CO will sit in on my "study" this week: any suggestions?

by InterestedOne 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • chickpea

    i would ask

    "so how many child molesters have you dealt with in your tenure as a company man?
    i am not asking for names or details, just wondering how many are out there in your
    personal experience.... oh, and how many people are you actively shunning at the moment?
    how do you keep track of them? what exactly is the right technique, a haughty smirk or a
    sad soulful lip quiver? i would appreciate pointers in technique so i am sure to convey that
    loving correction artfully...."

  • wasblind

    Hey ChickPea,

    I'll give them the sad soulful lip quiver, but I would be haughty as hell on the inside

  • bobld

    NEVER.NEVER,NEVER try to dispute their (WT) ideas or their beliefs of the bible.You will get nowhere.Total waste of time.INSTEAD.

    Ask questions such as:What happens after I get baptised and I disagree with the Faithful Slave/GB?What happens when one mate is not in the truth,Can they take their children to their church every Sunday?Can they take their children to Xmas parties or participate in sports?What about employment can I work on a Catholic church?What if my un-JW mate wants me to go to church.Can I give blood since JW say it is ok to take /steal someone elses blood fraction?

    Questions them on things that will drive them crazy.


  • peacefulpete

    Keep you head down but ask genuine questions like why in 1 Pete 3:18 do some translations read "raised/quickened BY the spirit" not IN the spirit? The Greek doesn't help but they will likely spend time trying to persuade you. Ask why do they use this as the key text if it can be translated differently?

    Why does Act 13:33 say Jesus became Gods son when he resurrected him?

    Why does 1 Cor 15:5 say Jesus appeared to Cephus then to the '12' when Judas was dead and no replacement was yet made?

    Why does Psm 16:9-10 say that the writer was sure of his safety and would not be given TO Sheol or see the pit ( as many translations read) when Jesus WAS given to Sheol and saw the pit? The LXX paraphased it 'corruption'. (Their use and the NT use depends upon a nuanced reading not in the Hebrew nor context of Ps.)

    These three questions are from the first paragraph. What I'm getting at is simply to read the scriptures in their context and do a small amount of digging so that you can raise intelligent but sincere questions of application. You will be encouraged to be patient for answers and move on. How you respond to that is up to you.

  • factfinder

    @peacefulpete-I never noticed that before in 1 Cor.15:5- the twelve, but Judas was dead. Excellent question!

  • factfinder

    Hi InterstedOne!- there are so many good points posted here. It is true that if you disagree with the jw teachings your friend will view you as a bad associate and will not socialize with you. If you come across as an apostate she will shun you. Best thing I can think of is just listen, don't object, come up with a reason why you can no longer continue the study ( not because you disagree). Remain friendly with her, let her preach to you. Of course she may still decide to keep contact with you to a minimum if you cancell the study, but if you can come up with a legitimate sounding reason, then still act interested and listen to her without objecting, perhaps she will remain friendly towards you. But if you do let her know you don't accept what the jws are saying, she will consider you someone she needs to keep at a distance. If you are hoping to date her, your only chance is to accept what the witnesses teach you, go to meetings and become a JW. And you'd have to be a zealous, faithful witness! So the truth is like others are posting here- you are in an impossible situation. Forget about dating her. It is not likely to happen.

  • Gerard

    Run away and never look back.

    IBut I guess you are falling for her, and your heart says: "Not without a fight". Well, your female friend does not want an "informed decision" on why you rather "pass" on her cult. Her duty is to recruit followers, so if you looked into joining and then say "no thanks" you will be as good as bird food to her. You have to realize that her parameters of reality and her PROGRAMMED priorities are waaaaaaay out there.

    Don't underestimate the mind control of this religious cult. To her, you are the one in mortal danger and she does not want a savior, other than Jehovah. Common sense from your part will not wake her up, and your educated reasons to reject or critic The Truth©®™ will trigger implanted phobias and fears that activate circular thinking in favor of the Mother Organization....and away from you.

    But I guess you just have to experience it by yourself. Then, breathe deep and move on.

  • Gerard

    (duplicate post)

  • peacefulpete

    Wow, I didn't know the background info regarding the girl. You're being dishonest and naive. Sorry. By insisting you convert to her religion before considering dating you, she has already told you you are not as important as her church leadership's opinion, that will never change.

  • InterestedOne

    @ peacefulpete - Please bear with me as I come to grips with the situation I have gotten into. I have been up front with her and the study conductor all along. I let them know it looks like a cult to me, and with each chapter of the "Bible study," I let the conductor know when I think the verses could be understood differently. The PO sat in on one of the studies, and when I was pointing out how the verse could be interpreted differently, he said, "at least you know how we see it." I said I'm fine with expressing my opinion and moving along in the study to become literate in their worldview. I never expressed any desire to -become- a JW. Ultimately, when I decide to stop the study, if my female friend decides to shun me simply for disagreeing with their interpretations (which supposedly they are "humble" enough to admit have been flawed in the past), that is on her. This whole "bad association" thing is news to me and I appreciate everyone warning me about it. It adds another dimension to the situation, and I'm still mentally processing it. I'm not some guy trying to mack some chick. I do find her attractive, but I also consider her a friend I care about. If possible, I want to be a voice of reason in her life. Even if she shuns me, I would let her know I'm available to talk about it intelligently if she ever has doubts.

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