Paranoid about death and im only 31????

by master chief 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marilyn

    We didn't expect to be here this time. We were quite happly in our state of nothingness prior to being born. I presume being dead is much like that. Against the odds we turn up here on earth. When you think of the chances of that happening, well it's amazing. I guess there's a chance that we could get another bite of the cherry. But if not - you better hurry up and have some kids. Most kids I know are just like their parents. We live on thru our kids. Our kids are our immortality.

    I'm with the previous poster. I think we have to do a good job and be nice people while we are here and hopefully if there is something else some place else, then our good behavior here will count for something.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I agree with a couple of posters above...we are created by a loving Eternal Father...we ourselves are eternal. That which we see, and for most people that which grows old is but a "shell" of our real selves. Consider if you can, all of creation; how everything is so planned out, it is only logical that we, who are created in the image of God are totally taken care of, regardless of what we do here (that's not to say we aren't accountable for our actions). Before I was 20, I had an operation...and without going into the whole story, I had an experience where I knew we 'inhabit' this mortal body - it is just a shell, but an important one for our journey here upon the earth. I wasn't particularly religous at the time. Go on the internet (to Google) and type in NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES. Read the volumes of stories for yourself, with an open mind. There are those that mock such things, as they themselves will not take the time to discover the answers to one life's most puzzling questions (for some).

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