Some observations from the KM Elder School I wanted to share with you.

by miseryloveselders 139 Replies latest jw friends

  • jay88

    Get well man!


    Hey Misery..

    Dam you getting good at this..Good thread..

    The most offensive part about it was this guy is criticizing us for our choices in education, when his entire livelihood is based off of our employment and paychecks!

    Ya..I grew up in the WBT$/JWCult..

    You can`t imagine how many Green Handshakes I`ve seen..

    I`d be over in at another congregation..There was the same CO getting more Green Handshakes..

    Those boys know how to Work the Field..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • nugget

    fascinating reading, they don't need higher education paradise is being created by God's people who needs engineers, biologists, ecologists, architects, physicists, teachers, psychologists, etc.

    I can think of a few elders who may be being reviewed in the near future.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    curiousconfused, my father also had a part on the programme....and was on this site the same week.

    The further up you get in this organization, the better your view is of the man behind the curtain.

  • poopsiecakes

    fascinating reading, they don't need higher education paradise is being created by God's people who needs engineers, biologists, ecologists, architects, physicists, teachers, psychologists, etc.

    Silly Nugget - don't you know that all of these skills will be in the new scrolls? Either that or (I heard) Jehovah will just plant the information in our brains.

    Great thread, Misery!

  • wasblind

    I love observations from the inside

  • Cadellin

    Great post, misery, thanks! Hope you're feeling better.

    The more I hear about their anti-higher ed stance, the more I want to get my Ph.D.--just for spite!!

    Looking forward to further comments, guys...

  • nugget

    poopsiecakes what was I thinking? Lets hope there will be enough people who can read in paradise otherwise elders might just make things up and that would be terrible.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Can't fault the GB for it's consistency . . . anyone in OUR religion is 100% accountable to US. WE are 100% accountable to NOBODY. This is the result of cultural delusion but will never change in my opinion. JW's may well shrink in numbers and breakaway sects may form as a result, but this organisation will never change in this respect. If you are not happy with them THEY WANT YOU TO GO! If you don't like it, best find yourself another religion or get used to being unhappy and unwanted.

  • poopsiecakes

    poopsiecakes what was I thinking? Lets hope there will be enough people who can read in paradise otherwise elders might just make things up and that would be terrible.

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