NY Telecom & Wonder Woman 77

by Utopian Reformist 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • LB

    Sorry asshole, can't be getting ignored if you quoted me

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • nytelecom2

    tell me all rednecks arent as slow as you?..please tell me.

  • Utopiano Reformato
    Utopiano Reformato

    To WW77:

    Please accept my apologies, my sincere apologies for laughing at an immature, cruel joke. I am sorry I gave into weakness and let a flaw in my character overtake, even for a moment.

    I am also sorry I made a public admission. So much for shedding skin, seeking growth and attempting raw honesty. Unfortunately, my error in judgment occured at your expense. Again, I am sorry.


    Perhaps you did not laugh. Congratulations. I know for a fact, as the crow flies, there are more of you out there in hiding that did and won't admit the truth. That's fine. At least, for better of for worse, I am proved and known as an honest person and can answer for my mistakes, publicly, without shame or prejudice.

    I hope everyone conscience can afford them the same luxury.

  • Utopiano Reformato
    Utopiano Reformato

    Another note:

    Obesity, diabetes, heart disease and glaucoma are RAMPANT in my immediate family. My mother underwent pace maker surgery only a few months ago and is blind due to glaucoma/cataracts brought on by diabetic complications.

    Now, I didn't think it was necessary to share personal tragedies before making comments. But, I guess depending who is on the board on a particular day, it can be just like the WTBS.

    Remember how overseers criticized individuals who temporarily lapsed in judgment? You've heard this talk before; "brother so-and-so who went to an x-rated movie, so he could see how bad it was, and now he is an authority". Now, if I am criticized for lapsing into honesty, so-be-it.

    I made my personal apologies to WW77 and bear no malice toward anyone. The matter is forgotten with me, if it is with everyone else, most importantly WW77.

  • HappyHeathen

    People like you are one of the reasons I left the borg. Your "concern" stems from a need to be superior -- you're judgmental and arrogant, assuming that you can talk down to any JW who is subordinate to you (all women and children and males in a lower position than yours). "Worldly" people you can treat like trash because to you we're just vulture food. Don't try to con us by telling us you're concerned about one of us! If the WT told you to shoot us in the street, you'd be standing in the line at the local gun store right now.

    I get the picture now -- you're one of those incredibly narcissistic assholes who hang out at the gym all the time.



  • nytelecom2
    People like you are one of the reasons I left the borg. Your "concern" stems from a need to be superior -- you're judgmental and arrogant,

    I think I may have addressed this earlier, but my memory sometimes fails. I think the reason you left the "borg" is you purposely
    misunderstood concern for this need to feel superior. Were people
    always talking about you? Were the elders always looking down on you?
    Did the talks given from the platform sound a little to "high and mighty"?..please if you left because of the faults of your then brothers .you didnt need to be there in the first place.

    I get the picture now -- you're one of those incredibly narcissistic assholes who hang out at the gym all the time.
    actually you dont get the picture at all.....this belief
    that "i hang out the gym all the time"...simply confirms
    the stereotype most lurkers probably have about antis...you speak ith
    where you have only partial knowledge..you will be happy to
    know that my time in the gym is less than 2-3 hours a week..with
    proper nutrition and proper training one does not need waste time
    at the gym.......you just go schooled hheathen...how does it feel??
    introduce yourself to your classmates......jdubby, ldh, and iananaanoaoa
  • wonderwoman77

    utopian...thank you for the apology...

    as for me I am done with this topic. If you cannot accept me for who I am, then that is your problem, you are missing out on one great oppurtunity to know a fantastic young lady that has survived tragedies and has come out on top. I have made my way through graduate school and will be successful!!!!!

  • ianao


    last but not least I see.

    Wow. I'm glad to leave an impression on you. You really should touch up on your spelling though.

  • hillary_step
    acutally when i walk up to people, i talk about my first concern..the kingdom of God

    Doesn't this belong on the penis thread?

    Strange that people should name their organs, but then it takes all sorts.


  • LDH

    BWAHAHAHAHA good one HS.

    Better than that over-used "Johnson," at any rate.

    No interest in the Kingdom of God Class

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