The story of JRK aka JK666-Part One

by JRK 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • JRK

    THE STORY OF JRK , a.k.a JK666

    I came out of the birth canal a normal kid, I guess. Unfortunately, my mother was studying to become one of Jehovah's Witnesses at the time. I didn't know it then, but I found out later in life. Life was no bowl of cherries from that point forward.

    I truly love my mother. She is the epitome of what a JW should be; extremely devout, and a truly caring person to all people who experience hard times. She is the Guardian Angel of those oppressed by the tyrannical Elders and the tough world that they live in. But she still is completely bamboozled by the ORGANIZATION.

    My father, on the other hand, was a very cunning and manipulating man. He never became one of Jehovah's Witnesses, but used my mother's beliefs to benefit himself as much as he could.

    I basically was raised a young man among women. I had two older sisters, and my mother, against the EVIL ONE, which was my father. I had an extremely abusive upbringing with my Dad. He beat me repeatedly. As I was the only son, I received the brunt of his wrath.

    To give him a little break here, he was brought up in a totally dysfunctional family. His mother was a total bitch and extremely abusive. His father beat him as a child, and it carried on in family tradition down to me. All because his mother liked him too much.

    I was born in the mid 50's. Crazy shit was buried for the most part. Nobody wanted to hear that stuff; everyone was supposed to be the Cleavers. I didn't speak up.

    As a kid, I felt refuge at the KH. I had friends there, and I felt like I fit in. I didn't know until later years, that there was a difference between divided families and the true royalty of the organization. I didn't know I was a "sub-class."

    I was "inculcated" by my mother. She believed the teachings; hook, line, and sinker. She was a true believer. She was the most loving person in my life, so why wouldn't I believe what she told me. I bought in to the extreme!

    I went to the door for the first time by myself when I was 5 years old, and place the magazines on the first time out. I gave my first talk when I was six years old. That was pretty extreme in 1962!

    Things started going awry shortly after this time period. It almost sounds like I am on the fast track to become a "company man." The actions of congregation servants (before the elder arrangement) gave me a clue, and a preview of how the organization is screwed up.

    So much for part one . . .

    JRK a.k.a. JK666

  • OnTheWayOut

    Hey, thanks for sharing. Nighty-night, bud.

  • 3Mozzies

    Thanks for part 1 to your story JK666 Looking forward to part 2 . . .

    I went to the door for the first time by myself when I was 5 years old, and place the magazines on the first time out. I gave my first talk when I was six years old. That was pretty extreme in 1962!

    Wow, that IS extreme!


  • Lozhasleft

    Thank you JRK...interesting...waiting for the next instalment...

    Loz x

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Fumbles the popcorn

  • flipper

    JK- Very well written ! I understand what you went through being raised from infancy up in this mind control org. Interesting point you make about divided families being viewed as another " sub class " as compared to JW families with both mates in the witnesses. I'm so sorry your dad beat you, but I'm glad you and your mom have stayed close all these years. Nice story. I look forward to the others bro

  • JRK

    Does anyone really give a shit about this or not? If not, I will not continue this painful saga. If it doesn't benefit anyone, it sure as hell doesn't help me to relive a total crock of shit.

    If you want me to continue with my teen years, I will struggle on.


  • OnTheWayOut

    I would love for you to continue. I would love to hear it. But don't let me pressure you.

  • 3Mozzies
    If you want me to continue with my teen years, I will struggle on.

    Thank you for continuing...

    Here are the links for others who might of missed the next instalments:

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    It's a great story.

    Very different to mine, even though it is in the same era.

    My kids were raised with one in & one out too, and we never talk about it as they are still under WT influence, so it is interesting to hear how my kids might have seen things. Mine were 'Golden Boys' too. One still is.

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