No More Life Story

by Farkel 96 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Farkel



    :Where are you posting it? Freeminds?

    I'm going to be discussing it in the next few days with friends of you and me. I'll tell when I decide.

    It pisses me off that I even have to go through hoops just to tell a story, but because of some assholes in here, that is what I have to do.

    I hope the assholes in here enjoy their accomplishments. Want me to name them to everyone in here again? I'm SURE they love the fame I will give them when I give them attention again! I'm absolutely positive they will revel in the adulation they will get from that. One of them lamely apologized and pleaded to (basically) "just make it go away."


    "I will hunt you and taunt you to the deepest depths of hell and torment you until you rot and die." Well, I really won't do that at all, but it sounded good for a melodramatic short story I would never write.

    I write about dub stuff.


  • wobble

    Dear Farkel,

    Just never stop cutting through the B.S and smacking some sense into us on here, boy we need you !

    I don't care if you step on some toes, they shouldn't put their bloody great feet in your way, the only gripe I have about you is you often say what I wish I had said, and even if I do have a thought on a par with yours ,you beat me to the post, you old bugger.

    (As you seem a sensitive soul, I will explain that "You old bugger" is a term of affection and respect in my household, I am sure it must be as my kids call me that all the time)

  • dontplaceliterature


    [edited for breach of Posting Guidelines - Lady Lee]

  • shamus100

    ** strokes and nurtures Farkies' ego **

    "Yes, good ego, good ego... good boy! Wanna cracker? Good boy! ;D Good boy! ;D " ** bark bark **

  • VoidEater

    Huh. Having been on the receiving end of one or two of Fark's barbs over the years, I'm shocked (shocked, I tell you!) at this turn of events.

    Not that I would dissuade or blame. I'm just surprised.

    PS - would love to read more of The Story.

  • pirata
    :Where are you posting it? Freeminds?
    I'm going to be discussing it in the next few days with friends of you and me. I'll tell when I decide.

    Waiting patiently for your story...

  • pirata

    Before I die I want to read your story. And with the end just around the corner, you better hurry up!

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