Silentlambs potential for Hollywood film

by Derrick 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Derrick
    Don't you think it should be a "historically correct" film, Rick?
    You know like "Prince of Egypt"?

    Norm, are you being facetious or finally willing to admit this film is truly "historically correct"? Have you seen the short documentary on the making of Prince of Egypt (DVD released version)? In it Spielberg who is Jewish is interviewed, and expresses that he wanted this film to be historically accurate in every respect. Scholars throughout the world worked with Mr. Spielberg and company to ensure the film's historical integrity. That is why it is an excellent film for young children, because they are both being entertained and given a lesson in history.

    I want to point out that just because a film is animated (artistically, beautifully so!) does NOT mean it's not "historically correct"! This especially holds true with this excellent film.


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)


    Can you see the leading 'ladies' of Sex & the City portraying haughty, self-rightous, gossipping, JW sisters? Wouldn't that really get the proverbial 'goat' of the society? I'd have the popcorn ready.


    Can you see the leading 'ladies' of Sex & the City portraying haughty, self-rightous, gossipping, JW sisters? Wouldn't that really get the proverbial 'goat' of the society? I'd have the popcorn ready.

  • Mulan

    Anthony Hopkins is too old to play Bill Bowen, and so are Harrison Ford and Tommy Lee Jones. He is only mid 40's, guys. But Tommy Lee has the same look as Bill......very close actually. But, the similarity in looks isn't what lands a role. Julia Roberts looks NOTHING like the real Erin Brockovich.

    I like the idea, but agree the scene described by Derrick isn't accurate. More molesting is done by Dad's, stepfathers, and family friends.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers


    Mulan, you are so right. Hopkins does play sinister roles exceptionally well, so I'm sure he could still land a major role. What do you think about my idea of the SEX & the City gals portraying JW sisters. Could you see them going to the meetings, out in service, doing Bible studies with the JWs, so they could get they could get the feel of their roles. Wouldn't that be a hoot & a holler? More popcorn please.

  • TMS


    But Tommy Lee has the same look as Bill......very close actually. But, the similarity
    Actually, I was thinking partly of looks when suggesting Tommy Lee. But, also a certain earnestness and drive.


  • Derrick
    What do you think about my idea of the SEX & the City gals portraying JW sisters. Could you see them going to the meetings, out in service, doing Bible studies with the JWs, so they could get they could get the feel of their roles. Wouldn't that be a hoot & a holler?

    Actually that could really add some comic relief to balance what could spiral into an extremely grim scenario. The funny part about what you say is that there are many sisters in the congregations -- all looking to marry on the basis that "it is better to marry than to be inflamed with passion" as Paul said -- who are exactly like those hilarious vixens on that television series as you described! They always sit toward the front and let their long shining hair adorned with sparkling hair jewelry fall behind the seats. One sisters hair was so long that a brother seated behind her accidently set his foot on it. You should have seen it, her trying to pull her head forward and the wide-eyed look for shock on her face, it was a hoot.


    To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
    And Eternity in an hour.

    -- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)

  • Norm
    Norm, are you being facetious or finally willing to admit this film is truly "historically correct"?

    Sigh.I rest my case Rick.


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