing, or DFing you. Just live your life. I wish you all the best.

  • XkhanX
    I prepared our DA letter and pass to one of the elder, let's call him SC. He keep insisting that our meet up included another elder A. I said no. Elder SC is elderly. Just lost his job n juggling to raised a young kid. He is sad that I and my wife DA. We have to as 20 years ago same elders asked me to resign from the churches to baptize as a JW. We just want to be clear in our stand and cut ties with an Org that had departed from practicing the Biblical Truth. Days later BOE called me again to ask if we wana DA. We are put on speaker mode and we said YES. We are finally freed n no more harassment by concerned bros n sis trying to encourage us in the midst of their FS time ( our rest time). Freed at last. We love our weekends with so many fun things to do. We used to dread it due to the repetitive WT meeting n HH knocking on empty doors.
  • Vidiot

    IMO, no matter how calm, reasonable, rational, and just plain right you may be, your decision to leave will never be regarded by loyalist JWs as justified.

  • FayeDunaway

    Xkhanx, yes! Jw kids may be the only kids in the world who actually like weekdays better than weekends :/. I know I preferred going to school to knocking on doors and sitting through meetings. Weekends were the worst. they steal every bit of pleasure they can steal from you. Any free day you have, you feel guilty if you don't go out in service and do the most agonizing thing you can possibly do with your time!!

    now I say, thank god for weekends!!!

    as for us on the forums....I came back cuz I was curious about how the witnesses were handling 1914 these days, since it's been over a hundred years. I stayed because I saw that there's lots of people who need support, and I could have really used it myself when I was leaving as well. Plus it's fun to socialize with other ex jws.

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