Ton Ten REASONS why Jehovah's Witnesses simply can't abide reality

by Terry 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    (Can the title be corrected to say? To"P" Ten? as Terry meant?)

    This is point perfect!!! All the bases are covered in this one post. Thanks Terry!


    This one is hard to view from the outside looking in as a spectator:

    3.Social and Personal IDENTITY is expunged and replaced by a collective PERSONA: "Jehovah's Witness".

    a.Private thinking is red-flagged as selfish and sinful.

    b.Personal improvement, welfare and ambition is crushed and door-to-door ministry substituted as "worthy" endeavors.

    c.Self-conscious obsession permeates Witness awareness as each person is transformed into a public spectacle of performance for judgement.

    d.Since you aren't an individual you don't really have a right to fall in love and marry or educate or earn. You are the property of the local Kingdom Hall, the Governing Body and ultimately Jehovah.

    I am currently watching a good person change into the Stepford role of an obedient JW, rapidly losing their individual identity. All the personality is being sucked out of them. Exactly.


    Thanks Z for bringing it back so some of us newbies get to see and benefit from Terry's brillance.

  • soft+gentle

    I came here to see how Terry is doing and what do I find - lol - definitely up and running.

    Terry I so agree with a point reagrding reality you made on p2 post 9967.

    I agree with sbf that true reality is indiscernable but then, as Terry said, reality is what happens to us without us noticing it.

  • Splash

    9.Everything you read, see, experience and think is a distortion by Satan for the purpose of deflecting you from Jehovah's TRUTH.

    At the meeting ast night the study conductor asked "Why do some people we meet on the ministry waste our time?"

    Answer "Because Satan makes them".

  • LV101

    ZIDDDD --- THANKS for pulling this up. I was starting to search late last night and fell asleep.


  • LongHairGal


    I am glad somebody resurrected this good thread.

    I have a comment about No. 9. They feel that "everything you read, see, experience and to deflect you from Jehovah's truth".

    As far as I am concerned, the reality is that it is just the REVERSE! Everything the religion says is to deflect YOU from the reality of the world around you. They want you in a perpetual fantasy land for their own purposes.

    Unfortunately, this is a fantasy you indulge in at your own risk! Lost time cannot be gotten back. Let the buyer beware!

  • ziddina

    Yer welcome, Leaving 101!!

    Oh, and....


  • flipper

    It's really not that complicated to require 10 reasons of why JW's simply can't abide reality. It comes down to one reason- they are all under the influence of cult mind control. They are mentally ill or dysfunctional being controlled that way by the WT society's influence

  • Terry

    Another bump because I like this topic!

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